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Started by Depreciated, October 10, 2010, 09:29:17 PM

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New Topic Button on Board Index v1.51
~{By PaulpBaker}~

Link to Mod | My Mods | Support Topic

SMF 2.0

Adds a 'new topic' button on the boards index including boards with child boards so you can quickly and easily make new topics.

Choice of two images (See screenshots) and (Selectable in the admin section)

This mod was made by 'Joker' so all credit goes to him as i only packaged it and tweaked it (SMF v1.x compatibility and admin settings)

Any previous versions of this mod MUST be uninstalled BEFORE installing this version.

Install the package on the SMF Default 'Curve' Theme ONLY. Other themes will need manual edits.

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Please use the modification thread for support with this modification.
(Please don't ask me to do the edits for you)

v1.51 - 18th March 2011: Fixed a small bug that showed the 'new post' button for boards you can't post in (Thanks Kolya)
v1.5 - 30th October 2010: Added another placement option and dropped support for smf v1.1.x (use v1.3 of the mod for smf v1.1.x)
v1.3 - 20th August 2010: Made the admin options much more user friendly/sexy :)
v1.2 - 20th August 2010: Fixed language error and added support for admin setting on SMF v1.1.x
v1.1 - 8th August 2010: Added admin options to enable/disable (SMF 2.x only)
v1.0 - 27th July 2010: Initial Version

Dream of Omnimaga

Oh wow, nice to see this for SMF finally. I had a similar mod on another forum system I used before and it was pretty nice.

The only downside though is for help-oriented sub-forums: people will not bother searching if their question was already answered before because they'll just be tempted to create a new topic from the front page first. If you did not add the following already, it may be nice to allow the admin to enable this button only for specific boards.


Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on October 11, 2010, 12:20:48 AM
Oh wow, nice to see this for SMF finally. I had a similar mod on another forum system I used before and it was pretty nice.

yeah i'm hoping to add a few more things to it yet like button placement etc

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on October 11, 2010, 12:20:48 AM
The only downside though is for help-oriented sub-forums: people will not bother searching if their question was already answered before because they'll just be tempted to create a new topic from the front page first.

good point but i don't think it's that big of a problem as if a member thinks about searching first then they'll do so regardless of this button imo

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on October 11, 2010, 12:20:48 AM
If you did not add the following already, it may be nice to allow the admin to enable this button only for specific boards.

wow amazing idea but i wouldn't have a clue how to implement that i'm afraid but i'd love to know how if anyone knows

thank you for the feedback :)


I would love to be able to have this possibly as or after the board description. The idea behind this is perfect, but I don't quite like the placement of it.


Quote from: trekkie2444 on October 28, 2010, 05:26:20 AM
I would love to be able to have this possibly as or after the board description. The idea behind this is perfect, but I don't quite like the placement of it.

more options of the button placement are going to be in v2.0 so if you can give me some kind of visual image of where you'd like it i'll add it for you ;)


Here's an example of what I would like (also added in my own button, let me know if you want to use it):


Quote from: trekkie2444 on October 29, 2010, 08:16:05 AM
Here's an example of what I would like (also added in my own button, let me know if you want to use it):

done v1.5 released ;)


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First, thanks PaulpBaker for your effort. These days, active SMF developers are rare indeed.
Anyway, i would like to suggest that you please add some screenshots to explain what this mod does exactly, as i had trouble understanding at first, until i saw the screenshots above. It is a new idea after all. :)


This mod merely seems to check if there are any boards the user is allowed to post in. If there are any it displays the new topic button for every board, regardless whether the user can post in that specific board.

Instead of checking for boardsAllowedTo('post_new') it should check:
in_array($board['id'], boardsAllowedTo('post_new'))


Quote from: Kolya on March 18, 2011, 08:53:56 AM
This mod merely seems to check if there are any boards the user is allowed to post in. If there are any it displays the new topic button for every board, regardless whether the user can post in that specific board.

Instead of checking for boardsAllowedTo('post_new') it should check:
in_array($board['id'], boardsAllowedTo('post_new'))

ouch will fix that asap thank you for the contribution!!!

edit: after making the changes you suggested the mod (the button that is..) simply isn't showing any more?


It works for your members. Not for admins. Of course you could do something like this:
if (in_array($board['id'], boardsAllowedTo('post_new')) || $context['user']['is_admin']) { do nice things}


You should also get rid of the $context['user']['is_logged'] check. Either the administrator allows guests to post in a forum, then you want them to see the button just like members. Or the admin does not allow it, then they won't see the button because they have no boardsAllowedTo('post_new').



I installed it with no problems and adjusted the settings and the buttons are not showing up
Testing Zone - SMF 2.0.7, default Curve
School & Chat - phpBB3, over 170 mods installed, official live forum

I use the latest version of Chrome

phpBB: Forum = a section; Board = whole site
SMF: Forum = whole site; Board = a section


-img removed-


Testing Zone - SMF 2.0.7, default Curve
School & Chat - phpBB3, over 170 mods installed, official live forum

I use the latest version of Chrome

phpBB: Forum = a section; Board = whole site
SMF: Forum = whole site; Board = a section


Quote from: Jessica. on June 19, 2011, 06:42:39 PM
nope :P

Just had a peep at your forum.

I would suggest the ads are removed from the current location otherwise nobody can see the menutabs.


I have adblock, so I don't see the ads. and I don't know how to remove them. I'll have to ask my host...
Testing Zone - SMF 2.0.7, default Curve
School & Chat - phpBB3, over 170 mods installed, official live forum

I use the latest version of Chrome

phpBB: Forum = a section; Board = whole site
SMF: Forum = whole site; Board = a section

