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Team Page

Started by Diego Andrés, October 02, 2009, 04:56:36 PM

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1.  No. You'll have to edit that yourself once the mod is installed.  Make sure to backup your files.  Once you manually edit the menu you won't be able to use the package manager to uninstall it unless you manually change it back to the original text, or replace the edits with a backup.

2.  The mod uses the names of the member groups you have assigned in your forum.  So if the groups are called "Founder, Full Member, Trial Member, and Inactive Member" that is what they will be called on the team page.


Hello, can you please let me know what code I would need to add so it will display the following on the team page:

- Name of boards a person moderates
- Content of field xxx when using the additional profile fields mod



So... I've installed it, and I can see the "Manage Team Page" admin section.

Where is it on my forum?



Hi. This is RonaldLee at 1up Clan. I have the mod installed and I am having some spacing issues, and I also was wondering how I can display the members like two on a line. Please take a look at my team page which is being used as a clan roster:

Reference to my previous post about how I would use the mod:

EDIT: I am using two-column layout now and the placement of the text depends upon the size of the avatar in the first row of any field.
368 Urban Terror avatars for your site or forum.
The avatars pack is 11.6 mbs. Direct free download for the avatars pack is right here: This avatar pack is 1up Clan's way of contributing to both the Urban Terror gaming community and the Simple Machines community. Due to the size of the pack, SMF has not approved it.


As the membergroups ie admin, moderator etc all have badges with the group name on is there a way of getting rid of the wording on the bars?

Also the membergroup names are only half visible despite my having the latest version of the mod.


The spanish translation that the MOD had was incomplete... I made another...

// Txt strings for the team page.
// Important! Before editing these language files please read the text at the top of index.english.php.

global $scripturl, $settings;

/* Basic strings */

// Outside strings
$txt['team'] = 'Equipo';
$txt['team_config'] = 'Configuración';
$txt['team_title'] = 'Nuestro Equipo';
$txt['team_manage'] = 'Configurar p&aacute;gina de equipo';
$txt['team_last_login'] = 'ultima vez activo';
$txt['team_no_members'] = 'ning&uacute;n miembro disponible...';
$txt['team_send_message'] = 'Enviar a %1 un mensaje personal';

// Inside title/confirm strings.
$txt['leadership_inc'] = 'Incluir Lideres';
$txt['list_all_groups'] = 'Lista de grupos por ID ';
$txt['settings_saved'] = 'Tu configuraci&oacute;n a sido guardada. <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=teampage" target="_self">Click aqu&iacute; para ver la p&aacute;gina.</a>.';

// Inside column/table strings for group inclusion
$txt['groups_left'] = 'Grupos de la Izquierda';
$txt['groups_right'] = 'Grupos de la Derecha';
$txt['groups_bottom'] = 'Grupos de la parte inferior';
$txt['groups_id'] = 'ID del Grupo';
$txt['groups_name'] = 'Nombre del Grupo';
$txt['groups_move'] = 'Mover';
$txt['groups_action'] = 'Acción';
$txt['groups_order'] = 'Orden';
$txt['groups_place'] = 'Poner';
$txt['groups_stars'] = 'Estrellas';

// Tooltips.
$txt['groups_move_left'] = 'Mover el grupo al lado izquierdo';
$txt['groups_move_right'] = 'Mover el grupo al lado derecho';
$txt['groups_move_bottom'] = 'Mover el grupo a la parte inferior';
$txt['groups_remove'] = 'Remover el grupo de la página del equipo';

// Push groups by step (ordering...)
$txt['groups_push_up'] = 'Mover el grupo un espacio para arriba.';
$txt['groups_push_down'] = 'Mover el grupo un espacio para abajo';

// Inside explaination/option strings.
$txt['team_showleaders'] = '¿Habilitar el sistema de liderazgo?';
$txt['team_leaders'] = 'Los lideres del grupo (IDs de usuarios) para ser listados antes que los demás en el grupo (separar por comas)';
$txt['team_show_badges'] = '¿Mostrar las placas del grupo en la página?';
$txt['team_show_avatars'] = '¿Mostrar los avatares en la página?';
$txt['team_show_lastlogin'] = '¿Mostrar el último acceso del usuario del grupo?';
$txt['team_show_pmlink'] = '¿Mostrar el link al MP para los miembros del equipo?';
$txt['team_additional_groups'] = '¿Mostrar usuarios en los grupos segundarios?';

