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CSS Basics

Started by Tim, February 10, 2006, 06:57:45 AM

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Is a great site that explains Cascading Style Sheets to you in 18 chapters that are easy to read and understand.

B Patterson

A great place to ask CSS specific questions and get help from uber gurus....


#2 as well.

Those who also want to know how to have their tables centered and not have the text centered (cross-browser):

text-align: center;
margin: 0 auto;

goes into the body tag. And this (below) goes into the divs, etc.

text-align: left;
margin: 0 auto;

And for those of you who want to know why IE isn't w3 compliant, check out the opacity stuff below:

filter: Alpha(Opacity=70); /* Internet Explorer Opacity */
opacity: 0.7; /* W3 Compliant Opacity. Doesn't work in IE. */

And for those who want to re-do their scrollbar(s)... (Only works on IE5+ ONLY in WINDOWS95+!)

scrollbar-face-color: #color; /* Front color */
scrollbar-base-color: #color; /* The track color itself. */
scrollbar-arrow-color: #color; /* Arrow, duh! */
scrollbar-shadow-color: #color; /* Lighter Shadow around scrollbar */
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #color; /* Darker shadow around scrollbar */


You forgot:
scrollbar-light-color: color;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: color;

Also, don't forget about and I will eventually have more tutorials up (not only for css though). I'll wait and post mine when I've got more :P
The real hell is your life gone wrong.


I'm sure this site is very well known:

"A demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS-based design."

Some of the designs are absolutly breathtaking. And all done with css!

No0oB [nonactive] (only for the German-speaking among us tho ;) ) [nonactive] [nonactive] [nonactive]


Quote from: iyeru42 on May 16, 2006, 07:32:51 PM as well.

Those who also want to know how to have their tables centered and not have the text centered (cross-browser):

text-align: center;
margin: 0 auto;

goes into the body tag. And this (below) goes into the divs, etc.

text-align: left;
margin: 0 auto;

And for those of you who want to know why IE isn't w3 compliant, check out the opacity stuff below:

filter: Alpha(Opacity=70); /* Internet Explorer Opacity */
opacity: 0.7; /* W3 Compliant Opacity. Doesn't work in IE. */

And for those who want to re-do their scrollbar(s)... (Only works on IE5+ ONLY in WINDOWS95+!)

scrollbar-face-color: #color; /* Front color */
scrollbar-base-color: #color; /* The track color itself. */
scrollbar-arrow-color: #color; /* Arrow, duh! */
scrollbar-shadow-color: #color; /* Lighter Shadow around scrollbar */
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #color; /* Darker shadow around scrollbar */

yes, i say that w3schools is one of the best places around!

Owner of Mesozoic Haven

Alex Stanford

I usually recommend the SitePoint CSS Reference for learning CSS.


SitePoint does look nice!

Owner of Mesozoic Haven


CSS plays a very important role in creating a webpage... and to properly define the properties in CSS is a crucial part and must be handle with care... sometimes we define too many properties when only one property can do the same work for too many so it should be studied carefully before defining... Thanks for sharing valuable links regarding CSS...


Here are two good reference of CSS tutorial.
Mozilla Developer Network


thanks to all for sharing links. this helps me allot

[email protected]

what is the use of "azimuth" in CSS..?


Quote from: [email protected] on December 07, 2012, 08:39:00 AM
what is the use of "azimuth" in CSS..?
For speech, where around the listener the speaker appears to be located. 0 degrees would be right in front. See also elevation. As of 6 years ago, no browser supported this property; some may now.


I've always used w3schools or mozilla. Mozilla isn't that pretty but it works.
Aaron @ Effortless HR Blog [nofollow]


w3 schools is the best site for begginers to learn HTML or CSS.


Hello to all my friends. I am thankful to you guys for this great info. But I also wanted to know any other site to learn CSS other than W3schools. As my querry is not get sought out and I have googled my querry but i did not get right answer. My querry is CSS background image is failing to load.

I will be thankful to you..

yours friend


my best of 3 :
1 - [nonactive]
2 - w3
3 - htmlacademy
