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Team Page

Started by Diego Andrés, October 02, 2009, 04:56:36 PM

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So I been getting a lot of errors with 2.0

Quote8: Undefined variable: tpm_version
File: /Sources/TeamPage.php
Line: 166

165: // If you want to get rid of the copyright, simply comment out the variable or empty it.
==>166: $context['tpm_footer'] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Team Page ' . $tpm_version . '</a>';

So I thought I would be lazy and
// $context['tpm_footer'] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Team Page ' . $tpm_version . '</a>';
and even tried
/* $context['tpm_footer'] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Team Page ' . $tpm_version . '</a>'; */
and lastly I tried to delete line 166
but I now just end up with

Quote8: Undefined index: tpm_footer
File: /Themes/default/languages/TeamPage.english.php (main sub template - eval?)
Line: 200

TeamPage.english.php only has 62 lines  with nothing talking about a footer + /Sources/TeamPage.php only talks about tmp_footer on line 166

What can I do to correct this as I hate seeing any thing in the error.log file :)


Quote from: ryry46d9 on June 29, 2011, 06:18:37 PMWhat can I do to correct this as I hate seeing any thing in the error.log file :)

Try this. 

If you haven't already done so, goto



        // If you want to get rid of the copyright, simply comment out the variable or empty it.
$context['tpm_footer'] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Team Page ' . $tpm_version . '</a>';

Then goto



echo '
<div align="right" class="smalltext">', $context['tpm_footer'], '</div>';

Should remove that tpm_footer error you're getting.


Quote from: hcfwesker on June 30, 2011, 02:16:11 AM
Quote from: ryry46d9 on June 29, 2011, 06:18:37 PMWhat can I do to correct this as I hate seeing any thing in the error.log file :)

Try this. 

If you haven't already done so, goto



        // If you want to get rid of the copyright, simply comment out the variable or empty it.
$context['tpm_footer'] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Team Page ' . $tpm_version . '</a>';

Then goto



echo '
<div align="right" class="smalltext">', $context['tpm_footer'], '</div>';

Should remove that tpm_footer error you're getting.

I only have a TeamPage.english.php , So maybe my install is not complete

I am going to re-download this package and see if it works out any bugs


Well, if you were able to view the team page, and get that error, then you should have the TeamPage.template.php under your Themes/default folder.


All is well now
I was looking in




I am trying to install this mod, but I am getting this error:

"Table 'avguste_smf.smf_team' doesn't exist
File: /home/avguste/public_html/Packages/temp/smf2/install.php
Line: 70"

Any help would be appreciated.



this is a great mod, but what i would realy like to do is show the users in one member group in a block at the top of each team page, is there anyway that i can use the code from this to do such a thing
data i want to show is username and are they online



I tried to register at dezinerstudio, but nada happens to activation email. Could anyone please send me a download link for this mod please?? I run smf 2.0 final version now, and need to update on my end.

Edit: Parse manager was my friend..



SMF 2.0

TeamPage3-5-5 can not be installed.
Error message.

Tabelle 'usr_w44.smf_team' doesn't exist
File: /var/www/web444/html/Packages/temp/smf2/install.php
Line: 70

thank you



it would be nice if the personal text is also added into the userblock. This because i have a teamgroup which is not a standard group. Everyone in that group ha a specific task like the newsletter or help section. Since i use the personal text block to indentifi each ones task.. it would be great if that could also be shown in the blocks itself.
Sorry for my poor English, but i think it's probably better then your Dutch :)

Shadow Queen

I was trying to install this mod on my forum. But I couldn't  because of the error I am getting.

QuoteTable 'mykingdo_test.smf_team' doesn't exist
File: /home/mykingdo/public_html/test/Packages/temp/smf2/install.php
Line: 70

All the testing pass but when I hit the install that error show up.

What should I do?



SMF 2.0
I installed TeamPage3-5-5  and works, but why can not the user, guest and presenters do not see Team Page?

thank you

Shadow Queen

Can you updated this mod to SMF 2.0 Gold please?

I really like to install this mod on my forum.

I am getting this errors on the admin file

Can someone help me about this?


Quote from: Shadow Queen on September 07, 2011, 09:31:30 PM
Can you updated this mod to SMF 2.0 Gold please?

I really like to install this mod on my forum.

I am getting this errors on the admin file

Can someone help me about this?

Click the edit image directly under that "3" , it'll show you what edits need to be made. 

But, if that's the only error you have when installing, just do this manually, THEN install after you made this edit.


'current_theme' => array(
'label' => $txt['theme_current_settings'],

Add this BEFORE
'teampage' => array(
'label' => (!empty($txt['team_manage']) ? $txt['team_manage'] : 'Manage Team Page'),
'file' => 'TeamPage.php',
'function' => 'ManageTeamPage',
'custom_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=teampage;sa=admin;sesc=' . $sc,
'icon' => 'server.gif',
'subsections' => array(),

Also, there are 2 errors that form in the error log when viewing the team page, if you get them in your error log, the fix for that is at this link ...

Shadow Queen

Well, I did what you said to be done. It still no go. Both testing keep failing on me. I left the code in the Admin.php file.

What should I do then?


Install the MOD.  Even if that one file says "test failed" (JUST make the edits i told you to, then Install it, without worrying about that one test failed.

It's going to say "Test Failed" cause it cant make the edits on it's own.  That's where YOU come in and make the edits manually, then install the MOD , even if it still says "test failed" on that file.
