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Post Subject Length

Started by Diego Andrés, April 23, 2022, 02:11:22 PM

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Diego Andrés

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Post Subject Length
Developed by Diego Andrés

Post Subject Length lets you adjust the length of the posts subject when posting.


* Note about emails
Most email providers only allow up to 100 characters length in the subject, so please be aware of this issue. SMF does not currently truncate back the post suject before sending notifications.


SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


I use this mod: Post Subject Length.
When the Russian language is used in the name of the topic and the length of the topic is more than 80 characters, then the name of the topic is distorted in the Thunderbird mail program (attached a screenshot).
If only English letters are used in the topic name, then there is no problem.

Diego Andrés

Could you provide a text sample to test it?

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


You can use any Russian text longer than 80 characters. For example: Ноутбук обладает всем необходимым для удобной и продуктивной работы как в офисе, так и во время поездок. Он выполнен в корпусе с компактными размерами и весом 1.3 кг. Благодаря HD экрану диагональю 13.3 дюйма отображается реалистичная картинка.


Diego Andrés, hello, will you make changes to your mod?

Diego Andrés

Haven't had time to investigate the issue.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


I took a quick peek, and using this mod, the 80 Cyrillic characters are honored on the subject, on replies, and even on alerts & emails sent.

The mod works as intended, and further, SMF is sending the full text via alerts & emails.

I suggest opening a support topic over at Thunderbird.

Below is the subject line of an email notification, showing 80 Cyrillic characters.

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A question worth asking is born in experience & driven by necessity. - Fripp


shawnb61, a problem if the number of characters is more than 80.
In addition, the problem is not only in Thunderbird, the same problem is in the mail, which can be viewed in the browser.


Personally, I for one have no idea why any person would need more than 80 characters for a post subject.
The subject is meant to be short, more a quick title, not a long post in itself.
Why not just have the members do like is done everywhere else, and just make a short title, then post whatever in the main post field?
I tell it how I see it... Don't like it? Hit Alt+F4!


I'm one that finds 80 to be too short so I've changed it to 100. Anything longer than that makes the topic list look tacky.
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.

Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

Sorry for the off topic Diego, but this needs to be said.

@Participant You can stop abusing the report function now, or expect to take an involuntary break from the forum very soon. It is not up to you to decide what is allowed and what is not. Most of the team is already following every topic you are in, no need to report them.
"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas

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OK, I think I understand the challenge being reported now.

SMF applies a pretty strict 100 char limit on email subject lines.  (For reasons...)  Inappropriate truncation is happening to the encoded subject line somewhere along the line if you exceed that. 

Which can only happen when you override SMF's existing code.  Still rubbing my chin wondering if this is an SMF bug or not...

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A question worth asking is born in experience & driven by necessity. - Fripp


I asked a question about the length of the header on another smf forum, they said that this is not a mod problem, but a problem of the SMF forum: first the header is encoded, and then it is cut off. And it should be the opposite.
It turns out that the mod developer will not be able to solve the problem.

Diego Andrés

It's not fixable for the mod.
If you don't want to use it, uninstall it.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Diego Andrés, will you not make changes to this mod?
I don't use this mod, because it distorts the subject title in email notifications.

Diego Andrés

There are no changes that I can make to it.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen, so at the moment there is no solution to increase the length of the topic for the Russian language?

Diego Andrés

It's not a language issue FYI.
Some email providers limit subject characters to 250 characters, and others limit them to 100.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.

Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

I believe the team is looking in to changes allowing for this, but I make no promises. ( It would probably not lengthen the emailed text, but would avoid breaking it. )
"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas

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Quote from: Diego Andrés on January 27, 2023, 09:46:35 AMIt's not a language issue FYI.
There is no such problem with English.
