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Started by Diego Andrés, October 02, 2009, 04:56:36 PM

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Shadow Queen

Thanks for the help hcfwesker!

I just thought after I edited the file that test will pass. When I edited the file when the testing fail. I can install the mod?


ONCE you make those manual edits, YES!

The installer just shows errors, because it can't automatically find the edits (most likely due because a previously installed MOD made an edit to "said file" , in the same location).

Please, INSTALL the MOD, after you make the manual edits i provided.  I can only say it in so many ways  lol

Shadow Queen


I did install the mod lastnight. I'm loving the team page very much.

Thanks again!


A few questions:

Can this mod group ranks?
Can you specify different layouts?  I'd like 1 column, not 2 like the picture shows.  Plus, I want one row, one member, not a group of information inside one box which is what's shown.
Can you order ranks in any way you want?
Can you add custom profile fields to your team page?

To give you an idea of what I'm looking for, see my clan's roster here.  Note that this roster however is done manually, and not off of any forum profile.

Edit: Instead of posting twice in a row, I thought I'd edit my post, considering I was the latest poster on this thread.

I had attempted installing this mod on SMF 2.0, with tests successful, but I was finding I was unable to create the team table.  I was able to modify some of the code and I got it to install.  I just got lucky. I'm not much of a coder.  I understand a little bit.

Extract the mod on your computer (I use WinRAR), and open install.php under the smf2 folder.  Change this:
if (stristr($forum_version, 'SMF 2.0 RC2') || stristr($modSettings['smfVersion'], 'RC2') || stristr($forum_version, 'SMF 2.0 RC3') || stristr($modSettings['smfVersion'], 'RC3'))

To this:
if (stristr($forum_version, 'SMF 2.0 RC2') || stristr($modSettings['smfVersion'], 'RC2') || stristr($forum_version, 'SMF 2.0 RC3') || stristr($modSettings['smfVersion'], 'RC3') || stristr($forum_version, 'SMF 2.0') || stristr($modSettings['smfVersion'], ''))

Zip up the contents again as a ZIP folder.  Make sure the structure of the zip is the same as the original, or it won't work.  Also, make sure you delete your previous attempt to install the mod in the list of installed (or not installed) mods, then re-upload it.

The error that was being produced originally was on line 70, when in fact the code your replace is actually on line 19.

Note: Basically, I got it to install.  I have not had an opportunity to mess with any of the options.

Again, I don't know enough to assist anyone beyond that.

User Deleted

Can you help me with this

Table '********_*******.smf_team' doesn't exist
File: /home/********/public_html/Packages/temp/TeamPage3-5-5/smf2/install.php
Line: 70


Mine was giving me that error so I deleted the line in the install.php and reinstalled it.

the line giving me trouble was line 95
$smcFunc['db_insert']('ignore', $table_prefix . 'settings', array('variable' => 'string-255', 'value' => 'string-65534'), $replace_array, array('variable'));

Seems to be a problem if you had it installed once before, maybe this will help the others that cant seem to get any support for a common install error. :-\


Matthew K.

Just a little bit of information here.

I've had to install this modification on SMF 2.0.2 for two people and there are two issues.

1) It says it's compatible with SMF 2.0 RC2 and SMF 2.0 RC3 although there's not the proper XML attributes provided in package-info.xml, so the latest version WILL NOT work with SMF 2.0 RC2, or SMF 2.0 RC3.

2) In turn, there's an issue in smf2/install.php that does not give any conditions for SMF 2.0.x (non-RC releases)

To the DreamPortal Team - I'd highly suggest fixing these issues, it'll only take you 10-15 minutes, and it'll allow this modification to be used, right now, it's useless as it won't install for any 2.0x branches. (although I suppose it'd work for 1.1x branch just fine)

For anyone wanting to install this modification on SMF 2.0, SMF 2.0.1, or SMF 2.0.2, or even any future patches that might be released before this is resolved, open the install.php file in ./smf2/ of the package, find the following lines:
Code (Find) Select
$table_prefix = '';
if (stristr($forum_version, 'SMF 2.0 RC2') || stristr($modSettings['smfVersion'], 'RC2') || stristr($forum_version, 'SMF 2.0 RC3') || stristr($modSettings['smfVersion'], 'RC3'))
$table_prefix = '{db_prefix}';

Code (Replace) Select
$table_prefix = '{db_prefix}';
Save the file, and repackage it.



There where rumors of this being updated for 2.0 gold.  Any word on that one?
In case, I forget to say.  I am using 2.0.2


Quote from: Melissa524 on April 08, 2012, 01:37:49 PM
There where rumors of this being updated for 2.0 gold.  Any word on that one?

very doubtful.



Is there anyway I could possible have the groups on the left & right align with each other at the top? So for example you have the first group on the right, aligned with the first group on the left. And then you have the second group on the right, aligned with the second group on the left. And so on and so on. I'm asking for this because i have about 6 groups that I'm showing, and it looks rather messy at the moment.



I use this mod, but i have a question :)

How to separated an group in 3 columns on the team page?

For example, this group

Live example here.

Another example here on Language Moderators, Friends and Family and Beta Testers.

My mods for SMF - [6].


Quote from: -=[Vyorel]=- on May 31, 2012, 12:52:44 AM

I use this mod, but i have a question :)

How to separated an group in 3 columns on the team page?

For example, this group

Another example here on Language Moderators, Friends and Family and Beta Testers.


You do realise the 2nd image on this site is NOT the Team page mod?


Quote from: Old Fossil on May 31, 2012, 12:54:32 AM
Quote from: -=[Vyorel]=- on May 31, 2012, 12:52:44 AM

I use this mod, but i have a question :)

How to separated an group in 3 columns on the team page?

For example, this group

Another example here on Language Moderators, Friends and Family and Beta Testers.


You do realise the 2nd image on this site is NOT the Team page mod?
Yes, i know. But however, i solved  :P
My mods for SMF - [6].


I have a problem, the tables, the headers of the tabels of the groups are wrong... Here are the screens...

in the Administrator tabel must be user : Amar
in the VIP Član tabel must be users : kilometar, Goran SK, doBUS, Almir, mody_kick, mate, damir fido,
-II- Glavni Moderator must be user : The_Dubster
-II- Moderator must stand the users : Mustafa YJM, ecehajic, tomo, Moderator ...

Can you help me ? I don't know why to dol, to correct these tabels and to place the headers/titels of team groups above the list of the users of the group...

Sorry for the bed English...


hej guys , i need help to modify this mod ...

how do i delete the star icon beside the title ?

Diego Andrés

Updated to SMF 2.0 ;D
New style for the team page

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.
