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[Theme] Endar - SMF 1.1 RC2

Started by Miraenda, August 01, 2005, 06:24:57 PM

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Quote from: elpvn on February 05, 2006, 09:13:48 PM
Quote from: jasidogAtulaking, I can't work out why it doesn't work.

Interestingly when I look at the text you posted on my test board. It has the same appearance in both the Endar theme and the default SMF theme. Maybe this is because i don't have a Vietnamese computer setup?

So the only thing I can think is that it's maybe down to the font choice. Which you can change in the CSS

Quote from: Atulakingok! i try type Vietnamese with some themes then some themes can display Vietnamese ( it main that it can display UTF-8) but i'm sorry this theme still doesn't display Vietnamese.
even vietnamese work with default SMF theme and some theme, sorry i don't know.
but when i search some Vietnamese word ( with default SMF theme) then it unable found. it report ' not found"
Why? Please intro for me

You can replace unicode font in style.css file of Endar theme to viewing Vietnamese , ex: Verdana, arial,....  ;D

Quote from: elpvn on February 06, 2006, 02:14:37 AM
I've been success convert Endar RC2 theme to TinyPortal v.0.8 theme, thanks Miraenda for get permission.

See more infomation at:

Download here:  ;D ;) :)

Hi Elpvn! :) Thanks for the Vietnamese tip and good work on the conversion. I'm sure it was a bit of work. 8)

Quote from: trenchteam on February 06, 2006, 02:01:44 AM
Can I get the PSD footer for 7.0 as well? ;)

Hey Trench here's a PS7 compatible footer for you :)


Great job elpvn on the conversion of Endar to TP :D


I'm French and i have a little bug with PM buttons :

What is the probleme?

P.S. : I use Firefox but IE has same bug


Hi lbuisson. This topic should help -

It's an error I introduced at the last update, however the error should also mean a missing button. Are you using SMF 1.1 RC2?



Thanks for the hard work converting this for TinyPortal!!
I noticed that the side blocks (left and right) seem to have a grey background instead of the tan background.  Where would I look to try to fix this?


Hi FlatEarth. :)

I'm sure you know but I didn't make the conversion. However I found this post regarding the same issue -

Which provides this solution -

Quote from: crip
In the [index.template.php] file look for two places #D4D4D4; make it :transparent; remove the # also.


Thank you for your help!!
I did not see that other thread, but that sure answers my question.


Hi jasidog,

Is there any chance to put a guidline to help designers converting your theme into Right-to-Left languages (supporting Arabic, Hebrew,... etc)

thank you


Hi Maxhorizon. :)
I think it could be quite a bit of work and I'm unsure what's needed.

Can you test this file please?

Tell me if it helps at all.

If it helps at all then I can work on finishing it for you. :)


Former SMF Project Manager
Former SMF Customizer

"For as lang as hunner o us is in life, in nae wey
will we thole the Soothron tae owergang us. In truth it isna for glory, or wealth, or
honours that we fecht, but for freedom alane, that nae honest cheil gies up but wi life
