SMF - integration with Joomla and other things

Started by Kindred, September 20, 2009, 11:04:03 AM

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first and foremost: This board is now LOCKED for new topics and may eventually be phased out completely. Why?

The official SMF-Joomla bridge was discontinued in July of 2007, due to license restrictions with Joomla's implementation of the GPL.  (See post here) There is no officially supported SMF-Joomla bridge at this time. In addition, the previous distributed bridge (frozen at version 1.1.7) is only compatible with Joomla versions up to 1.0.12.

The official bridge was distributed under the SMF license, which forbids redistribution. Since SMF is no longer distributing it, please do not ask for it.

If you are still running the old 1.1.7 bridge and have questions, the readme support topic can be found HERE
The FAQ for the 1.1.7 bridge is listed HERE
Known issues with 1.1.7 and the fixes are listed HERE
Please note, that the versions of joomla required to run the 1.1.7 bridge are NOT secure and you should consider alternative options. We do continue to support the bridge to Mambo and there bridges to other CMSs and several SMF Portal Mods.

Second: If you wish to run SMF and Joomla, there are now two un-official bridges being developed by other parties.

SSJB (announcement) is a project to link SMF to Joomla. The developer officially supports his bridge on google code/projects. Questions and comments on the SSJB bridge should be done on that site. According to that site, his official support is for Joomla 1.5.x and SMF 2.x.

JFusion is a project that has attempted to build a multi-system integration bridge. This is not specifically designed for SMF-Joomla, but, according to users of the bridge, it does work to link the two systems. Questions and comments on the JFusion bridge should be done on the developer's official site. According to that site, his official support is for Joomla 1.5.x.

There are no longer any bridges supporting the Joomla 1.0.x series


Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."



Hi newbie here..
I want to integrate SMF 1.1.11 with joomla 1.5.
Is it possible?

Thanks in advance..



Thanks.. I have installed jfusion component and integrated SMF successfully.But the problem is I am not able to have a common login for joomla and SMF.
I register and login to joomla when I open SMF forum joomla it will ask for the login again.
I have disabled user registration in SMF and also did user sync of jfusion in joomla..
Is it possible to have a common login between them?

Please help..
Thank you..


Please read the first post in this thread.

this thread is not for support....   nor do we provide support for the jfusion component. 

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Thanks for the explanation I started today with a Joomla and SFM website. Before we worked with Joomla and PHPBB but it did not satisfy hopefully SMF will  8)
I'm in no condition to drive...wait! I shouldn't listen to myself, I'm drunk!


Surprisingly, I have found that SMF and Joomla are actually quite compatible compared to some other forum management systems out there, while both also offer mobile solutions [nofollow]. I applaud SMF for letting independent programmers work out the functionality and focusing purely on their own product. Because of the changing market and trends concerning mobility, I am quite please and intrigued with the possibilities.


Thanks,  I run SMF and Joomla still, of course it's in my nature to be resistant to change, I guess I'm just stubborn that way. Though I have not yet had any significant issues, I do appreciate the third party alternatives, no sense in tempting fate. I think it would be a great idea for me to avoid the inevitable disaster, and switch to one of the new bridges.


If I use Joomla and SMF, do I have to bridge them? Could there be any problems if I don't use a bridge? I am asking because I use both and I didn't realize any problems.
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Quote from: Carmina on June 05, 2011, 12:23:20 PM
If I use Joomla and SMF, do I have to bridge them? Could there be any problems if I don't use a bridge? I am asking because I use both and I didn't realize any problems.
No, you do not have to.

It is only just an addition.
For example, Joomla can be able to access SMF's users and import them to Joomla's database.
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