// Error strings.
$txt['no_more_groups'] = 'No hay ningún grupo inactivo...';
$txt['no_groups_defined'] = '¡No hay grupos para ser mostrados en la página del equipo! Por favor agrega algunos grupos. Los usuarios están siendo redireccionados a la página principal cuando accesan a ésta página hasta que usted resuelva esto.';



Quote from: xmathewx75 on March 16, 2010, 02:37:49 PM

i have entered this Team Mod and im running version 1.1.11 and when i install this mod it works fine but, when i go to Team Page On My Site its dont look right im mean i rename adminstor to *[WBS]* Founder and it say "No Members Available..." and defender is founder and im am founder so two founders and only defender is showing and im not why? is this a eorror?

I'm receiving the same issue when I installed last night on 1.1.11.

Once I go to the team page, it shows the "No member's available" text just above the pictures. I installed this on my other forum that is running 2.0RC3 and it works flawlessly.

I will just wait for the fix to elevate before installing it again on 1.1.11.

Thank you! Great mod BTW!

Dream Portal Team

Been away for a while, am going to get working on pushing an update soon for this mod. Sorry for the wait. :)
This is the universal account for the Dream Portal Team. All messages sent to this account will be discarded.  Please visit us at:  Dream Portal dot net for support and extensions to Dream Portal.

Cal O'Shaw

No worries.  That you have volunteered your time and effort to write and maintain this (and other) MODs is greatly appreciated.



Quote from: Dream Portal Team on April 01, 2010, 11:27:22 PM
Been away for a while, am going to get working on pushing an update soon for this mod. Sorry for the wait. :)

Yeah man, I'm in no hurry!

Thanks for all that you do!


How do you get members in their actual member group boxes.

Where is says at the top box Administrator, No Member's Available ...   

How do I place members in these boxes, and re order them?

I'm in the admin staff team page, but the options to do this are very limited.

I see no option to place them in the designated member group boxes.  there's on 3 boxes on here that I can place them in, and it just groups them on top of one another..


Can any tell me how to add the code to display personal text inside team page site?
We put their position in organization in personal text.

Dream Portal Team

Updated version.. this is mainly bugfixes and one new option that was requested (enable/disable teampage).

Some performance tweaks as well. I'm going to be pushing out a new version sooner than later which will include customizable templating and member specific placement inside groups.

Quote from: hcfwesker on April 12, 2010, 08:24:38 PM
How do you get members in their actual member group boxes.

Where is says at the top box Administrator, No Member's Available ...   

How do I place members in these boxes, and re order them?

I'm in the admin staff team page, but the options to do this are very limited.

I see no option to place them in the designated member group boxes.  there's on 3 boxes on here that I can place them in, and it just groups them on top of one another..

I honestly am not seeing your issue. Did you modify the page and remove the outlines, because it appears you did on that. Either that or you have no badges or text for your group names.

Quote from: rngrdanny22 on April 01, 2010, 09:30:17 AM
Quote from: xmathewx75 on March 16, 2010, 02:37:49 PM

i have entered this Team Mod and im running version 1.1.11 and when i install this mod it works fine but, when i go to Team Page On My Site its dont look right im mean i rename adminstor to *[WBS]* Founder and it say "No Members Available..." and defender is founder and im am founder so two founders and only defender is showing and im not why? is this a eorror?

I'm receiving the same issue when I installed last night on 1.1.11.

Once I go to the team page, it shows the "No member's available" text just above the pictures. I installed this on my other forum that is running 2.0RC3 and it works flawlessly.

I will just wait for the fix to elevate before installing it again on 1.1.11.

Thank you! Great mod BTW!

I do believe I have fixed this issue with this update. If not I will need to reinstall my 1.1 test site and redo some parts. I rewrote some of the query and removed some of the checks. Make sure to delete the team table inside your database before installing this new copy.

Quote from: rlh2006 on March 25, 2010, 10:48:08 AM
Hi. This is RonaldLee at 1up Clan. I have the mod installed and I am having some spacing issues, and I also was wondering how I can display the members like two on a line. Please take a look at my team page which is being used as a clan roster:

Reference to my previous post about how I would use the mod:

EDIT: I am using two-column layout now and the placement of the text depends upon the size of the avatar in the first row of any field.

