Custom Profile Field Mod

Started by winrules, March 30, 2006, 02:21:25 PM

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1.14 default theme

I rescripted the mod setting but im still having this same problem.  I must have a mod conflicting with it.  I have 5 fields, but when I go to add a new one, and type the information (field name, description, etc) on a new field and hit save, it still shows unnamed field.  I cant edit the text or anything.

Where is this editing process in what file to fix this? 



I try to install Custom Profile Field Mod 3.17 on SMF 1.1.4.

If hit Apply Mod on Modification Packages it looks good.

1. Execute Modification ./Sources/ModSettings.php Test successful
2. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/Profile.template.php Test successful
3. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/Display.template.php Test successful
4. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/PersonalMessage.template.php Test successful
5. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/Register.template.php Test successful
6. Execute Modification ./Sources/Register.php Test successful
7. Extract File ./Sources/CustomProfile.php 
8. Extract File ./Themes/default/languages/CustomProfile.english.php

also if I install the mod

The package was installed successfully.

But, after the installation I cant find the mod and it is not listed under Installed Packages

I use the english default theme.

thanks for your support



have you checked which language you are using?

You might need to chack your forum language settings:

Go to ACP>Server Settings and set your forum language to English and not English utf8 and to ACP>Features and Options>Basic Settings and uncheck Enable user-selectable language support

see if it turns up then


Hi perplexed

Default Forum Language was German but in the Administrator User Profil changed to English.
For a test, I changed the default forum language to english. But I still can't find the menu item.

How can I modify my theme and the german language file for using the mod?

many thanks, sven


Custom Profile Field Mod translate in French

The attached file id an english and french version of the mod.

Custom Profile Field Mod traduit en Français

Le fichier joint est une version anglaise et française du paquet.

Gerard L.


Quote from: xooops on March 25, 2008, 10:25:40 AM
Hi perplexed

Default Forum Language was German but in the Administrator User Profil changed to English.
For a test, I changed the default forum language to english. But I still can't find the menu item.

How can I modify my theme and the german language file for using the mod?

many thanks, sven

did you change the language to english in Admin panel > server settings?  Check that and make sure you can see the options first


Hi perplexed

yes, it's set to english. What do you mean with " you can see the options first "
I alo tried to install a second time with the english settings. But still the same.

thanks, sven



i am trying to uninstall CP, because have installes Ultimate profile and CP does not show now in the menu anymore. So probably UP have overwritten CP.

Anyway, i now get the message :

./Sources/ModSettings.php     Test mislukt   (dutch)

i have the following mods installed:

1.     Ultimate Profile      0.8       [ Deïnstalleer ]  [ Overzicht bestanden ]  [ Verwijderen ]
2.    Custom Profile Field Mod    3.17    [ Deïnstalleer ] [ Overzicht bestanden ] [ Verwijderen ]
3.    Profile Comments    1.3.6    [ Pas mod toe ] [ Overzicht bestanden ] [ Verwijderen ]
4.    TinyPortal    0.983    [ Deïnstalleer ] [ Overzicht bestanden ] [ Verwijderen ]
5.    Temporary fix    0.5    [ Overzicht bestanden ] [ Verwijderen ]
6.    Load Standard Language    1.0.1    [ Deïnstalleer ] [ Overzicht bestanden ] [ Verwijderen ]
7.    Language File Compare    1.0.1    [ Deïnstalleer ] [ Overzicht bestanden ] [ Verwijderen ]
8.    Signature Dropdown Choices    1.0    [ Deïnstalleer ] [ Overzicht bestanden ] [ Verwijderen ]
9.    SMF 1.1.4 Search "brd" Bug Fix (1.0.1)    1.0.1    [ Deïnstalleer ] [ Overzicht bestanden ] [ Verwijderen ]
10.    Enhanced Quick Reply Box 2.0.2    2.0.2    [ Pas mod toe ] [ Overzicht bestanden ] [ Verwijderen ]
11.    User Control Panel By Alan S    2.0

Can anyone help me?

Sorry for my poor English, but i think it's probably better then your Dutch :)


because you have installed other mods over the CPF mod, you will have to manually uninstall certain sections of the CPF mod.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Oh Great  :(

Would you possibly know what to erase?

Sorry for my poor English, but i think it's probably better then your Dutch :)


Quote from: Lafemme on March 26, 2008, 04:22:24 PM<br />Oh Great <img src="" border="0" alt="" title="" onresizestart="return false;" id="smiley_1_sad.gif" style="padding: 0 3px 0 3px;" /><br /><br />Would you possibly know what to erase?<br /><br /><br />

not a clue... it would all depend on what won't automatically uninstal.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Well, it seems that the only thing that fails is the ModSettings.php page.
Sorry for my poor English, but i think it's probably better then your Dutch :)


I've been trying to download this mod but it keeps saying "The package you are trying to download or install is either corrupt or not compatible with this version of SMF." We're running Forum version: SMF 1.1.4. any help would be appreciated. Cheers

Jed C

i have installed Custom Profile Field Mod 3.17  on SMF 1.1.4 and can create the field i want (real name)
but is there a way of hiding this field from everyone except certain members group.
i have searched every were and found this
but the link that points to just confuses me  :-[
is this the only way of doing what i want ?


How's come I don't get any Line Breaks or Carraige Returns in a Text Area?

It all just runs together.

Input from Edit field:
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.

Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.

Result in Profile Summary:
Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail.


1.14 default

whenever I make a new field and type in the field name and hit save, it still shows up as unnamed field.  Can someone help?


Quote from: kota069 on March 31, 2008, 01:54:19 PM
How's come I don't get any Line Breaks or Carraige Returns in a Text Area?

It all just runs together.

Input from Edit field:
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.

Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.
Unable to reach Gmail.

Result in Profile Summary:
Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail. Unable to reach Gmail.

try checking the 'parse bbc' box in the custom profile field and that will accept BB code so you can format like you do with posts


Hi perplexed

i'm still struggling :-(

thanks, sven


Quote from: xooops on March 26, 2008, 02:05:09 PM
Hi perplexed

yes, it's set to english. What do you mean with " you can see the options first "
I alo tried to install a second time with the english settings. But still the same.

thanks, sven

In Admin panel > features and option page there should be a selection of tabs similar to this

           Basic Features             Layout and Options            Custom Profile Fields

What I meant was see if you can see this option with forum set to English.

You will need to edit the mod if you want to use German language.  See on this page what this member has done for French language (see the attached file above)

Quote from: MagicG on March 26, 2008, 03:52:28 AM
Custom Profile Field Mod translate in French

The attached file id an english and french version of the mod.

Custom Profile Field Mod traduit en Français

Le fichier joint est une version anglaise et française du paquet.


Hi perplexed


I would like use this mod with english language (first).
I only see Basic Features | Layout and Options | Karma under Admin panel > features and option page

i'm wondering why I can't see the mod under "Installed Packages". is that ok?

thanks, sven
