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Team Page

Started by Diego Andrés, October 02, 2009, 04:56:36 PM

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Dream Portal Team

A customizable team page is what this mod does. The intent of the modification from the start was to provide a quick on-the-fly team page that could be customized in a few minutes. The information displayed could be expanded yes, and this is the intent of the next release which allows more information to be displayed, as well as control where members show up (pins).

Showing mods and the pm system is one important feature that is missing from Simple Machines Forum in general-- there isn't any clear distinction between the staff and members except groups themselves, and it can be tedious to navigate through individual group listings. This is why we've made a page that shows all groups of your staff.
This is the universal account for the Dream Portal Team. All messages sent to this account will be discarded.  Please visit us at:  Dream Portal dot net for support and extensions to Dream Portal.

Cal O'Shaw

Did you address allowing only those membergroups that have the permission enabled to see the [TEAM] button?

Just want to be sure before installing it.





i have entered this Team Mod and im running version 1.1.11 and when i install this mod it works fine but, when i go to Team Page On My Site its dont look right im mean i rename adminstor to *[WBS]* Founder and it say "No Members Available..." and defender is founder and im am founder so two founders and only defender is showing and im not why? is this a eorror?


It's been 6 hours since posting. Please be patient, I'm sure the DP team will investigate your issue ASAP.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.

Cal O'Shaw

Uh, please keep in mind that MODs are written by people VOLUNTEERING their time and knowledge.  They have lives outside of SMF.  So chill.


Dream Portal Team

It's just generally polite to wait.

At any rate, I'll have a look-see at my local SMF 1.1 installation to see if I can replicate the issue. If I can I'll patch it for next version.

Quote from: Cal O'Shaw on March 12, 2010, 11:48:42 PM
Did you address allowing only those membergroups that have the permission enabled to see the [TEAM] button?

Just want to be sure before installing it.



Completely forgot about that. Apologies. I'll add it in for the next version.
This is the universal account for the Dream Portal Team. All messages sent to this account will be discarded.  Please visit us at:  Dream Portal dot net for support and extensions to Dream Portal.

Cal O'Shaw

No worries.  Appreciate it.  Grazie


So there's this mod and the "Staff Page" mod:

Aren't they basically the same thing? Are there clear benefits/features in this one that Staff Page doesn't have?


They look different, this one looks better.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.



Quote from: Arantor on March 17, 2010, 03:39:39 PM
They look different, this one looks better.
I would have to agree. :) Just wasn't sure if I was missing anything else.

Dream Portal Team

Yeah I personally prefer the interface I made (both the adminset and the actual teampage itself). :)
This is the universal account for the Dream Portal Team. All messages sent to this account will be discarded.  Please visit us at:  Dream Portal dot net for support and extensions to Dream Portal.

Kill Em All

Quote from: Dream Portal Team on March 17, 2010, 07:21:20 PM
Yeah I personally prefer the interface I made (both the adminset and the actual teampage itself). :)
Do ya? :p

Can't wait for that new template to come out to.

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i tested staff page but no good i would like team page when you see the propblem


Replaced Staff Page with this mod and am definitely liking the look better. Thanks for making this.



so i download team page again? and install it?  :o


I have a couple of questions?

I want to use the Team Page to put together my gaming clan roster on a nice page. The types of clan members we have are: Founder, Full Member, Trial Member, and Inactive Member.
It you want to see what I am already working with, then go here:

1) Does the mod allow the installer to change the link button text to "Roster"?
2) Does the mod allow the installer to customize the titles of the member groups?
368 Urban Terror avatars for your site or forum.
The avatars pack is 11.6 mbs. Direct free download for the avatars pack is right here: This avatar pack is 1up Clan's way of contributing to both the Urban Terror gaming community and the Simple Machines community. Due to the size of the pack, SMF has not approved it.
