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Team Page

Started by Diego Andrés, October 02, 2009, 04:56:36 PM

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looks like this (or some other mod) added the text string to modifications.english.php after the closing ?>
just move that line so that ?> is the last thing in the file

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."



Let me guess... the Are You Human mod is installed?
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.

Diego Andrés

Mod updated, new version 4.0!

- Use of hooks
- Possibility of creating various pages for groups, also including bbc and html pages.
- Moderators subpage

That's the important stuff, for more information please check the images attached in the mod page  :P

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Thank you for the update, it adds a lot of nice features I think everyone will appreciate.

I had been using Teampage 3.6.  I uninstalled 3.6 and installed 4.0.  When trying to view the admin pages I get the following errors:

Fatal error: Cannot call method self::TP_Pages() or method does not exist in /home1/homedir/public_html/smf/Sources/TeamPageAdmin.php on line 56
Fatal error: Cannot call method self::TP_Settings() or method does not exist in /home1/homedir/public_html/smf/Sources/TeamPageAdmin.php on line 56

I am running SMF 2.0.7 and have the following mods installed:

Birthday On Register    1.0     
AJAX Recent Topics    1.1     
SimplePortal    2.3.5     
Switch Permissions    1.0     
Mark Personal Messages as Read    1.0.5     
Recent Forum Topics Boardindex    1.0     
Custom Form Mod    1.7     
Member Color Link    3.1
Related Topics    1.401     
Team Page    3.6     
Auto Lock Old Topics    2.0     
Treasury    2.12     
Inuitive Age    1.0
URL Popup    1.0.2     
Bad Behavior mod    1.5.18

Thanks for your help and efforts.

Diego Andrés

Maybe this is a bit later but this requires at less PHP 5.0
However, please verify that all files were uploaded correctly

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Quote from: Diego Andrés on July 16, 2014, 10:37:44 PM
Maybe this is a bit later but this requires at less PHP 5.0
However, please verify that all files were uploaded correctly

I have PHP 5.2.17.

Which files should I be looking for?

Thanks for help,

Diego Andrés

Subs-TeamPage.php, TeamPage.php, TeamPageAdmin.php in the Sources folder

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Quote from: Diego Andrés on July 17, 2014, 05:54:37 PM
Subs-TeamPage.php, TeamPage.php, TeamPageAdmin.php in the Sources folder

Thank you for your quick reply.

Yes, all those files are there.



Is there a way I can rename the "Team" tab to perhaps "Staff"?

I can't seem to find where to edit it.

Im talking about the navigation bar btw

Diego Andrés

Quote from: rgtoxic on July 25, 2014, 03:15:00 PM
Is there a way I can rename the "Team" tab to perhaps "Staff"?

I can't seem to find where to edit it.

Im talking about the navigation bar btw

There you can modify the string
txt['TeamPage_main_button'] = 'Team';

Change Team to Staff.
Or... if you're ussing 3.6
$txt['team'] = 'Team';

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Sweet, thanks for that. I was looking in the wrong place completely lol..

Well, learn something new everyday  ;D


Great mod ! I use it since a long time, but now I've updated it to 4.0, which is awesome, really great additions, thanks for your work !

But I have a suggestion: group names should be colored with their color, not with the default style color.

Diego Andrés

Quote from: costel_nistor96 on August 17, 2014, 06:00:06 AM
Great mod ! I use it since a long time, but now I've updated it to 4.0, which is awesome, really great additions, thanks for your work !

But I have a suggestion: group names should be colored with their color, not with the default style color.

I'll have that in mind, thanks  ;D

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Thanks for the great update.

I dont know if it is just in my forum but the team page is overlapping with the simpleportal's right block(right block of simpleportal is over the team page). So you can't be able to see the group on that page.

In the Team settings you have the option to set it left, right or down.
All the list that I placed down was overlapping but right and left is all good.


Quote from: etn991 on July 16, 2014, 09:47:09 PM
Thank you for the update, it adds a lot of nice features I think everyone will appreciate.

I had been using Teampage 3.6.  I uninstalled 3.6 and installed 4.0.  When trying to view the admin pages I get the following errors:

Fatal error: Cannot call method self::TP_Pages() or method does not exist in /home1/homedir/public_html/smf/Sources/TeamPageAdmin.php on line 56
Fatal error: Cannot call method self::TP_Settings() or method does not exist in /home1/homedir/public_html/smf/Sources/TeamPageAdmin.php on line 56
Same problem here....


Quote from: dougiefresh on November 06, 2014, 04:59:33 PM
Quote from: etn991 on July 16, 2014, 09:47:09 PM
Thank you for the update, it adds a lot of nice features I think everyone will appreciate.

I had been using Teampage 3.6.  I uninstalled 3.6 and installed 4.0.  When trying to view the admin pages I get the following errors:

Fatal error: Cannot call method self::TP_Pages() or method does not exist in /home1/homedir/public_html/smf/Sources/TeamPageAdmin.php on line 56
Fatal error: Cannot call method self::TP_Settings() or method does not exist in /home1/homedir/public_html/smf/Sources/TeamPageAdmin.php on line 56
Same problem here....

I have the same problem.....


Ninja ZX-10RR

Quote from: Diego Andrés on August 18, 2014, 01:40:39 PM
Quote from: costel_nistor96 on August 17, 2014, 06:00:06 AM
Great mod ! I use it since a long time, but now I've updated it to 4.0, which is awesome, really great additions, thanks for your work !

But I have a suggestion: group names should be colored with their color, not with the default style color.

I'll have that in mind, thanks  ;D
I'll install it when you add that :) and perhaps if the errors reported above will be fixed. I've been considering this for months >_<
Quote from: BeastMode topic=525177.msg3720020#msg3720020
It's so powerful that on this post and even in the two PMs you sent me,you still answered my question very quickly and you're apologizing for the delay. You're the #1 support I've probably ever encountered man, so much respect for that. Thank you, and get better soon.

I'll keep this in my siggy for a while just to remind me that someone appreciated what I did while others didn't.

♥ Jess ♥


Diego Andrés

I'm sorry, I'm having some vacations right now (on the beach) :P
But I'll give it a check ASAP when I get home.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.
