Custom Profile Field Mod

Started by winrules, March 30, 2006, 02:21:25 PM

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You just need to emulate your version while installing this mod; when you are at package manager add this at the end of the url...


The mod works properly with SMF 1.1.3 once you have used this method to install it.

You will have to manually edit the mod into your theme in the usual way:

You may also find the following helpful:

Chantal Matar


I have just installed the mod - all fine, but am a little confused as to what to do now.  I have a PS3 forum and want to add a field under members avatar's 
'PS3 Network ID:'.

I tried doing it and nothing has shown up, so can someone go through it with me please?

Do I want a Text, Text Area, Check Box or Selection Box?  I am assuming text. (Is there anywhere that explains what everything means?)

Name: PS3 Network ID:

Field Description:

Parse BBC?: What does this mean?  Do I need it?

Text to display before field (BBC is ok if enabled above):

Text to display after field (BBC is ok if enabled above):

Field ID: 

Add a horizontal rule before field?
On both? Not sure whether I need this option or not. I don't even know what this means.

Only allow admins to edit field?

Only allow admins to view field?

What does it mean exactly?

When I saved and checked profiles and posts there was nothing there.  Shouldn't this field appear in the members profile, and once they've entered the data show up in their profile bpx?

Nothing is showing anywhere. Please help!


All the fields seem rather self-explanatory.

Name of the new field

Field Description: ?
Description of the new field

Parse BBC?:
Allow users to enter bulletin board code (BBC) into this field? Thus allowing images, colour changes, font size, etc.

Text to display before field (BBC is ok if enabled above):   ?
Display this text before showing the contents of the field.

Text to display after field (BBC is ok if enabled above):  ?
Display this text after showing the contents of the field.

Field ID: 

Add a horizontal rule before field?
Do you want a horizontal line to diplay before the field? (i.e. a separator?)

Only allow admins to edit field?

Only allow admins to view field?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Chantal Matar

Thanks for replying Kindred, that's what I thought it meant, yet nothing is showing up when I fill these fields in and save.  Is it only me?

Text to display before field (BBC is ok if enabled above): 
I put   'PS3 Network ID:'

Once you save it, what's meant to happen?

I am using SMF 1.1.3 - is there anything else I am meant to do? Any code I have to amend?


is the field showing up at all?
Are you using the default theme or a custom theme?
Did you manually install the modifications into your custom theme's display.template.php?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Chantal Matar

No it isn't showing up at all.

I am using the default theme which installed automatically.

I don't understand why it wouldn't be showing.


In ACP>Features and Options>Custom Profile Fields>Settings for each new field have you ticked the checkbox for "Show in profile" and selected an option other than "don't show" for show in posts?

Just making sure...

Chantal Matar

Yes it's ticked.

I have set it to show under posts.

Weird isn't it.  God knows what code in what template is causing the problem.  I really don't know.

Chantal Matar

I-I  think I sorted it...could this be?  Oh the joy!  Thanks for your help.  :-*


 My pleasure...and I'm glad you got it sorted out. Would you mind letting us know what the resolution of the problem was so we can help others who might have a similar issue?


Is there a way to show the field on the memberlist?



when will this mod be compatible with version 1.1.3 ?


@ Sebi 1000

The mod developer clearly shows himself to be "on hiatus" so the mod versioning will have to wait until he is more the mean time you can use it on newer SMF versions at your own risk by using version emulate:

Put ;emulate_version=1.1.2 at the end of the Package Manager URL


Hopefully this will help someone.

I was struggling with creating anything other than text fields.  Couldn't get a checkbox or dropdown field to work.  I noticed a couple posts in this thread about this.  In retrospect, it makes sense.  It just didn't occur to me right away.  Here's how it's working for me.

I was too quick to go to settings.  So, now I pick Text/Text Area/Checkbox/Selection Box and hit the Save button at the bottom.  Then that field type is defined.  THEN go back and hit settings for the new field and I'm able to edit the options for types other than text.  This works for me.  Your mileage may vary.

Unrelated, I can confirm the Description recreating itself on moves, so avoid having to move fields if you can.  For now, simply think your fields and order through first, or plan on some cleanup later.  I suspect this will be patched when the author has time.

Thanks for this mod!  It's going to be very handy and hopefully will import in some fashion to 2.0's core version of custom fields.



I've got the problem, that, after a successfull install of the custom profile field mod in version 3.16 on my 1.1.3 SMF, I can't find any hint of the mod in my ACP. neither if I use the german language, nor in the english version. I'm using the normal standard theme.

so I tried to uninstall the mod, but this message occured: You cannot download or install new packages because the Packages directory or one of the files in it are not writable!

so, has anybody any kind of solution for my problem?


Firstly before you install or uninstall any mod or theme please go to:


In "Installation Options" set the details appropriate to your hosting then in "Cleanup Permissions" make all files writeable.

The above may fix the problem but if it persists then create a "temp" directory in your Packages directory and try again.

This mod should show as a tab in:

ACP>Features and Options


ok, I did so, but the error message was the same. so I checked the permissions by using my FTP tool, but the result still is the same.

edit: now it works, but the uninstall brings a lot of failures while testing. I dont know if I should move on to unsinstall or not.


In a word should do a manual uninstall reversing the process of a manual installation...if you read the first link and use the second you should be OK


Hi there!

I have this mod working great, thank you.

My question is, how do I grab the 'variables' (dunno if you call it so) in the DB that this mod creates for each new field you create?

I mean, I use TinyPortal. I created a phpbox and I want to use some user's info in it. It's actually a TeamSpeak box, so basically:

- I created 3 new fields using the custom profile mod: tsUserName, tsUserPassword, tsNickName;
- I want to 'call' these 3 fields in my TP phpbox so that users will be able to join the TeamSpeak in just one click.

So, the code should be something like this

            $this->g_loginName = $context['user']['tsUser'] == ""?"User":$context['user']['tsUser'];
            $this->g_loginPassword = $context['user']['tsPassword'] ==""?"Password":$context['user']['tsPassword'];
            $this->g_nickname = $context['user']['tsNickname'] ==""?"Nickname":$context['user']['tsNickname'];

Of course any of these $context['user']['*****'] doesn't work, cuz I need to know how I refer to the fields created with Custom Profile Fields mod.

Thanks in advance!
