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Cached word 'psplant' is linked to a non-existent topic.

Started by isdito, October 27, 2010, 10:18:43 AM

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The following errors are fouling up your forum:

    * Cached word 'psplant' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'they' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'hide' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'us' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'a' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'lot' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'of' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'thing' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'command' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'execute' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'to' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'alternatives' is linked to a non-existent topic.

Would you like to attempt to fix these errors?

Duplicate entry '0-22' for key 3
File: /home/content/i/s/d/isdito/html/foro/Sources/RepairBoards.php(315) : runtime-created function
Line: 19

Herllo I have problems with de database.


SMF Package    SMF 2.0 RC3    SMF 2.0 RC3
Sources    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Admin.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Aeva-Admin.php    ??    ??
Aeva-Admin2.php    ??    ??
Aeva-Admin3.php    ??    ??
Aeva-Embed.php    ??    ??
Aeva-Exif.php    ??    ??
Aeva-Gallery.php    ??    ??
Aeva-Gallery2.php    ??    ??
Aeva-Media.php    ??    ??
Aeva-ModCP.php    ??    ??
Aeva-Sites-Custom-Example.php    ??    ??
Aeva-Sites.php    ??    ??
Aeva-Subs-Vital.php    ??    ??
Aeva-Subs.php    ??    ??
BoardIndex.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Calendar.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Class-Graphics.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Class-Package.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
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DbExtra-postgresql.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
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DbSearch-mysql.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
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DbSearch-sqlite.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
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Karma.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
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ManageBans.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
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ManageErrors.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMail.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMaintenance.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMembergroups.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
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ManageNews.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManagePaid.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManagePermissions.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManagePosts.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageRegistration.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageScheduledTasks.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageSearch.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageSearchEngines.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageServer.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageSettings.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageSmileys.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Memberlist.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
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ModerationCenter.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
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News.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Notify.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
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Poll.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Post.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
PostModeration.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
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Profile-Modify.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Profile-View.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Profile.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
QueryString.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Recent.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Register.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Reminder.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
RemoveTopic.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
RepairBoards.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Reports.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
SSI.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ScheduledTasks.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Search.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
SearchAPI-Custom.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
SearchAPI-Fulltext.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
SearchAPI-Standard.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Security.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
SendTopic.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
SplitTopics.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Stats.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Admin.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Aeva-Sites.php    ??    ??
Subs-Auth.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-BoardIndex.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Boards.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Calendar.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Categories.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Charset.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Compat.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Db-mysql.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Db-postgresql.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Db-sqlite.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Editor.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Graphics.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-List.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Membergroups.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Members.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-MembersOnline.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Menu.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-MessageIndex.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-OpenID.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Package.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Post.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Recent.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs-Sound.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subs.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Subscriptions-PayPal.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Themes.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ViewQuery.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Who.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Xml.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
subscriptions.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Default Templates    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Admin.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Aeva.template.php    ??    ??
BoardIndex.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Calendar.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Compat.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Display.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Errors.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
GenericControls.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
GenericList.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
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Help.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Login.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageAttachments.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageBans.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageBoards.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageCalendar.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMail.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMaintenance.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMembergroups.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMembers.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageNews.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManagePaid.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManagePermissions.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageScheduledTasks.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageSearch.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageSmileys.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Memberlist.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
MessageIndex.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ModerationCenter.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
MoveTopic.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Notify.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Packages.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
PersonalMessage.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Poll.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Post.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Printpage.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Profile.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Recent.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Register.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Reminder.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Reports.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Search.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
SendTopic.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Settings.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
SplitTopics.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Stats.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Themes.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Who.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Wireless.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Xml.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
index.template.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Language Files    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Admin.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Aeva.english.php    ??    ??
EmailTemplates.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Errors.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Help.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Install.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Login.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageBoards.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageCalendar.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMail.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMaintenance.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMembers.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManagePaid.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManagePermissions.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageScheduledTasks.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageSettings.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageSmileys.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Manual.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ModerationCenter.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Modifications.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Modlog.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Packages.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
PersonalMessage.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Post.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Profile.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Reports.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Search.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Settings.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Stats.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Themes.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Who.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Wireless.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
index.english.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Aeva.french.php    ??    ??
Aeva.french-utf8.php    ??    ??
Admin.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
EmailTemplates.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Errors.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Help.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Install.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Login.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageBoards.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageCalendar.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMail.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMaintenance.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageMembers.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManagePaid.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManagePermissions.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageScheduledTasks.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageSettings.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ManageSmileys.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Manual.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
ModerationCenter.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Modifications.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Modlog.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Packages.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
PersonalMessage.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Post.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Profile.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Reports.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Search.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3


Settings.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Stats.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Themes.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Who.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Wireless.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
index.spanish_es.php    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3
Current Templates    2.0 RC3    2.0 RC3


Hi isdito, welcome to SMF :)

Do you have any modifications installed?

Could you try clearing your forum cache in Admin -> Maintenance -> Forum Maintenance -> Routine?

After that, please do a "Recount all forum totals and statistics" in the same section.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


Please help me I stay waitting if any people know how I can recovery.



Yes I clean Cache, after this I Recount forums topics. and also the error is there

The following errors are fouling up your forum:

    * Cached word 'psplant' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'they' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'hide' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'us' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'a' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'lot' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'of' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'thing' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'command' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'execute' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'to' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    * Cached word 'alternatives' is linked to a non-existent topic.

Would you like to attempt to fix these errors?



I post there but I think that in this foro are people that control more of SMF.

I realease that you say me, clean cache, reorder post.. also continue the same.





I clear  finding in database , and eliminate of  smf_log_search_subjects, also disapeare but say me after this

The following errors are fouling up your forum:

    * ???

Would you like to attempt to fix these errors?

Yes - No

after this the same

Duplicate entry '0-22' for key 3
File: /home/content/i/s/d/isdito/html/foro/Sources/RepairBoards.php(315) : runtime-created function
Line: 19


Please help I not find nothing for this error "??".

The linked I eliminate erasing in the table. but not work also

What is the tables important to put out and restore after create the forum another time



Have you tried reparing the database from your site's CPanel?


Where in my phpMyadmin?

This is that you ask me to do. I dont konw how I can repair the database in phpMyadmin.
And very thanks for all.


If you go to CPanel>Databases>MySQL Databases, there's a "Repair" option, there.



I am searching that option in MyphpAdmin and I not see. The web side is in goddaddy.



Not phpmyadmin...

Do you have CPanel? Or, something else?


Ok and more thanks for all

I aplicate this

REPAIR TABLE `smf_messages` USE_FRM

in two hours I say you

