SMF Mailing List Mod

Started by pftq, June 24, 2011, 04:01:47 PM

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Hi, I get this

DEBUGGER -> Initiating...2012-04-05, 17:29:06

DEBUGGER -> Loading SSI...

DEBUGGER -> Beginning email parse...DEBUGGER -> Nullifying slashes added by SMF...

Analyzing HTTP POST Data



data[0] =>Received: by wibhr17 with SMTP id hr17so1534109wib.9
data[1] =>        for <[email protected]>; Thu, 05 Apr 2012 09:28:38 -0700 (PDT)
data[2] =>DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
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data[10] =>         lNOaochdE0MkqbDlbiqiZdW5xLT9S1v4b+beqpMR1DB/mzcI129zC0njpKyxRKIiNl4A
data[11] =>         wZUw==
data[12] =>MIME-Version: 1.0
data[13] =>Received: by with SMTP id bi7mr6341518wib.12.1333643317609; Thu,
data[14] => 05 Apr 2012 09:28:37 -0700 (PDT)
data[15] =>Received: by with HTTP; Thu, 5 Apr 2012 09:28:37 -0700 (PDT)
data[16] =>Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 17:28:37 +0100
data[17] =>Message-ID: <>
data[18] =>Subject: Gmail test 1
data[19] =>From: Wilo <[email protected]>
data[20] =>To: [email protected]
data[21] =>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=f46d044284003404ec04bcf10809
data[22] =>
data[23] =>--f46d044284003404ec04bcf10809
data[24] =>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
data[25] =>
data[26] =>W Testing from gmail
data[27] =>
data[28] =>--f46d044284003404ec04bcf10809
data[29] =>Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
data[30] =>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
data[31] =>
data[32] =>W Testing from gmail=A0
data[33] =>
data[34] =>--f46d044284003404ec04bcf10809--
data[35] =>

Raw POST Stream:
Received: by wibhr17 with SMTP id hr17so1534109wib.9
        for <[email protected]>; Thu, 05 Apr 2012 09:28:38 -0700 (PDT)
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113;
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: by with SMTP id bi7mr6341518wib.12.1333643317609; Thu,
05 Apr 2012 09:28:37 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with HTTP; Thu, 5 Apr 2012 09:28:37 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 17:28:37 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Gmail test 1
From: W <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=f46d044284003404ec04bcf10809

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Will Testing from gmail

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

W Testing from gmail=A0


Header[message-id] = <>
Header[subject] = Gmail test 1
Header[from] = Will Kemp <[email protected]>
Header[to] = [email protected]
Header[content-type] = multipart/alternative; boundary=f46d044284003404ec04bcf10809

Sending to Board: 48, with prefix ``


Talking with Wilo offline for his board, so we hopefully figure out the problem there soon.

@alanbrit: Did the latest update help at all?

Doing what I can here, but the work can be pretty frustrating since emails are quite messy to deal with in the first place.  Once we figure out the prob though, it should at least clear that issue up for all future users. :) 

Just so you guys can see what the working product looks like, I set up a demo page here:

Helps to have it there so we know the mod *does* work once set up. :P


I still can't figure out why its not loading the SSI  :(


Is this the case with the newest emailpost.php? I don't change the version number if just fixing emailpost.php since it's just a matter of replacing that one file in /forums/ but do make sure to redownload.


I've tried again with your latest update and all of a sudden the forum came alive :D

Unfortunately, I am still running into some issues and have some questions.

Here's what happens
- Any mail to my cloudmailin account gets posted on the right board.
- The subject from the mail is used to create the subject from the post; the name of the mailer is used as poster
- The post then reads: "This is a multi-part message in MIME format." and does not show the original contents of the mail
- Any reply on the post will be mailed back to the mailer; using the forum webmaster mailadress
- Any replies to that reply mail will again be posted, but again without the contents of the mail...this time the above message is not shown.

Another issue:
- Ticking or unticking "Announce Emails From Poster Instead of Forum"seems to make no difference... in both cases the forum user is used as "from" in the mail (followed by the webmaster email)

2 questions:
- how is determined who to mail to? Practically, is there any danger of having 2 mails with the same subject and by answering one you'd mail both parties?
- Is it possible to mail back with a different account than the webmaster account?

I'm still testing some stuff, so I'm quite sure I'll have more questions later...
Untill then, thanks a million for this great mod!  :D


Thanks for letting me know - glad the latest update helped.  I *just* released another update on emailpost.php (just replace that file) which should improve the parsing.  Let me know if it helps with the "MIME format" problem (basically it's not splicing from the right part of the email).  If not, it would help me debug a lot to get a copy of the email causing the problem - you can forward it to me at pftq [at]

The webmaster email under Server Settings is what's used for sending out from the forum and for this  mod.  This is intentional so that replying again will send back to the forum and post to the board.  Googlegroups does this as well - when you hit reply, it goes to Google instead of the sender.  In your case, you'd want to set it to the cloudmailin address.

Right now, you can also add other addresses under the mod settings for the receiving side but not the sending side.  For example, you can add [email protected] and it'll post new topics sent to that address to the board assigned.  Emails continued on that thread will be sent from [email protected] but this only happens for topics started by email.

