Yet Another Spoiler Mod

Started by dougiefresh, December 21, 2017, 09:38:22 AM

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Any developments on nested spoilers (spoilers within spoilers)? I've been using this modification for awhile but I'm disappointed to say that this is one feature we're really missing out on here. :(


"Faith is what you have in things that don't exist."
--Homer Simpson

Es gibt hier im Forum ein deutsches Support-Board!


This is probably another side of the same coin.
"Faith is what you have in things that don't exist."
--Homer Simpson

Es gibt hier im Forum ein deutsches Support-Board!


-sigh- Please stop blaming mod authors for core bugs.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


It wasn't on purpose, I just didn't grasp your reply until you wrote this and this. :-*
"Faith is what you have in things that don't exist."
--Homer Simpson

Es gibt hier im Forum ein deutsches Support-Board!



thanks for this mod, I have installed it as I needed a tag to make a link hidden to unregistered users on my forum, I'm now using the spoiler one with the guests=no parameter in order to have some links hidden to unregistered users.

I have found a bug with the latter, on SMF 2.0.17: when using the guests=no parameter and viewing a post as a guest, the Login and Register links in the You must login or register to view this Spoiler! text are broken. They are set as e.g.{scripturl}?action=login{scripturl}?action=register

instead of

I have manually fixed this by removing the {scripturl} variable in the above message, I guess it is not required there since the login and register links do not need to be called from the script's path.



OK, any help with this? One user, one action and 4 errors in the log? What have I messed up?


The team member that will respond to this just went on an extended vacation so be patient until she gets back.
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


it's fine, I switched us over to another spoiler mod. Fortunately there was one that seems to work just fine.


This one hasn't been upgraded to work with 2.1.2 which is probably why you got the errors.
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.

Dave J

Does anyone know where to see which members used the function?
If you want quizzes to add to the new SMF2.1 quiz mod go here . There are also walkthroughs in the forum to explain how to install them and other tips.


Does anybody have a solution to this?

You cannot view this attachment.
The Anime Brigade
Anime-style Role Playing Games and Discussion.
(SMF v. 2.1.4, PHP v. 8.0)

Diego Andrés

Looks related to language strings, did the language file upload correctly?

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Yeah.  It's in the Default theme languages folder.
The Anime Brigade
Anime-style Role Playing Games and Discussion.
(SMF v. 2.1.4, PHP v. 8.0)


Can you post the relevant function that surrounds the lines from those error messages from their Subs-YASM.php file?
PM at your own risk, some I answer, if they are interesting, some I ignore.


function YASM_Validate(&$tag, &$data, &$disabled)
global $txt, $user_info, $modSettings, $smcFunc, $context, $scripturl;

// Are the contents empty?  Then don't show anything to the user:
if (empty($data))
return ($tag['content'] = '');

// Parse the parameters given to us by the poster:
$name = &$tag['tag'];
list($text, $quote, $show, $hide, $guests, $expand,, $log_id) = explode('|', $tag['content']);

// If guests aren't allowed to view, then tell the user to login or register:
if ((!empty($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_no_guests']) || $guests == 'n' || $guests == 'no' || $guests == 'false') && !empty($user_info['is_guest']))
$search = array('{script_url}', '{tag_name}');
$replace = array($scripturl, $txt[$name]);
$message = str_replace($search, $replace, $txt['YASM_strings']['no_guest_html']);
// Otherwise.....
// Parse the parameters given to us:
$quote = $quote;
$text = empty($text) ? (empty($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_text']) ? $txt[$name] : stripslashes($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_text'])) : $text;
$show = empty($show) ? (empty($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_show']) ? $txt['YASM_show'] : stripslashes($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_show'])) : $show;
$hide = empty($hide) ? (empty($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_hide']) ? $txt['YASM_hide'] : stripslashes($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_hide'])) : $hide;
$expand = empty($expand) ? !empty($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_expanded']) : ($expand == 'y' || $expand == 'yes' || $expand == 'true');
$show_log = $log_id && !empty($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_show_log']);

// Are we allowed to log users who viewed the contents?
$limit = !empty($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_limit_log']) ? $modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_limit_log'] : 0;
if (empty($log_id))
$context['YASM_users'] = array();
elseif (($context['YASM_users'] = cache_get_data('YASM_viewed_log_' . $log_id, 86400)) == NULL)
YASM_Get_Members($log_id, $limit);
$count = isset($context['YASM_users']) ? count($context['YASM_users']) : 0;
$viewed = sprintf($txt[$limit <= $count ? 'YASM_viewed_by' : 'YASM_last_viewed'], min(max(1, $limit), $count));

// If expanded and not logged, then log the user and add to the list:
if ($log_id && $expand && !isset($context['YASM_users'][$user_info['id']]))
YASM_Add_Member($log_id, $user_info['id'], false);
if ($show_log)
// Move user to front of the list, as user is most recent to view:
YASM_Get_Members($log_id, 0, $user_info['id']);
$tmp = $context['YASM_users'][$user_info['id']];
$context['YASM_users'] = array_shift($context['YASM_users']);
array_splice($context['YASM_users'], 0, 0, $tmp);
$log_id = 0;

// We need to parse the contents so it is readable for the user:
$data = parse_bbc($data);

// Build the string we are going to show the user.  The Easy-To-Read edition! :p
$style = 'YASM_' . (empty($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_style']) ? 'original' : $modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_style']);
$tag['content'] =
'<div class="' . $style . '">' .
'<div class="YASM_inner' . (empty($message) && empty($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_no_border']) ? ' YASM_border' : '') . '">' .
'<span class="YASM_text">' . (!empty($message) ? $message : $text .
(!empty($quote) ? '<span class="YASM_quote">'. $quote . '</span> ' : '') . '</span><span class="YASM_colon">:</span> ' .
'<span class="YASM_links" onClick="YASM_toggle(this, ' . ((int) $log_id) . '); return false;" />' .
'<a href="#" onClick="return false;"' . ($expand ? ' style="display:none;"' : '') . '>' . $show . '</a>' .
'<a href="#" onClick="return false;"' . (!$expand ? ' style="display:none;"' : '') . '>' . $hide . '</a>') .
'</span>' .
'</div>' . (empty($message) ?
'<div class="YASM_content quotecontent">' .
'<div'. ($expand ? '' : ' style="display: none;"') . '>' .
'$1' . (!empty($count) && $show_log ?
'<hr class="clear" />' .
'<span class="YASM_log">' . $viewed . ': <span class="YASM_users">' . implode(', ', $context['YASM_users']) . '</span></span>' : '') .
'</div>' .
'</div>' : '') .

// Let's free up the context entry for users viewed:

Line 164, 165, 166:
$text = empty($text) ? (empty($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_text']) ? $txt[$name] : stripslashes($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_text'])) : $text;
$show = empty($show) ? (empty($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_show']) ? $txt['YASM_show'] : stripslashes($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_show'])) : $show;
 $hide = empty($hide) ? (empty($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_hide']) ? $txt['YASM_hide'] : stripslashes($modSettings['YASM_' . $name . '_

Line 177:
$viewed = sprintf($txt[$limit <= $count ? 'YASM_viewed_by' : 'YASM_last_viewed'], min(max(1, $limit), $count));
The Anime Brigade
Anime-style Role Playing Games and Discussion.
(SMF v. 2.1.4, PHP v. 8.0)


Removing this mod to test something and got this error when clicking on ANY post:
Call to undefined function YASM_preparse()
Removing it from line 1166 in Display.php works...

Just in case anyone needs this in the future.


I have just a few questions about this mod if anyone here could assist it would be greatly appreciated.

1."buffer zone" can i fix some how the buffer area above, below, before, and after? Meaning no skipped lines above or below the spoiler and Make it work in the middle of a line rather than its own line?

2. Can I get ride of the ":" on end of hidden?

3. Can I get ride of the buttons (Icons and text) in the post menus? Would rather users that know how to type it out than adding buttons for people to fiddle with.

I have edited the language file to comepletely get ride of the Guest login speach so guests just simply dont know anything is even missing now, And I have edited the css file to fix the text and bold highlight rather to just match the posts default. However I cannot find or figure out how to address my other (1-3) more changes id like to make.
