Deleting a theme actually deletes the theme.

Started by kat, June 03, 2013, 03:29:44 PM

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i believe in 2.1 the image has changed so that could complicate things.


Tsk. Far better for it to just say "Delete", rather than have a bloody icon, really. Let's hope the icon they use has a red "X" on it, then.

Still, far be it for me to try to make life easy for people, ay? ;)


I thought that the red x was clear myself :D.  Apparently, not everyone knows what it means though.

If some kind of warning could be put together, then I think that it's sound idea.  The information is all there in the manual, but getting people to read that first before playing with buttons seems to be something of a problem.....
Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente


do you any ideas to get people to read the wiki more? put in effort to learn more before acting?


Short of threats of iminent death, nothing will persuade people to trawl the wiki before playing with the buttons. :)

They will always play with the buttons first, then go looking for an explanation once things go wrong. It's just human nature to want to save time by not reading lotsa stuff.


oh i know, but i got to try to get people to read the wiki or why have it at all?


Yeah fair enough. Ok, one possibility is to have the help links within admin actually include a link to the relevant part of the wiki. Bit of a bugger to iimplement in 2.0.x at this stage, but arguably not that difficult for 2.1.


that is a good idea, but not enough pages are translated to other languages so we have a point of failure there. i would have to check but some languages dont even have all the normal help pages translated after all this time.


Well if it can even be done for English that might be worthwhile. A suprising number of people with another first language are still fluent in English, or at least capable of reading it. Often they're more fluent than people whose first language is English. :D


i will think about it, would need to bring it up with the translators as well and see how they feel.


Real men don't read instruction manuals. ;)

The reason that I brought it up, is that I've encountered a number of members, recently, who simply didn't know how to delete a theme and didn't know that deleting it didn't, actually, delete it from the server.

So, it wasn't a case of me thinking that this would be a good idea, for the sake of it.


oh i know, so if they will not read the manual [any manual] you still expect they would read the page to see if there is a message that says the theme files will not be deleted?


What men do, usually, is try to figure things out, for themselves (We learn things better, that way).

If we can't figure something out, we might, then, resort to the manual.

Possibly. ;)

I'm sure it's a genetic thing.


you know some women would try it the same way... even if there was a popup that yelled at the admin and said that the files would still be on the server they would ignore it and just click ok/yes and go on with life until they find out they need more space on their server and try to find out what can be deleted.


Ha! There REALLY ought to be a warning when you backup the database from within SMF, too, as I've bleated about many times. (I still think that the facility should be removed, entirely, to be honest);topicseen


the backup seems to still exist in 2.1... although anyone could figure out how to remove it and submit a pull request on github and it would be gone.



And nobody apparently has followed the changes I did to the database backup code and that now it works irrespective of the size of the database and even provide warnings on what is the best option for debugging, even including forcing put the system in maintenance mode for "large" databases, etc....

It's nice to know I worked for nothing. :P

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

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Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


you really expect us to remember each change in 2.1? :P a list of major changes would help to remind us of what has been changed/improved with 2.1


* emanuele wrote that list a long time ago... :P

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.
