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Users Online Today Mod

Started by Nibogo, November 06, 2005, 01:42:31 AM

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Quote from: pibe86 on October 16, 2007, 11:12:45 PM
Quote from: snork13 on November 06, 2005, 05:54:53 PM
works great in 1.1rc1, thanks for sharing


sir, your signature helps me a lot, thanks

Hmm, yeah. Too bad it doesn't help for the AA New Damage theme.

Does anyone have it working for this theme yet?


reading the .xml file that comes with the mod will enable you to put the edits into that theme so it will work.


@ Alundra: Do you mean about keeping a log file of logged on users. ???


Quote from: Bigguy on October 17, 2007, 01:19:26 AM
reading the .xml file that comes with the mod will enable you to put the edits into that theme so it will work.

I read the xml file and edited the code manually but I still get errors.

Can anyone confirm that the edits work for AA New Damage?


Quote from: hugodiaz on October 10, 2007, 04:35:52 PM
I asked this before, but I still haven't received an answer. Is there a way to make this mod visible to guests? Seeing a long list of member names is a lot more effective than a simple number that I assume many guests do not even notice. :(

Also, I saw that someone else was interested in also having this mod keep track of how many guests accessed the forum in any given day. I'm also very interested in such functionality, and if anyone could offer some help in that area I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you! :D
Ok, since I haven't really heard anything about this as yet:

If I pay can someone make this mod visible to guests and also possibly keep track of the number of guests who visited?

I can only use paypal, and I prefer to deal with trusted and established members. What I mean is members who have been on this forum for some time already etc. :)

Thanks for your time.

PS: I am still using 1.1.3 and if you do a good job on this you can expect future work to help me move to 2.0 eventually. ;)


hi all

i have a small problem,the mod installed fine without needing a manual edit

but it doesn't show the text "users logged in today",it just displays the users who logged in today without the title :(

i installed this on another theme via manual edit and got the exact same problem i resolved this by placing Modifications.english.php with the code required by mod in the languages folder.

but now i am using theme "mystic jade" ,in which there isn't a language folder(tried creating folder and copy file,no luck) kindly help me out

Jade Elizabeth

Quote from: Bigguy on October 17, 2007, 01:20:39 AM
@ Alundra: Do you mean about keeping a log file of logged on users. ???

i wanna log, kinda like the moderation log in how it works, that updates each night when the online today mod resets.
so i can view it, and keep as many days as i want and clean it out, or just clean certain days out and leave the rest (like if suddenly the online totals broken i know who helped make it happen and could give them some sort of reward or award).
so basically i just want it recorded somewhere in an editable log lol
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.

Jade Elizabeth

it would be great if it could show average logins vs average logins that posted per day too

(i have enhanced forum stats lol)
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


I just tried this mod for SMF 1.1.4 and I keep getting this error in the admin error log:

8: Undefined index: uot_users_online_today
File: /afs/ (main sub template - eval?)
Line: 407

The error also occurs on line 410.
It seems that 'uot_users_online_today' is not recognized in this file...

Help anyone?


Quote from: symon on October 10, 2007, 05:21:10 AM
Who knows...the point is this mod has been deserted! And it's very popular. But the functionality is never going to get better when the attitude is "it get on with it".

This is one of the most popular mods and it's development is not going to grow.

Mods that don't/can't evolve aren't much use.

Let me answer this one.

This is a small mod that does not alter the database, and only affects a few files. It shows a list of users online during the day... no more, no less. This is the feature I was missing, and hence I created this mod. Yes, some people would like to have additional features, but some of the features people request (e.g. make the list available to guests) are possible with a small code edit, and it is described in this thread.

The mod is not deserted. If bugs are discovered I'll try to fix them, but from my point of view, this mod does what it is supposed to, and I have no current interest (or time) in adding a bunch of other features.

Just because there isn't a new version out every second day, doesn't mean that the mod doesn't work or is full of bugs. I actually appreciate software that I can just install and have it working, without having to look for a new version that fixes bugs every week or so.

Actually I am surprised that so many people have assumed that since I don't visit this forum, I have left this mod alone, yet I have not received a single PM asking me that question. PM's are forwarded to my e-mail address, so I do read them :)

But yes... if SMF 2.0 does not have this feature built in, I will make this mod compatible with 2.0 as well.


How about helping me get this working for the AA New Damage template that I'm working with?

Herman's Mixen

search in your boardindex.template.php for the following code

echo '
<br />
', $context['show_stats'] && !$settings['show_sp1_info'] ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=stats">' . $txt['smf223'] . '</a>' : '', '
<td class="windowbg2" width="100%">
<span class="middletext">
', $txt['most_online_today'], ': <b>', $modSettings['mostOnlineToday'], '</b>.
', $txt['most_online_ever'], ': ', $modSettings['mostOnline'], ' (' , timeformat($modSettings['mostDate']), ')

right after it place the following code
before this line // If they are logged in, but SP1 style information is off... show a personal message bar.

