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Users Online Today Mod

Started by Nibogo, November 06, 2005, 01:42:31 AM

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sorry for bumping my question

is this mod could be configured to show The Most Logged User Ever ?
i really need this one,..



why Users Online Today Mod instaling with defauld theme ?
or not my theme ? FerryTema ?
Pliz help me

Jade Elizabeth

You have to manually install ALL mods onto custom themes.
You can use a parser >
and this doc may help >
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


SMF 2.0 beta 3 is out, and so is the first version of this mod for the 2.0 series. Enjoy :)


Shold 1.1.4 users still upgrade?


Quote from: seek2501 on March 18, 2008, 06:37:27 PM
Shold 1.1.4 users still upgrade?

Nope. To quote the page for this mod:

Version 1.4.0 is the latest version that supports SMF 1.1.x


This is a great mod. I am using it on smf 2 beta and it works fine.

How can I change the reporting period from logged in today to logged in the last 24 hours?

Also how do I change the text from 'Users Logged in Today'?

I did try to search but could not find this.

Many thanks.


Quote from: simon36 on March 18, 2008, 07:40:08 PM
How can I change the reporting period from logged in today to logged in the last 24 hours?

Also how do I change the text from 'Users Logged in Today'?

The answer to the first question can be found in the included readme.txt file. You just need to edit a single line in BoardIndex.php

For the second question, you can change the text strings in UsersOnlineToday.english.php and UsersOnlineToday.english-utf8.php. They are found in the language dir under the default theme.


Thanks, I did try to edit the boardindex but could not get it to work. Can anyone tell me what I should be changing the code to so I can display users in the last 24 hours?



Hi, have it working now. Many thanks.


Quote from: JoshieDaMan on March 19, 2008, 09:21:03 PM
It isn't saying any thing at bottom?

More info please :)
Did it install without errors?                  Are there any errors in your log?
Are you using the default theme or another etc?

As much info as you could provide, would help your problem be resolved asap. :-)

Looks like I gotta strip the code again, and see if I can install 1.5 into this invazion theme now.. lol
Thats if 1.5 supports SMF 1.1.4 also??
I read the description on the mod page stating that 1.4 is the latest for 1.1.4.
But Im thinking you may not have updated that yet??
You wouldnt leave all of those new options out, to those that are sitting with 1.1.4 until smf 2 is outta beta would you??
Which would roughly be 90% of people using it.            <--not a statistician so dont be raw!!  lol

The mods comin along great now Carceri..
Great work                 And thank you :)
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


1.1.4 SMF.
Custom theme - Phobos.
It installed no errors, and I did edit custom theme and added as said on SMF Package Parser. I edit boardindex, and added modification on there too, still not showing. Is it a option somewhere in admin section or something?

I tried it isn't compible with 1.1.4 version as it stated in install package.
So I use 1.4.0.

I am sticking with 1.1.4 forever.


Quote from: JoshieDaMan on March 19, 2008, 11:16:35 PM
1.1.4 SMF.
Custom theme - Phobos.
It installed no errors, and I did edit custom theme and added as said on SMF Package Parser. I edit boardindex, and added modification on there too, still not showing. Is it a option somewhere in admin section or something?

I tried it isn't compible with 1.1.4 version as it stated in install package.
So I use 1.4.0.

I am sticking with 1.1.4 forever.

it's showing at the bottom of your killyourboredom site if that's the one you're referring to


I am using some new stuff in SMF 2.0 to easily set the options, so that's why the "new" features are not available on earlier versions of this mod. It would be fairly trivial to add this to SMF 1.1 as well - although in a less cleaner way - which is the reason I have refrained from doing it so far. However, since the final of SMF 2.0 is probably years away, I might create a version 1.4.1 with these changes backported.

Until then, almost all of these new options are also available on version 1.4 of this mod. What you need to chance, is already posted in this thread... somewhere :)


Thanks installed easily :)


My SMF 2.1 Beta test site;


Quote from: Carceri on March 21, 2008, 02:53:09 PM
since the final of SMF 2.0 is probably years away, I might create a version 1.4.1 with these changes backported.
Makes sense. :)

Quote from: Carceri on March 21, 2008, 02:53:09 PM
Until then, almost all of these new options are also available on version 1.4 of this mod. What you need to chance, is already posted in this thread... somewhere :)
Indeed true.     And already done :)
I was speaking for those with no experience with coding, and/or no time to keep going into their templates, to alter the coding to turn one thing on, or off..
- Can show users online during the current day, last 24 hours or last 7 days.
- User list can be shown only to admin, only to registered users, or to everyone.
- User list can be sorted by last seen or alphabetically.

Anyways..  Im fine with your decision :)   As stated, I have manually made these edits.

Thanks for your brilliant work :)
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


Nice update. :)

Shame it's only compatable with the 2.0 beta though - I won't be switching my live site until 2.0 final.

Are there any plans to make 1.5.0 compatible with SMF 1.1.4? It's probably going to be a long time until 2.0 final is out... :(

Jade Elizabeth

Quote from: seek2501 on March 25, 2008, 08:27:47 PM
Nice update. :)

Shame it's only compatable with the 2.0 beta though - I won't be switching my live site until 2.0 final.

Are there any plans to make 1.5.0 compatible with SMF 1.1.4? It's probably going to be a long time until 2.0 final is out... :(

Well the older version isn't quite as advanced, but I used it on my old 1.1.4 forum, and it served me well :D. You could easily tweak the 1.1.4 version to show what you wanted, I'm sure, I've seen it before :D.
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


Quote from: Zygomaticus on March 25, 2008, 08:33:17 PM
Well the older version isn't quite as advanced

I know... I already use 1.4.0. That wasn't the question.