For threads with the same subject, the mod does two things:
- Check if the email contains quoted replies.  If so, then it appends the new reply to the most recent thread with that subject.
- If the email has no quoted replies, it is assumed to be a new thread and a new topic is started.



I'm trying to install the newest mod version on my dev server however I when installing it i get the 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage' error in IE and in FireFox I get 'The connection was reset, The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading' error.

Any idea's?  I'm using Opensuse 12.1

The earlier version worked fine.




Maybe try unzipping the folder (if you haven't already) in your directory.  I remember sometimes getting a timeout from my server on mods in general if they're installed as zip files.


Very cool mod!

This worries me, though:
** This mod does not check for email spoofing when matching addresses to existing members. 
It is designed for smaller forum communities where this is less likely to be an issue.

I'd highly recommend doing the email matching/verification- as soon as one spammer finds the 'send to' address, the board(s) will be flooded with all sorts of junk. I haven't looked at the code but it seems like a relatively straightforward thing to implement.


I've thought of this a lot but haven't really come up with a way to prove what emails are real (not-spoofed) without going into a lot of record checking (DKIM, SPF, etc).  What's the straightforward way? :)


One notion that came up with another user was that upgrading to SMF2 from an existing installation instead of a fresh install led to problems with the mod.  Finally had the chance to test that out on an upgraded forum myself but sad to say it worked just fine on my end.  Seems like a tough one to track down - if anyone can give me access to an example SMF2 board that is having trouble with the mod, would be greatly appreciated.

In the mean time, I noticed that line endings (differing OS between server/local) that might cause problems during install, so I added the following to the FAQ (first post):

I keep getting Mail delivery failed with "Error in argument 1, char 3: option not found <"
- Please unzip the download package before uploading to your server and installing.  Sometimes the unzipping function on the server does not preserve linebreaks properly, if for example you are uploading from Windows to Linux.  If the mod is already installed, unzip the package on your computer and reupload emailpost.php to your forum directory (replacing the corrupt one).



I've configured the mailing list mod to work on an OpenSuse server using email piping.  We have an exchange account which sends emails directly to the server.

The probelm is whenever I activate the email address (in settings) and send an email all members get the email sent to their address.  I've enabled the Enable Mail Queue feature in the mail settings to manage the emails (and delete them before they're sent out).

Has anyone ever seen this before?




I'm not clear on what the problem is.  Can you please elaborate?


Someone brought to my attention that having guest browsing disabled causes the mod not to be able to post replies to the board from email.  The debug also only shows two lines.  It seems to make sense since posting by email is essentially causing whatever pipes the emails to browse to the board (technically as a guest).

Just putting this out there incase anyone else still has trouble running the script.


Hey pqft,

Unfortunately i am not in a position to enable guest browsing at the moment, so I cannot really test that theory. any chance of a different version coming out?


Is it possible to enable guest browsing but disable guest viewing of the boards individually? For example, enabling guest browsing by setting the permissions not to view any boards for the guest group.

I'm glad we identified the common factor here though.

I'll double-check on my end what I can do but I'm not too sure at this point since SMF is basically shutting me out as soon as I call the SSI connection.


I've tried to post a topic by mail with success.
I installed that mod sucessfully (SMF202).
What I have created: a category (=mailinglist)and a board (=demo)

I created an account at: and added a post target => http://mydomain.tld/emailpost.php
In the admin section, my admin-email address is listed - i selected the category - board (mailinglist - demo) and entered as subject MAIL.

I added also the cloudmailin-email in the admin area as new address, selected the same data: category - board (mailinglist - demo) and also the subject MAIL.

Now I sent out a mail from my admin-email to cloudmailin-address.
in the cloudmailin-admin-center (web) the email is recognized with status = 200 (means = okay)

I only marked use 'http post' -

I use the newest emailpost.php.

cheers inti31

thx for that
my forum
my testforum

my mods - which I only made them work for 2.0 Gold:
Topics Filter v3.2 SMF 2.0 Gold


ups - one qustion:

if i set up a new account (a normal member, no admin or global mod) with a valid email and sent out a mail by using the mailaddress is set - the post is not there - no privileges... - any idea

The error message: "you don't have the permission to post to you own posts"

I entered the email-adress in the admin area - why a normal member can't post by mail?
my forum
my testforum

my mods - which I only made them work for 2.0 Gold:
Topics Filter v3.2 SMF 2.0 Gold


The mod uses the same permissions as the board.  Just a sanity check - but you can post using the board in that account?


no, I can't... only me (admin-email) - that one works. I tried global mod also - doesn't work either.

is it necessary to have the email adress in the admin section like my admin mail (which is the 1st address) ?
I tried without that cloudmailin-address - a email2post works (admin-email)

so only normal member/global mods can't post by mail...

maybe you want to try it: my tesforum (see signature) - feel free to register a account. email I will sent in pm

cheers Inti31
my forum
my testforum

my mods - which I only made them work for 2.0 Gold:
Topics Filter v3.2 SMF 2.0 Gold