Is this still a problem? If it is, could you illustrate what you want?
This is the universal account for the Dream Portal Team. All messages sent to this account will be discarded.  Please visit us at:  Dream Portal dot net for support and extensions to Dream Portal.

Dream Portal Team

Quote from: z_dane on April 16, 2010, 09:51:34 AM
Can any tell me how to add the code to display personal text inside team page site?
We put their position in organization in personal text.

Yes. What version of SMF are you using?
This is the universal account for the Dream Portal Team. All messages sent to this account will be discarded.  Please visit us at:  Dream Portal dot net for support and extensions to Dream Portal.


Quote from: Dream Portal Team on April 18, 2010, 07:15:44 PM
Quote from: hcfwesker on April 12, 2010, 08:24:38 PM
How do you get members in their actual member group boxes.

Where is says at the top box Administrator, No Member's Available ...   

How do I place members in these boxes, and re order them?

I'm in the admin staff team page, but the options to do this are very limited.

I see no option to place them in the designated member group boxes.  there's on 3 boxes on here that I can place them in, and it just groups them on top of one another..

I honestly am not seeing your issue. Did you modify the page and remove the outlines, because it appears you did on that. Either that or you have no badges or text for your group names.

Yes, I did modify it, because it did look very tacky with all the member group name bars, just sitting at the bottom of the page.  And I tried everything to put each name under their assigned member group table, but it never seemed to work.

I use all custom groups.  Noone is in the moderator or global moderator group.  The only default group I use is administrator.

Do you have any suggestions for getting the correct memebr under their correct member group table?  I can easily add those tables back, but edited them out the best I could, and just ordered my staff the best I could in the left and right tables.

Edit:  I added the tables back at the bottom. 

Example ... Spirit, should be inside the "Tournament Manager" Box.  And Kagato should be inside "The Final Boss" box.

Cal O'Shaw

Just had to uninstall this MOD after it quickly dumped 220 errors into my error log. 

Most of them were on 'action=teampage;sa=manage;save':

8: Undefined index: id_group
File: /home/ZZZ/public_html/forum/Sources/TeamPage.php
Line: 131

But there were also 3 errors on 'action=teampage':

8: Undefined index: id_group
File: /home/ZZZ/public_html/forum/Sources/TeamPage.php
Line: 131

And quite a few of:

8: Undefined index: name
File: /home/mcgarden/public_html/forum/Themes/default/TeamPage.template.php
Line: 33

When I uninstalled the MOD, I got these errors:

2: unlink(languages/TeamPage.english.php) [<a href='function.unlink'>function.unlink</a>]: No such file or directory
File: /home/ZZZ/public_html/forum/Sources/Subs-Package.php
Line: 1054

2: unlink(smf1/TeamPage.template.php) [<a href='function.unlink'>function.unlink</a>]: No such file or directory
File: /home/ZZZ/public_html/forum/Sources/Subs-Package.php
Line: 1054

2: unlink(smf1/TeamPage.php) [<a href='function.unlink'>function.unlink</a>]: No such file or directory
File: /home/ZZZ/public_html/forum/Sources/Subs-Package.php
Line: 1054

I did try an earlier version of this MOD, as noted in this topic.  It looks as if the last version left behind settings when it was uninstalled.

Using SMF 1.1.11, default theme.

Hope this info helps...


Dream Portal Team

Apparently there is some issue with the 1.1 version of the mod... however those unlink() issues are not from the mod.

I'll take a look at my local copy of SMF 1.1 and see if I can find out what is wrong.
This is the universal account for the Dream Portal Team. All messages sent to this account will be discarded.  Please visit us at:  Dream Portal dot net for support and extensions to Dream Portal.

Cal O'Shaw


The Team page was doing strange things.  For example, the Admin group was a column of:
No members (don't remember exact text)
Name of 1st Administrator
Name of 2nd Administrator

Also, the checkboxes for showing PM link and last login were ignored.  Both were shown no matter what I did.

I appreciate you looking into this.



I've installed this mod, but I can't see it anywhere. I expected a tab to appear across the top of my Forum, but nothing happened. Suggestions?
SMF 2.0.1

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