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[Theme] Endar - SMF 1.1 RC2

Started by Miraenda, August 01, 2005, 06:24:57 PM

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I've also noticed that the quick reply doesnt work with the theme. I post, it takes me back to the top, but  it doesnt leave a new post in the thread.   ??? ???


Really? I certainly hadn't noticed that before. I'll get to you on that as soon as I can.

I'll also see about the googleads in the header. :)


I nearly told you it was fine (It works on my demo board for some reason, it shouldn't..)  but luckily I decided to check the code and test it on my local test board.

Of course your quite right. I'm surprised this is the first real bug that's been reported.

Anyhow this attached file should fix the problem but if it doesn't let me know please. :)

The google add in the logo, I may not have time till this evening (3 o'clock here just now.) but I'll get that to you. :)


Quote from: trenchteam on August 30, 2005, 04:41:28 AM
I've also noticed that the quick reply doesnt work with the theme. I post, it takes me back to the top, but  it doesnt leave a new post in the thread.   ??? ???

When I post using quick reply, it is working on my board.  Are you certain your board is updated to 1.1 Beta 3 entirely for all your files and that no changes were made to anything to affect the quick reply area.  Here is my forum url:,com_smf/Itemid,44

I did a test post using Quick Reply at,com_smf/Itemid,44/topic,2.msg13#msg13

You can signup and test it as well if you would like.

How did you enable quick reply on your board? I set my quick reply option not in my profile but in the admin area itself using the "Themes and Layout" link under Configuration area, then I clickied the "Reset options" link, then selecting the "Reset all member's current options for this theme" link for the Endar theme.  I then selected Change in the dropdown to the left of  "Use quick reply on topic display:" and picked show, on by default in the dropdown to the right of that, then I clicked the Save button.


There is a problem Mir, I know it seems to work in many cases, it's why I had never noticed this. As I mentioned it worked on my demo board.

But there is an error (form inside a form.) in the HTML of the display template. However the replacement file I attached in my last post should fix it. :)


Ok found some time for the Google add. :)

Firstly go into the style.css (Themes/endar-beta1/style.css or through the theme section of the admin panel.) and look for the following. Not all of it is relevant but it's a nice block to find.

/* header section */

#header {
background: #E2DBBF url(images/head-tile.gif) repeat-x top;
#header-right {
background: url(images/head-right.gif) no-repeat top right;
#logo a {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: url(images/logo.gif) no-repeat left top;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 114px 0 0 0;
overflow: hidden;
height: 0px !important;
height /**/:114px; /* for IE5/Win only */

And replace that with this -

/* header section */

#header {
background: #E2DBBF url(images/head-tile.gif) repeat-x top;
#header-right {
background: url(images/head-right.gif) no-repeat top right;
#logo a {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: url(images/logo.gif) no-repeat left top;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 114px 0 0 0;
overflow: hidden;
height: 0px !important;
height /**/:114px; /* for IE5/Win only */

#googad {

Next replace the index.template.php file with this one I've attached.


Quote from: jasidog on August 30, 2005, 10:04:41 AM
There is a problem Mir, I know it seems to work in many cases, it's why I had never noticed this. As I mentioned it worked on my demo board.

But there is an error (form inside a form.) in the HTML of the display template. However the replacement file I attached in my last post should fix it. :)

Ah, your post snuck in while I was testing it on mine and I didn't even noticed you'd posted a fix lol :)


i was using this theme on another forum. Seems that when you try to select a theme, it only refreshes the page. But then i just realized while i was typing this sentance that that is caused by using this skin on a 1.0.5 forum, so ignore this whole paragrph/statement.

two words: CopyRight
The only thing php can't do is tell you how much milk is left in the fridge.


Jasidog, this is what it turned out to look like.

Not sure what happened there.  I tried it twice. :(  But thats exactly what I wanted! If we can get it fixed. ;D


I can't be sure but at a guess I'd say some of the css change wasn't made. I'll post you a replacement CSS file Trench and see if that fixes it. :)

If it doesn't try to refresh the screen a couple of times just to make sure.



Cool! Glad to hear it. :)

Quote from: Tippmaster on August 30, 2005, 06:38:45 PM
two words: CopyRight

Thanks for the heads up Tippmaster! :) Well the board owner will soon get sick of the errors from running it on 1.0.5 but we'll contact him/her in any case.  ;) :D



What's up with this tiny font?  I can tolerate the color but the size of the font is unbelievably tiny, especially in the admin center.  Can ya help a CSS deficient user out?



Sure Jazhawk. :)

And you do have a good point.

For the admin CP try this and let me know if works ok for you.

Look in the CSS for the following -

/* By default (td, body..) use Tahoma in black. */
color: #553A00;
font-family : Georgia, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

And change it to this -

/* By default (td, body..) use Tahoma in black. */
color: #553A00;
font-family : Georgia, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

Obviously you can change 12px to be larger. I believe that change should effect the whole admin CP. You could also change the colour there.


Beautiful.  Thanx Jasidog! I've had these eyes for a while and even with glasses, I was having trouble.  Much appreciated!  :)



You're welcome Jazhawk. :)

I'll make that or a similar change in the next release also have a look at altering some of the other very small text, like in the news. :)


Cool.  I have another question on fonts.  I notice you use a serif font on this theme rather than a sans-serif style font.  Does that have to do more with the flava of the overall theme or just your personal preference?



Not a preference no, though i do like it and it does happen to be used on my site currently also but that's coincidence.

Endar is for and the site is about a fantasy story. So serif seemed to fit with that notion a bit better.  :)


Angus (jasidog) kindly updated the theme to 1.1 RC1 already and I have attached this to the initial post.  He had it updated before I even realized the RC had been released :D


It's a great theme....

Could you mantain the 1.0.5 one?

I am going to be in 1.0 for a long time, I think....
