SCEditor, before merging

Started by emanuele, August 05, 2013, 05:12:21 AM

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The update of SCEditor to the latest 1.4.3 version is "going on" (i.e. is done and waiting for integration) though there are a couple of "doubts".

SMF's functionalities require at the moment 4 edits to the SCEditor code:
1) one to remember the tabindex,
2) one to avoid that url and irul got mixed,
3) one to support multiple lines of buttons,
4) one to support multiple lines of smileys.

1 can probably be achieved also externally (not sure which one is the most "clean").

With 2 the problem is that url and iurl in html terms is just the target attribute. SCEditor doesn't distinguish and consider all of them just external urls (that has its advantages), the drawback is that switching between WYSIWYG and normal mode the iurl is lost. In normal conditions I'd just say: who cares, people using WYSIWYG wouldn't care about that things (also because there isn't many people using iurl to begin with). Though because of the way the editor works this would affect also people not using the WYSIWYG mode, so I'll probably say that this is relevant and should be kept...

3 and 4 is where I'd like to hear your feedback: 3 for sure can be achieved by css, 4 could because the code is written by us anyway. But the real question is: do you care about commands and smiley on multiple lines? I don't mean that they would stay always on a single line spreading outside the screen for example, just the a bit more obscure SMF's function that allows to decide on how many lines BBCode buttons and smiley should be presented.
The BBCode buttons in fact affects only modders because there is no interface to move buttons from within SMF, while the smiley affects everybody because smiley rows is a feature.

Modders: have you ever used the option to display a bbcode button in the editor on a different line? Could you live without it considering CSS would take care of it for you?

Everybody: have you ever moved smiley on a "new line"?

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


Quote from: emanuele on August 05, 2013, 05:12:21 AM
3) one to support multiple lines of buttons,
4) one to support multiple lines of smileys.

Modders: have you ever used the option to display a bbcode button in the editor on a different line? Could you live without it considering CSS would take care of it for you?

Everybody: have you ever moved smiley on a "new line"?

Well, I just can't wait to test the new implementation.

3) Multiple lines of buttons would be better than a single line of buttons anyday.

4) Smileys, the current setup is enough. And I really don't know how to move smileys to a new line, the extra smileys are shown on the popup window.
