Team Page

Started by Diego Andrés, October 02, 2009, 04:56:36 PM

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omg sorry for the spamming -.- but now, when clicking Roster button, and entering it, button says Team again


There is a post modify button for a reason.  Just edit your post and add to it.  Please.

Quote from: K33NY on October 26, 2012, 08:40:12 AM
omg sorry for the spamming -.- but now, when clicking Roster button, and entering it, button says Team again

Thought it would have been obvious, but in that same language file, there are 4 other strings related to the MOD.


$txt['team'] = 'Team';
$txt['permissionname_view_teampage'] = 'Access Teampage';
$txt['permissionhelp_view_teampage'] = 'Giving this permission lets the membergroup in question access the team page, which is a listing of all groups you have defined within the team page settings.';
$txt['cannot_view_teampage'] = 'Apologies, but you\'re not allowed to view the team page.';

Also, goto this file

TEAM button is in there for the Team page in the Team templates.

$txt['team'] = 'Team';
$txt['team_config'] = 'Configuration';
$txt['team_title'] = 'Our Team';
$txt['team_manage'] = 'Manage Team Page';



$txt['whoall_teampage'] = 'Viewing the <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=teampage">team page</a>.';

Probably want to change team page to Roster page if you want to be throrough.  This code is for when viewing the "Who's Online" list


thanks alot for the help!!! and again sorry for he spam, I really need to ge better on that -.-

Diego Andrés

Quote from: K33NY on October 26, 2012, 08:37:41 AM
and now, when being on main page, "Home" the button doesnt show, and if I try to unisntall, I get test fail Error on these:

Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php   Test failed

1.   Add Before   ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php   Test failed

That's because you change the word "Team" in that file.
$txt['team'] = 'Team';

For change the name of the menu item, search in Themes/default/languages/TeamPage.english.php
$txt['team'] = 'Team';

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


yeah thanks I managed to find it :)

allso added a new mod as well, Menu Editor lite so I can sort out the menu buttons.

My next problem now is:

Is there a way to center the menu buttons? they are all the way to the left of the website would look much neater if they where in center :)


Quote from: Deadfire on September 23, 2012, 11:51:01 PM
For some reason you have the date displayed as Spanish. (to non Spanish users this could become a issue)

You have:

IN /Sources/TeamPage.php

'date' => timeformat($profile['date_registered'],'%d de %B del %Y'),

I corrected it to read:

'date' => timeformat($profile['date_registered'],'%d %B %Y'),

Hope this helps

Many thanks! I so couldn't find where to fix it XD
Second Pass Weyr<br />An AU Pernse RPG<br /><br />SMF 2.0.6 with SP 2.3.5


Quote from: Saintcrow on December 22, 2010, 07:01:10 AM

is there a way to add the teammembers jobs on the page like: Admin one jobs: Support

thanks =)

I need this aswell... any solutions ?

Diego Andrés

Quote from: Deadfire on September 23, 2012, 11:51:01 PM
For some reason you have the date displayed as Spanish. (to non Spanish users this could become a issue)

You have:

IN /Sources/TeamPage.php

'date' => timeformat($profile['date_registered'],'%d de %B del %Y'),

I corrected it to read:

'date' => timeformat($profile['date_registered'],'%d %B %Y'),

Hope this helps

Fixed  ;D

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Can I make this mod viewable by unregistered visitors to the site?

Diego Andrés

Quote from: R[wc]BADFISH on January 14, 2013, 06:29:21 PM
Can I make this mod viewable by unregistered visitors to the site?

Yes, you only have to edit guest permissions.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Thanks Diego!

alright another request!  ;D  How can I remove item's displayed for each user... like Date registered, Last Active, & Website. Also, if possible replace with custom fields like Steam/Origin Id's and Facebook account's.

Diego Andrés

Quote from: R[wc]BADFISH on January 15, 2013, 07:18:43 PM
Thanks Diego!
if possible replace with custom fields like Steam/Origin Id's and Facebook account's.

And you have this with a mod or with custom fields?
You have to edit TeamPage.template.php.

I'll be implementing some kind of features like that for new version.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Currently setup with custom profile fields.

That would be awesome! What I'm gonna try to implement is three rectangle buttons/images located on the right side of the team member that would link to Facebook, Origin, & Steam accounts.

thanks again!

Diego Andrés

Quote from: R[wc]BADFISH on January 15, 2013, 09:23:16 PM
Currently setup with custom profile fields.

That would be awesome! What I'm gonna try to implement is three rectangle buttons/images located on the right side of the team member that would link to Facebook, Origin, & Steam accounts.

thanks again!

Nice, let me see what can I do.  ;D

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


You would be my new best firend if you could help me do that!


I have to say I do love this mod.  Unfortunately however I'm not a coding expert and I would love it if the page would to show the members last posting date/time.

Would it be incredibly difficult to add this or could someone point me in the direction of where I could add this :D


I got also a idea.

Why don't make a teampage for squads?
I run my own clan and we can use some mod for our squads and the result of the matches etc...

Diego Andrés

Added brazilian and portuguese translation.
Thanks to Darkness_Black

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


This seems like a nice mod, but when I installed, which went without a hitch, I can modify the settings and edit the groups that show, and I have given the permissions to the groups I want, but no matter what I do, there is no menu button to access the page. I can't even access it under Admin rights and the only way I have found to access it is by adding or deleting a group from the list and then I get the 'changes saved successfully, click here to view them' message, and clicking on that is the only way I can access the page.

Any ideas???

Oh, I'm currently running SMF 2.0.3
