Custom Board Icon option in Admin live link as in .createaforum has

Started by Bob Clifton, March 09, 2021, 10:40:52 AM

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Bob Clifton

As the topic says I would like to have in my sites I run simplemachines 2.0.18 a feature that is in the .createaforum software where I can just load a pic and it automatically loads on the board in place of the water balloon thingy.(thingy is not actual technical term but all I could come up with at this  posting) .

I was told at createaforum this patch would work but it does not and as I understand the documentation it is not what I want as you still have to make files and or folders and put your icons in it and so on and with the feature on .createaforums it loads within the forum without looping and jumping hoops around  which I just can't seem to understand how to do .
Mod that was suggested is
but not quite what is on .createaforum program and I can not get it to load anyway (says file is corrupt )

Here is a screenshot of the feature in the .createafourm forum I have.
Thanks for your help on this if possible .
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


Bob Clifton

I have been trying to get this figured out for nearly a year
So this mod will put the feature I am talking about in the admin panel on the forum ?
I have a dummy site I can try it on and see I guess .
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


Quote from: Bob Clifton on March 09, 2021, 11:20:13 AM
I have been trying to get this figured out for nearly a year
So this mod will put the feature I am talking about in the admin panel on the forum ?
I have a dummy site I can try it on and see I guess .

Bob Clifton

Well I downloaded the mod and  installed but it said the file was corupt sooooo I looked and apparentlly I had this mod already in a folder and when I loaded to my forum it loaded the new file which had an extra character to it as a copy I supose .
So i tried to load the one without the extra character and it says that it is already installed on the SERVER and I need to remove it before I can reinstall the correct one .
Am I to understand I need to go to my c-panel on the server and find this file and  remove it or quarantine  because it does not show up in the forum downloads  that are installed .
Don't you just love a Newbie ?
Guess I was just too excited .....
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them

Bob Clifton

If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


if you uninstalled these packages from admin and can't upload them because is already in the server,...

1. Make sure it's not installed in the forum.
2. Go to cpanel and find the Packages folder. I think those packages have no names but a set of numbers followed by .tar.gz or .zip ( That's how it shows in my own cpanel). If so the way I know what package is what, In admin current packages installed, when you hover under the uninstall button, you'll see the url popup either in the top or bottom of your browser with the full url that contains those numbers. That way you know what mod cooresponds to the package in cpanel.
3. Delete file but do not empty the trash bucket (just in case).
4. Install new mod.

Bob Clifton

I will have to get back on this later and go see if I can find the package on my server /c-panel , Kinda unsure of myself there as it has been quite a few years since I messed with anything in it other than updating the dates on the copyright at bottom of pages ........
THanks for hanging with me and guiding me so far .\

NOTHING in either forum shows any new package installed ?

Got doctors appointment for my damn carpal tunnel so got to do that now.
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Bob Clifton

Quote from: SychO on March 09, 2021, 12:11:12 PM
It's an SMF 2.1 only mod, it is not compatible with 2.0

I am running 2.0.18 and Thought that was the latest

So I am out of the Ball Park is why the mod would not install I guess .
So is there a mod like this for 2.0.18 or do I have to upgrade /sidegrade. redo what the hechk to 2.1 ?
Thanks for pointing this out

However .createaforum which is a smf variant I supose and I have no idea what version it is or what I have has this option and has been working for at least 6 years I know.

Just would like it to work with what I have on my own .com sites
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


my guess is that is a custom mod for createaforum

I looked quickly through the mod download section here and didn't find anything that offers an upload for it, only the box to put the url to the icon....
I also checked smfhacks mods as I believe createaforum is run by them but didn't find anything there either.

you can try contacting createaforum and see if they'd be willing to share the mod with you for a price

or you can request someone to make one in the Mod Request

and 2.0.18 is the current version
2.1.x is still in rc and not suggested to be used in a live environment

Bob Clifton

Back from doctor .