// Users online today

echo '
<td class="titlebg" colspan="2">', $txt['uot_users_online_today'], '</td>
<td class="windowbg" width="20" valign="middle" align="center">
<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/online.gif" alt="', $txt['uot_users_online_today'], '" border="0" />
<td class="windowbg2" width="100%">';

echo '
<div class="smalltext">';

  echo $txt['uot_total'], ': <b>', $context['num_users_online_today'], '</b>';
  if (!$context['user']['is_guest'])
  echo ' (', $txt['uot_visible'], ': ', ($context['num_users_online_today'] - $context['num_hidden_users_online_today']), ', ', $txt['uot_hidden'], ': ', $context['num_hidden_users_online_today'], ')';

// Assuming there ARE users online... each user in users_online has an id, username, name, group, href, and link.
if (!empty($context['users_online_today']) && !$context['user']['is_guest'])
echo '<br />', implode(', ', $context['list_users_online_today']);

echo '
<br />', $context['show_stats'] && !$settings['show_sp1_info'] ? '
<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=stats">' . $txt['smf223'] . '</a>' : '', '

that's for AA Damage !!
Met vriendelijke groet, The Burglar!

 House Mixes | Mixcloud | Any Intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.
It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. - Albert Einstein

Former Godfather of our dutch community ;)


Thank you so much!

That finally worked.

Herman's Mixen

Met vriendelijke groet, The Burglar!

 House Mixes | Mixcloud | Any Intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.
It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. - Albert Einstein

Former Godfather of our dutch community ;)


I am using Slickpro: Graphite theme.  I have a problem with my "users online today" mod.

I am not getting the top bar that says "Users Online Today"  it is just showing the numbers and names without the text. 

Anyone have any ideas of why?  I have tried it on a fresh install and it works, shows the divider bar,  but not on my site.  the only mods i have are BBC google video, BBC youtube video, and flashchat integration.  I can't figure out why the little header above it won't show up.

Jade Elizabeth

still want a log

can we remove the visible/hidden thing, so users dont know hidden users were online?
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


it won't show the title "Users Online Today"  even in the default theme--no header.


It appears that it may be due to FlashChat integration. 

Has anyone else had this problem that has FlashChat integrated.  Where it doesn't show the header for the Users Online Today above the box.  It just makes a box after Users Online with the members in it.



It was in  Modifications.english.php

// Version: 1.1; Modifications

$txt['googlevid'] = 'Googlevideo';

$txt['youtube'] = 'YouTube';

// --- Begin FlashChat Integration ---
$txt['fc_chat'] = 'Chat';
$txt['fc_flashchat'] = 'FlashChat';
$txt['fc_flashchat_settings'] = 'FlashChat Integration Settings';
$txt['fc_in_chat'] = 'in Chat';
$txt['fc_not_found'] = 'FlashChat does not appear to be installed!';
$txt['fc_no_guests'] = 'Sorry, guests aren\'t allowed to use the chat!';
$txt['fc_private_room'] = '<i>private room</i>';
$txt['fc_users_online'] = 'Users currently in chat';
// For 'Who's Online' page
$txt['whoall_chat'] = 'In the <a href="' $boardurl '?action=chat">Chatroom</a>';

// Settings for admin panel
$txt['fc_height2'] = 'Height';
$txt['fc_inForum'] = 'Display chat window "inside" forum?';
$txt['fc_newWindow'] = 'Open chat in new window?';
$txt['fc_showUsers'] = 'Display Users in Chat at top of forum?';
$txt['fc_showUserCount'] = 'Show number of users on Chat button?';
$txt['fc_size_desc'] = 'The height and width may be an integer (eg. 600 for 600 pixels) or a percentage (eg. a width of 100% will fill the whole screen horizontally)<br /><strong>Note:</strong> If "' $txt['fc_inForum'] . '" is turned on, please do not use a percentage for the height. It will not work correctly!';
$txt['fc_width'] = 'Width';
// --- End FlashChat Integration ---$txt['uot_users_online_today']='Users Logged In Today';
$txt['uot_yesterday']='Yesterday at ';


As you can see when you have FlashChat Integrated in your "Modifications.english.php" file you will see that code, if you install this mod after integrating the chat.

So if you are installing this after FlashChat
Change this// --- End FlashChat Integration ---$txt['uot_users_online_today']='Users Logged In Today';
$txt['uot_yesterday']='Yesterday at ';

To This
// --- End FlashChat Integration ---
$txt['uot_users_online_today']='Users Logged In Today';
$txt['uot_yesterday']='Yesterday at ';

As you can see it adds the variable after the //End FlashChat Integration--- line which makes it seem like it's not there.  Very simple fix, just took me a while to find it.


I keep getting this problem when I install this mod. The top of the forum just has a bunch of code and the font size changes. here is a screen shot.
