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Problems with smileys and attachments

Started by DarkAngel612, January 13, 2025, 04:15:43 PM

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do I need to run the updater again or is there still the file to upload and "repair" the forum links.

I updated the 2.0 to 2.1.4 Looking at your forum here I see it is 2.1.5 is there a new update?

Upon updating I lost all attachments, they are in the server, I even changed the name of the attachment folder to see if that would change anything. But it claims to be empty except for 3 files...there is a load of files in there and in the DB.

Same for the smilies: they are acting weird: show uip in the posting window area, can be used but all of them show only the code in little image

Go to edit area/upload them thru there again you are probably saying/thinking....I did and when I was almost through with the multitude of images I clicked to update the one I was on and they all disappeared totally plus I got the white screen of nothingness for the update the main smiles edit are showing icons but nothing else in admin with them work. So far all else appears to behave...I hope
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal


Forgot this part:
version 2.1.4

1 Forum Width Setting 1.2 January 05, 2025, 05:59:18 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete
2 SMF Staff Page 2.1 January 05, 2025, 06:00:45 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete
3 ArantorSidebar 1.0.1 January 05, 2025, 06:00:25 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete
4 Enhanced Quick Reply 1.0.3 January 05, 2025, 06:01:01 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete
5 Stop Forum Spam 1.5.6 January 05, 2025, 06:01:17 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete
6 TinyPortal 3.0.1 January 05, 2025, 06:01:32 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete
7 Contact Page 7.1 January 05, 2025, 06:01:54 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete
8 Join Reason 3.0.0 January 05, 2025, 06:02:15 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete
9 SCEditor Max Height 1.0.1 January 05, 2025, 06:02:26 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete
10 Sorted Package Manager Listing 1.1 January 05, 2025, 06:03:34 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete
11 Separate the Sticky Topics 1.0.1 January 05, 2025, 06:04:02 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete
12 Mod Version Checker 1.1 January 05, 2025, 06:04:15 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete
13 Simple Audio Video Embedder 7.0.5 January 05, 2025, 06:04:26 PM Uninstall Package List Files Delete

Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal

Sir Osis of Liver

Do the attachment filenames have a .dat extension?  The upgrader adds it when upgrading from 2.0 to 2.1, but sometimes it doesn't.  I have a script that adds the extension, will see if I can find it.

2.1.5 has been running for a while on this forum, but don't think it's been released, so you're good at 2.1.4.


When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


Well I went to the server and Filezilla and even redownloaded one of the fiels and there is nothing indicating any extension of any kind. the ones at our attic do have the .dat and behave but I recall in the beginning they also disappeared but returned on their own.

So do I run the file  as a package or just upload it???
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal

Sir Osis of Liver

Upload it to forum root and run it with direct link.  It will add .dat extension to all hashed filenames, and won't affect files that already have it.  You should have a complete backup of all attachments from the 2.0 install.

When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal


ran it and it is fast however only 3 files got the dat and those are the recent ones.

well that is wrong...I see now that the original attachments folder (which registers as empty in admin) did get its majority of files listed with the .dat

But the one with the dot that is supposed to be the one it is supposed to go to  has none save the newest 3 with dat added. should I run it again?

It would seem that it is thoroughly confused. I can try dragging out the attachments 2 directory (the one with only 3 .dat files and run it again or remove the original one to see if running it again might finish this time.
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal

Sir Osis of Liver

Any attachments uploaded after 2.1.4 upgrade will have the .dat extension.  Did you run the script in forum root?  If so, upload into /attachments and try it there.  Haven't used it in a while, don't remember exactly how it works.
When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister

Sir Osis of Liver

Just tested it, runs from forum root (where Settings.php is).

Should see this when it completes --

Adding .dat extension to attachment hash


When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


yuppers that is what it did, man that was quick yet the only ones that show are in #2 folder that got uploaded Here in January

in the main folder it seems only  about midway of files got dat extension yet the admin area says there are 0 files and only registers the 3 from #2 bunch
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal

Sir Osis of Liver

The script targets the default /attachments directory.  If you have additional attachment directories you have to modify the script for each one -


// Adds .dat extension to attachment hash

echo 'Adding .dat extension to attachment hash';

$directory 'attachments/';
foreach (
glob($directory."*") as $filename) {
$file realpath($filename);

   if (
strpos($file'.htaccess') === false && strpos($file'index.php') === false) {

  if (strpos($file'.dat') === false) {
    rename($file$file ".dat");

'<br /><br />Finished';


Change $directory = 'attachments/'; for each directory.

Sounds like the upgrader was able to add the extension to some but not all attachments.  You'll need to run the script on each directory.

When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


okay did that changed name frm attachment to attachments2 then removed the original directory to a dif one on the server. it did add the .dat now to ALL the files in there but in admin only the January files show up. I guess I will just need to try again with the original folder and hope it  behaves. otherwise I will need to delete all but the latest files and be satisfied.

Lets hope the smilies will behave too.
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal

Sir Osis of Liver

Are the attachments loading correctly in posts?  You may have caused a problem by moving directories or changing directory names. Check the directory paths in Admin > Attachments and Avatars > Attachment Directories.

The smileys problem is probably an incorrect path, they aren't changed by the upgrade.  Try fixing it with repair_settings.
When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


does that file still work with 2.1.4?

I did finally remove the 2 attachments folders, made an entirely new one then uploaded all the files [there are a lot from over 10 years] and still nothing they  admin area will only  see 5 files but registers only 3 in admin.
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal


I forgot to answer that although those 3 are listed in admin they do not show in the forum nor when clicked, claims no file found. in admin it claims there are 5 files and there are only 3 listed. This happened right after I did the update to 2.1.4

Where do I download the repair file, I am blind I think since I don't even find the downloads area.

If need be I will redo the upgrade again...LOL
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal


Did you run the "find and fix errors" or the "clean up orphan attachments" in admin after you upgraded?

If the files are not showing in admin listing, then you may have lost the connection between the forum and the files.

If so, you may need to do some recovery....   I'm not sure how much you will have to restore and rerun upgrade

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Sir Osis of Liver

You can't upload attachments into a different directory than they were originally posted, all the links in the database will be broken.  You'll need to restore the 2.0 forum and run the 2.1 upgrade again.
When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


ok, after fighting with this forum that has the same issue...I finally ended up reinstalling EVERYTHING, files database, reinstalling software all that wonderful stuff and now have the smilies back. The weird thing was that the smileys behaved I the posting area, choose it then it appears in post and is still showing in the actual post.

I did end up removing all the attachments since some registered as 0kb and none would show in posts at all, it claimed there was no table yet I checked and they were there listed. So aside from the attachments gone I think that is taken care of, for now.

My attic in admin shows the size of the emotis in the first column but NOT the other forum, they are super tiny --I don't think an ant could see them well.

Please point me in the direction of changing the viewing size in admin please.

Am having another issue but will open a different post for it. TIA
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal
