Users Online Today Mod

Started by Nibogo, November 06, 2005, 01:42:31 AM

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i install it in my forum but yet not show user online today

can u say me how to active it

i use defaul theme



I want this mod in my forum.
I use fire theme in SMF 1.1.5
Can you please help me with the BoardIndex.template?
I can't make the changes because I don't find the

', $txt['most_online_ever'], ': ', $modSettings['mostOnline'], ' (' , timeformat($modSettings['mostDate']), ') </span>  </td>  </tr>';

I attach the file.


Although ccbtimewiz seems to be trying to help out as best he can, I haven't seen the author reply to a post or help in any manner in a long time. Most posts just go unanswered. I consider this mod a dead end and not worth your time.


Quote from: stfox100 on August 19, 2008, 02:37:20 PM
Although ccbtimewiz seems to be trying to help out as best he can, I haven't seen the author reply to a post or help in any manner in a long time. Most posts just go unanswered. I consider this mod a dead end and not worth your time.

It's only dead when people stop talking about it :)

@ Tadi - here you go - Please back up your BoardIndex.template.php to a safe place before you upload my edited version. It should work but I guarantee nothing :)


Thank you !!!!!   ;D

I will try it!!!!  :)


How can i remove the number of the hidden members?


my problem

y error log

8: Undefined index: uot_hidden
Themes/default/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Línea: 425

template - eval?)
Línea: 423

template - eval?)
Línea: 416



I think I'm having the same problem as Exterminator2006..  What I see in his graphic is what I see on my forum.

I love this mod but I'm having trouble with it on one of my boards.  After installing it I started seeing this at the top of the page:

Quote$txt['uot_users_online_today']='Users Logged In Today'; $txt['uot_yesterday']='Yesterday at '; $txt['uot_total']='Total'; $txt['uot_visible']='Visible'; $txt['uot_hidden']='Hidden';

The numbers show in the mod display area as do the names but the captions don't.

The forum error logs show this:

QuoteApply Filter: Only show the error messages of this member  Expat       Today at 08:32:48 PM
Apply Filter: Only show the error messages of this IP address      Apply Filter: Only show the error messages of this session e59dbc688052e06413fb8fe8c8629bf1
Apply Filter: Only show the error messages of this URL
Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
8: Undefined index: uot_hidden
File: /home/heyjoe/public_html/philippine-expat-community/Themes/default/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Line: 427
Apply Filter: Only show the error messages of this member Expat    Today at 08:32:48 PM
Apply Filter: Only show the error messages of this IP address      Apply Filter: Only show the error messages of this session e59dbc688052e06413fb8fe8c8629bf1
Apply Filter: Only show the error messages of this URL
Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
8: Undefined index: uot_visible
File: /home/heyjoe/public_html/philippine-expat-community/Themes/default/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Line: 427
Apply Filter: Only show the error messages of this member Expat    Today at 08:32:48 PM
Apply Filter: Only show the error messages of this IP address      Apply Filter: Only show the error messages of this session e59dbc688052e06413fb8fe8c8629bf1
Apply Filter: Only show the error messages of this URL
Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
8: Undefined index: uot_total
File: /home/heyjoe/public_html/philippine-expat-community/Themes/default/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Line: 425

I uninstalled it. Hope someone can help me fix it.



Is there somebody to tell me how to uninstall uot mod manually ?

The link "uninstall" is not displayed anymore in my package browser...

Thanks you!


Quote from: cubetgio on August 25, 2008, 04:42:03 AM
Is there somebody to tell me how to uninstall uot mod manually ?

The link "uninstall" is not displayed anymore in my package browser...

Thanks you!

Go here, choose your version and see the changes.




Go here, choose your version and see the changes.

yeah! all fine how that link and problem continue


To all of you who have the "Undefined index: uot_hidden" error, does it still happen with version 1.5.3 of this mod? If yes, try switching your forum language to english to see if it disappears. I have a test forum here, in english, and I am unable to reproduce the error.


I read the replies around page 49-50 which talk about this error, but I have no idea what those solutions are... 

I'm running v2.0 b3.1

I just received about 40 errors in the last 24 hours that are all the same...(ok, I counted.  It was 48 errors.  Just wanted to make sure I wasn't exagerating!  Seems I was being conservative.)

see attached pics

what am I supposed to do to correct this?  very confused! :'(

I just tried the solution here:   by Rumbaar, but not sure if that's all that is needed.


Quote from: Sickthing on August 24, 2008, 08:45:04 AM
I love this mod but I'm having trouble with it on one of my boards.  After installing it I started seeing this at the top of the page:

Quote$txt['uot_users_online_today']='Users Logged In Today'; $txt['uot_yesterday']='Yesterday at '; $txt['uot_total']='Total'; $txt['uot_visible']='Visible'; $txt['uot_hidden']='Hidden';

In your modifications.english.php (found in themes/default/languages) make sure that ?> is the last line item.
There is nothing more deadly than a US Marine and his rifle.
A close second is a US Marine and his K-BAR.
2/5 Fox Co.  (BlackHearts)
FAST Co. 5th Plt. (FIDO)


Quote from: tk2012 on August 26, 2008, 01:52:28 PM
I'm running v2.0 b3.1

I just received about 40 errors in the last 24 hours that are all the same...(ok, I counted.  It was 48 errors.  Just wanted to make sure I wasn't exagerating!  Seems I was being conservative.)

What version of the mod are you using, because the line numbers are not the same as in the latest version I have here.

Michael Kopka

I want to update to 1.5.3 from 1.5.2 but I can't do this with the packet manager. How can I do it manually? What are the changes between this versions?

I always get the [nofollow]
8: Undefined index: uot_yesterday
Datei: /is/htdocs/wp1011687_JTLX5UFJV0/www/autotrac/Sources/Subs-MembersOnlineToday.php
Zeile: 135


Or another possible way to fix it?
My SMF: [nofollow]


Why can't you uninstall it via package manager? If you are getting errors, then you will have to do a manual uninstall of the files with errors.

There is nothing more deadly than a US Marine and his rifle.
A close second is a US Marine and his K-BAR.
2/5 Fox Co.  (BlackHearts)
FAST Co. 5th Plt. (FIDO)

Michael Kopka

is says it couldnt change the boardindex and boardindex template back.

My SMF: [nofollow]


You will then have to manually remove the mod code from those 2 files.
I'm sure there is a quicker way than mine to do it, but this is how I do it.

I open the install.xml file in the mod. That tells me what code gets put where in each file.
I scroll down to the section dealing with the specific file.
I then open that file and find the code and delete it.

Then I go ahead and uninstall the mod via package manager. OK the removal with errors.
Then I upload via ftp, the files I manually removed the code from.

That's it.
There is nothing more deadly than a US Marine and his rifle.
A close second is a US Marine and his K-BAR.
2/5 Fox Co.  (BlackHearts)
FAST Co. 5th Plt. (FIDO)
