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Buddy Page

Started by live627, October 15, 2009, 01:11:00 PM

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Im getting the same   Wrong value type sent to the database. Array of integers expected. (buddy_list)   I have enable the buddy list,  and I use 2.0RC2, default theme,

Wrong value type sent to the database. Array of integers expected. (buddy_list)
Function: editBuddies

Archivo: /home/o/public_html/foro/Sources/Profile-Modify.php
Línea: 1467   in my members table under buddy_list  I also have comas ''''''   in  many users, I remove the comas from my id but that did not help,   I was using ultimate profile,  I unistalled it  long before I install this one,  dont know if thats got to do with this,  I know ultimate use a different table:  _buddys  so I really dont know


Hmm. Well *something* is messing with your buddy_list column.

It doesn't do it on a fresh RC1.2 or RC2, so it's gonna be something else. What other mods do you have?
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I got a few:

1. Signature Area BBCode Buttons 1.7 
2. Custom Field On Posting 1.2 
3. Share This Topic 1.3 
4. Advanced Contact Form 1.1 
5. Buddy Page 1.2 
6. PM to New Members 1.2 
7. Spoiler Tag 0.6b 
8. Member Color Link 3.0.7 
9. Advanced Reputation System 1.8 
10. SMF Media Gallery 2.0.1 
11. Load Standard Language 1.0.2 
12. SMG Spanish Translation 2.0.1 
13. Topic View Log 1.1
14. Thank-O-Matic 2.0 RC1 
15. PageRank BBCode 1.5 
16. eNinja - Admin Notes 0.9.1 
17. SimpleSEF 1.0.1 
18. Birthday Posts 0.11.2 Beta 
19. SubAccounts Mod 1.0.0 
20. Welcome Topic Mod 2.0.2
21. Internal_Links_Use_Same_Window 1.2 
22. YouTube BBCode 2.5.1 
23. SimplePortal 2.3.1 
24. Remove Reply Prefix 1.0 
25. Hide Tag 2.3.6 
26. Sitemap


is it possible to ad a bar like on the page Members with the possibility to sort your buddies alphabetical or by online Status?


Quote from: Azrael1 on January 03, 2010, 08:25:28 PM
is it possible to ad a bar like on the page Members with the possibility to sort your buddies alphabetical or by online Status?

Not without a substantial rewrite of the mod, which to be honest I don't really plan to add.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Very nice mod. Can it be integrated into the profile page? So that one clicks the profile page and right there will see all his friends avatars.
I am using SMF 2.0.1, curve themes.


Quote from: neverhurry on January 05, 2010, 04:44:33 PM
Very nice mod. Can it be integrated into the profile page?

I don't plan to, no. More hassle than it's worth IMO.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I have an interesting result - I am not sure if it's specifically an error, or if it is working properly.  Most everything about the buddy page looks to be working right from the other pages, and on the buddy page if you have 1 or more buddies.

If you have zero buddies and click on the buddy page, the title bar shifts from showing "buddies" to saying "An Error Has Occured!" and below it reads "You have no buddies", which makes sense.

Is the error message a sign of an error?  Or is that what you would expect it to display?


No, that's as I originally wrote.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.

Vincent Volmer


Thanks for your great mod.

I have a small issue with a text string I guess. In the log there appears this error:

8: Undefined index: buddypage
File: /shared/usr/wzen1234567/DOMAIN/
Line: 4038


8: Undefined index: buddypage
File: /shared/usr/wzen1234567/DOMAIN/
Line: 4038

The string $txt['buddypage'] = 'Vrienden'; is present in Modifications.dutch.php
I deleted the cach from SMF.

Maybe you can help?

Thanks, Vincent

Edit: Running: SMF2.0RC3

Vincent Volmer


I removed the SimpleSEF mod because of a lot of problems and also this error is gone.... So let's hope it will stay away from the error log  ;)




I'll look into the problem when I get a chance to see if I can solve the conflict between the mods so you can use both.

Quote from: IRC
Roph> I just finished a double 1/2lb cheese, bacon & salad beef burger
Roph> no woman on earth could satisfy me as much as I am satisfied right now by this burger
... later on ...
Roph> how could ensie go about satisfying me =o
<Ensiferous> Roph: Merely looking at me would yield far more pleasure than a burger can provide.

Vincent Volmer


I installed Pretty URL's and it works fine and there are no errors in the log. With a lot of other mods I had problems/errors when SimpleSEF was installed.

So I'll stay with Pretty URLs. Also the Buddypage is working fine now!  :D

Thanks for your support!




When I click on my buddy I get an error

Wrong value type sent to the database. Array of integers expected. (users)
Bruno36 the French
SMF 2.0.9


Yay for Ultimate Profile being broken. This has been an issue for months, it is a UP bug and one I reported to them ages ago.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on May 16, 2010, 06:34:25 AM
Yay for Ultimate Profile being broken. This has been an issue for months, it is a UP bug and one I reported to them ages ago.
:) I still don't know how to reproduce this, soooo I can't fix it ...


At some point UP is pushing quotes into the buddies field in SMF. Check wherever that field is being updated to see what data type is being pushed; I suspect you've got a query with extra quotes it's not supposed to have.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Weird ... Because UP doesn't update anything on members table. I've commented SMF's editBuddies function (./Sources/Profile-Modify.php) for putting instead our buddy functions. I just put this instead:
global $sourcedir;
require_once($sourcedir . '/Buddies.php');

And I don't think it'll break something but yeah ... I should make some tests again.


Quote from: 130860 on December 23, 2009, 06:41:30 PM
Im getting the same   Wrong value type sent to the database. Array of integers expected. (buddy_list)   I have enable the buddy list,  and I use 2.0RC2, default theme,

Wrong value type sent to the database. Array of integers expected. (buddy_list)
Function: editBuddies

Archivo: /home/o/public_html/foro/Sources/Profile-Modify.php
Línea: 1467   in my members table under buddy_list  I also have comas ''''''   in  many users, I remove the comas from my id but that did not help,   I was using ultimate profile,  I unistalled it  long before I install this one,  dont know if thats got to do with this,  I know ultimate use a different table:  _buddys  so I really dont know

im getting this same error.. also have UP installed.. which is see is most likely the cause.. but where would i find the "members table" to have a crack at deleting the extra comas anyway?


You'll find it in the database, likely under smf_members.

Note that it's not extra commas that are the problem, it's quote marks (commas are the ones at the bottom like so , which actually aren't a problem, but quotes like " are very much a problem)
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.