Thank you shadav for the info and I DID ask createaforum (is the admin on createaforum about if it was a custom mod and he said no and if it was proprietary,and offered to pay to share it and he said to use the first download (he linked to me ) I posted in this thread which does not work . The guy is awful busy  with his own stuff and has always helped out in the past when I had questions and am grateful for the use of them .
So I guess he does not remember how he incorporated it into his Free Forums  which I have used for many years or does not want to mess with it and thats ok  .

My questions now are since the mod I used  on the forums I tried it on was NOT compatible with my Version and now I have to hunt it down on the server and remove or quarantine it as suggested could I not just update the forums to 2.1 and then the mod already on the server would work ????

I am retired and just trying to get these sites up and running again as they have pretty much been dormant for 10 years or more
I paid a Pittance  to have them moved to a new server and the php updated, the smf versions from 1.0 to the 2.0.17 now .18 and one site changed from v-bulletin to smf  2.0.18 I don't have a FTP client anymore nor remember how  to use it anyway if I had to reload everything again  so am just kinda stumbling through this .

Bottom line is if you guys can answer my questions on whether to update to 2.1  will fix my probs or need to pay someone here  to code it for me .  I  have a couple of hundred bux left to get this where I wish it to function and will Gladly pay to have it done . Just need to know how to proceed from here .

My sites hosted on .createaforum work fine and have the option I posted in a screen shot . I want this option on my owned private hosted sites that run the Simple Machines Software you guys Built.

If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


2.1 is not a stable release so it's not advisable to use on a live site yet and there's limited mods and themes for it since it is still an rc can use it on a live site but be prepared for possible bugs and things....and since it is an rc, when you update to the next rc, or when the finalized version is released, there's no way to patch update, you would need to do a full update which means any mods or customization that was done would be gone and need to be reinstalled.

as for the mod that you listed, I haven't used it so don't know how it's supposed to work, the mod page doesn't list anything about being able to upload icons in the admin so I really couldn't tell you

it should work with 2.0.18 just fine as it worked for all other versions, though I don't know why yours is saying that the file is corrupt....try downloading it again and make sure that you download the latest version of the mod


For the upload category image  that I have on createaforum  would take a couple hours to package up as a mod for SMF.
Would only handle the default theme as custom themes would require edits to template files to take affect.
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Bob Clifton

Quote from: vbgamer45 on March 09, 2021, 06:45:04 PM
For the upload category image  that I have on createaforum  would take a couple hours to package up as a mod for SMF.
Would only handle the default theme as custom themes would require edits to template files to take affect.

Thanks for jumping in here on this .

Can you give me some idea of the cost and IF you can do it . and do we need to discuss this in private ?
I was just about to install 2.1 on one of my sites an see if the other mod I installed would start working magically like all the other codes have here  in the past for me
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


It's a matter of time I have a lot of projects that i work on. Price would probably be around $100
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Bob Clifton

Quote from: vbgamer45 on March 09, 2021, 07:00:11 PM
It's a matter of time I have a lot of projects that i work on. Price would probably be around $100

That would be money well spent as If I had been paid a nickel per hour for the time I have spent on this I would be already in the hole 5 or 6 hundred.
i hope this would be in the form of a hack /mod I could buy on smf/mod hack site ???? and install like they dop noe on the forum itself under download package/mod etc.
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


It would probably be a one of mod. I don't see a ton of demand as a product.
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Bob Clifton

Well I have about 8 or 10  sites I want it on .
And this feature helps no coders like me  (You guys who can change complete site themes in a nano second without even looking at your keyboard)  a fast easy way to give a nice custom look to a otherwise bland looking pic of a notepad or a Water balloon thingy like for instance in my Reel Forum I have pic of the particular vintage reeland so on .  the board is about . and my Farmers market forum I have actual pix of vegies ,water cooler jpeg for general discussion .  I am sure once others see it they too will want the feature . Regardless whether they do or not this ol man would like to have it. So what's it gonna take to get started.  :) 
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them

Bob Clifton

For the heck of it since I already messed up one site with a mod I can not remove from server as yet (have not found the dang place I have it hosted
I am going to update the thing with the 2.1 mod here and see what gives. Nothing really to lose on the site and am curious how it will run .
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them
