Users Online Today Mod

Started by Nibogo, November 06, 2005, 01:42:31 AM

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hmm ,. sorry about the mix up .. my question was with regards to the mod
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Quote from: aw06 on January 28, 2009, 01:48:51 PM
hmm ,. sorry about the mix up .. my question was with regards to the mod

I have this error in my BoardIndex.template.php (when i go to trace what users are doing, on the users ID in who is online):

File: /srv/www/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429

423 <td class="windowbg2" width="100%">';
425 if ($context['show_who'])
426 echo '
427 <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=who">';
429 echo$context['num_guests'], ' ', $context['num_guests'] == 1 ? $txt['guest'] : $txt['guests'], ', ' . $context['num_users_online'], ' ', $context['num_users_online'] == 1 ? $txt['user'] : $txt['users'];

can somebody tells me what's wrong?


 ??? ???

Nobody? :(

There are 2 days i'm waitnig somebody to help. :(

It's very important for me.


This is the log of user: marcus

Quote       marcus
      8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 11:45:37    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 11:44:04    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 09:32:57    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 09:32:34    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 09:15:18    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:51:40    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:51:11    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:43:54    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:43:38    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:39:26    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:37:55    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:32:13    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:27:54    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:21:55    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:21:32    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:09:41    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:08:46    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 08:08:17    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429
   today at 07:50:25    marcus
   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429

I send only an example of log, because all logs are same this one:

"   8: Undefined index: users
File: /srv/www/xxxxx/xxxxxx/httpdocs/Themes/igoh113/BoardIndex.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Linea: 429[/quote]"


WHY nobody reply to me??   Am i invisible?

??? ??? :o


Quote from: blondeamon on January 07, 2009, 07:55:42 PM
First of all congratulations for the mod , i have been using it for months and its perfect.

But you know what would be even more wonderful and make it 10 times better? If you could store that daily number of members somewhere. The perfect place would be in the stats as an extra column storing the number of members logged every day.

Can that be implemented? It would be awesome as it is actually the number of unique visitors our forums get every day. Let me know if it can be done or not.....many people would want that extra feat but we dont want to be a burden if u are busy.

Friendly , Jim

I too would love to see something like this added to the mod. Also for it show the highest number ever on the front page, just like it does for Most Online Today.

ie Users Logged in Today: 22. Most Users Logged in Ever: 53 (January 09, 2009)

If any keen developers want to step up to the plate...  ;)


Quote from: mcrat on February 03, 2009, 10:07:49 PM
Quote from: blondeamon on January 07, 2009, 07:55:42 PM
First of all congratulations for the mod , i have been using it for months and its perfect.

But you know what would be even more wonderful and make it 10 times better? If you could store that daily number of members somewhere. The perfect place would be in the stats as an extra column storing the number of members logged every day.

Can that be implemented? It would be awesome as it is actually the number of unique visitors our forums get every day. Let me know if it can be done or not.....many people would want that extra feat but we dont want to be a burden if u are busy.

Friendly , Jim

I too would love to see something like this added to the mod. Also for it show the highest number ever on the front page, just like it does for Most Online Today.

ie Users Logged in Today: 22. Most Users Logged in Ever: 53 (January 09, 2009)

If any keen developers want to step up to the plate...  ;)

It is certainly possible to do, but I would need to spend a little time, learning how SMF works internally with these things. Unfortunately I currently don't have time for my hobby projects, so no new features are planned for the time being.

If someone wants to add this feature they are more than welcome to give me the code, and I will integrate it into this mod :)


Yes, it would really be fine, to not loose those daily values
In "more stats" you can see all the daily values, but the really interesting value how much have been online today...gets lossed after 24h...
cant be that hard to save this value in a column and if before midnight, and value increased, to increase it in mysql, isnt it?
Chaos Empire ®


Is there a new version in the pipeline?

Compatible to 2.0 RC1




Quote from: Roman on February 07, 2009, 07:25:41 AM
Is there a new version in the pipeline?

Compatible to 2.0 RC1



The latest version works fine with 2.0 RC1 (at least here on my computer)


It works, but you will need to manually change the code in themes/default/board.template.
There is nothing more deadly than a US Marine and his rifle.
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here is mine boardindex. can you fix it?? thnks!!


Quote from: SgtMic on February 09, 2009, 12:06:40 AM
It works, but you will need to manually change the code in themes/default/board.template.

Could you post the code please?

Just in case



Updated my board to 1.1.18

Installed the users online today mod 1.5.4 and took a few recent files posted here (boardindex.php and boardindex.template.php). At the bottom of the page the Users Online Today banner is missing and then I just get   :4 (:4, :0) displayed below that, obviously missing the usernames.

Anyone have an idea?  Thanks...


@gregahpoa - You need to install 1.4.0.  From the mod information on 1st screen:

Quote1.4.0: SMF 1.1.x
1.5.4: SMF 2.0 series
Jim "JimM" Moore
Former Support Specialist



From the Users Online Today mod page under the SMF Mod Site, it states...

Latest Version: 1.5.4
Compatible With: 1.1.5, 1.1.6, 1.1.8, 2.0 Beta 4, 2.0 RC1

It was updated just a couple days ago.


Quote from: gregahpoa on February 11, 2009, 12:24:46 PM

From the Users Online Today mod page under the SMF Mod Site, it states...

Latest Version: 1.5.4
Compatible With: 1.1.5, 1.1.6, 1.1.8, 2.0 Beta 4, 2.0 RC1

It was updated just a couple days ago.

Okay, that's just some bad formatting. When looking at the page is appears that everything listed below the latest version is compatible with that version. I took your suggestion Jim and installed 1.4 and it works fine. Thanks mate...


My hat is off to this mod and its developer, I have used it for awhile and love it!

I have come across one small issue: after installation it seems to work fine on the default theme and even installed on my custom theme (love the new option in 2.0 RC1) only problem is the location of it in the custom theme. In the default it is at the bottom of the info center but on the custom theme it is right above "recent posts"

How do I move this to the same position as the default?
Does it require a code rewrite, which I assume it does?
And can this be spelled out to a novice like me?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

I am using 2.0RC1 with the BlackRain V2 theme here


Quote from: psynx on November 13, 2008, 01:13:30 AM

i have installed this mod but why is it only tells the number of members who are logged in for today? their names are not going to be listed? i want their names to be listed too.

I have same problem like psynx on my theme (ferry theme), and on default theme the same problem.
I attached for both thme boardindex.php
thanx in advance.
p.s.-boardindex is defoult theme, boardindex1 is my theme (ferry tema)


I'm getting this error:

!!Error in Package Installation

At least one error was encountered during a test installation of this package. It is strongly recommended that you do not continue with installation unless you know what you are doing, and have made a backup very recently. This error may be caused by a conflict between the package you're trying to install and another package you have already installed, an error in the package, a package which requires another package that you don't have installed yet, or a package designed for another version of SMF.

Type Action Description
1. Execute Modification ./Sources/BoardIndex.php Test failed
2. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/BoardIndex.template.php Test failed

I'm running 1.1.8
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