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Recent Travails of SMF Team and Friends

Started by Kindred, January 28, 2010, 01:46:02 PM

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Hopefully the disputes get resolved. Good luck to all. :)
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Nick Whetstone

Quote from: Vaѕh on January 28, 2010, 10:45:21 PM
Good luck.

On the subject of the 15.5 earthquake... Since that is a pretty big number (not picking you Kindred), impacts would definitely be felt in the EU/UK :p even if it did only hit the US. I suspect Tsunami's and other things would be easily triggered by it.. so HA.

Anyway, again good luck. It's good to see (?) some progress perhaps being made.
Pwned Europe, pwned. :D

* Ha² runs away for spamming this topic
The artist formerly known as (Ha)²

Former Support Specialist

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Very glad to see steps being taken to get everything under control, and for things to be talked out calmly and peacefully. Seeing steps like this makes me happy, and safe in knowing that SMF is going to recover from this minor speed bump. :)

Though maybe I shouldn't speak so soon, but I trust the named people and I know their passion for the project will help see things through. After all, they all share a common interest. ;)

Though, if I may ask, how did these people (mainly from the SMF Friend's side) get chosen?

Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

The reps on both sides were chosen by a vote. The team voted theirs, and friends and ex team members together theirs. :) Fair and open.
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I always loved SMF for the professional manner in which it was handled.  I left for a while because I was trying to appease Joomla, but decided to drop those projects and come back.

I really hope differences can be set aside.  Good luck to you all.



This development gives hope. I wish everybody involved wisdom, common sense  and perseverance. The luck will be ours.

Nao 尚

(Post deleted until more information is available to me.)
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Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

It is by my understanding a server issue...
"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas

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I'm wishing luck too :)

About EQ , i think we will not suffer from a Tsunami xP

* Antes tries to bring back Ha² for more spam

Jade Elizabeth

I'm glad to see a little more transparency towards the public, if I'm honest. It's about time that happened.
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


Thank you for keeping the community updated on the situation. I hope you can reach an agreement that makes both parties happy, many of us are patiently waiting to hear the results.

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I spend a great deal of time in "real life" as a negotiator. It is my job actually and I love it. Whenever two parties sit down in a room together face to face the results are usually positive. If they share at least some common goals and interests much can be accomplished. It is not uncommon to see integrity and decency replace contempt and discourtesy in the proper setting.

Having said that, I use to be a miserable failure settling disputes on my forum. The online world seems to push even decent folks into becoming very discourteous in a matter of seconds. We hide behind our key boards and feel a certain disconnect when it comes to others. I don't think it is intentional, but just the nature of online communications. At least that is what I experienced with my community forum.

I was able to make a change on my site which seemed to help. I actually picked up the telephone, got on Skype, used video chat, and when geography permitted, met some of my members in person. What a world of difference it made for our community. Did it solve all the problems? No. But for those that I knew had some desire to "compromise" it did make a huge difference.

I love this site. I love how complete strangers are willing to help you just because they want to. SMF is a community like no other. Of course there will be ups and downs, but as long as the core people (The SMF Team and Friends) want the community to succeed it will. I just hope that all (or most) of the people involved never lose track of what an awesome place you have created.

Thanks for all your years of great service and commitment to making SMF the best community on the Internet. I pray that both sides can find a way to work together for all of us!


I'm glad that what ever is going on is being handled maturely. Good luck with the disputes.

Quote from: Filipina on January 29, 2010, 03:51:41 PM
Thanks for all your years of great service and commitment to making SMF the best community on the Internet. I pray that both sides can find a way to work together for all of us!
Amen! There will always be disputes and disagreements on the internet, just as there is in real life. It happens, nothing we can do about it, although things are always better, when dealt with maturely.


This shouldn't happen now that smf ranking is sky rocking...... pls come to a positive conclusion for all.

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Nao 尚

Quote from: Jade Elizabeth on January 29, 2010, 12:37:51 PM
I'm glad to see a little more transparency towards the public, if I'm honest. It's about time that happened.
I'm reading this with Chrome, and your post breaks the page! Nothing shows up after it...

<blockquote>[12:13am] <%Jade> link me<br />[12:14am] <+orstio> <a href="Jade">link</a></blockquote>
It breaks at the "< %". Which is, I believe, starter code for VBScript. I smell a SMF bug!
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Works fine in Firefox 3.6 :S

Yes, it's a bug with webkit renders :P

Nao 尚

It works with Opera 10.50 too, that's why I specified Chrome ;)
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.
