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Sitra Theme for 1.0.x and 1.1

Started by Mystica, April 08, 2005, 05:21:42 AM

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Try it like this:
// View Groups Interface... [groups]
if (allowedTo('view_groups'))
echo '
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=groups">', $txt['elgm4'] , '</a><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/mensep.gif" border="0" />';

You should only have to put this between the button codes for profile and calendar.
~ there's nothing wrong with me, this is how I'm supposed to be ~


Hi Mystica,

Thnks for the beautyful theme. ( smf 1.1 rc1 ) but i running RC2 is that a problem?

Second question,  i have no buttons at all, only text.

Greeting Martin

Groetjes Martin....



Don't border,  i have did't myzelf.  I have all the buttons back...

Greetings, Martin
Groetjes Martin....



Hello M!
When we are going to have sitratheme compatible with 1.1RC2? :)


I'm working on it. Might still take some time though. I hope to finish updates this weekend, could take some days longer though.
~ there's nothing wrong with me, this is how I'm supposed to be ~


Here's the updated version for SMF 1.1 RC2
~ there's nothing wrong with me, this is how I'm supposed to be ~


Great stuff Mystika, installing the new version now.
Thoughts are free, it's their consequences that often have a cost.


I just downloaded the RC.2 ver. I am showing that it is the RC1 ver in the index.template file. Did I get the wrong zip file or is it a typo?

Also I want to add a Gallery link in the menu, I am not sure where to add or even what. I have been given the task of adding this as the web master for the site quit before adding the photo gallery and bridging them, any help would be greatly appreciated. The gallery is Coppermine if that makes any difference.



Quote from: brnmllr on January 10, 2006, 05:54:14 PM
I just downloaded the RC.2 ver. I am showing that it is the RC1 ver in the index.template file. Did I get the wrong zip file or is it a typo?

Sorry, it was a mistake, I uploaded the wrong file  :-[  I just updated the zip file in the post.

The menu links are in index.template.php, down near the bottom of the file. To add a link, use this code:

echo '
            <a href="link url">link name</a><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/mensep.gif" border="0" />';

~ there's nothing wrong with me, this is how I'm supposed to be ~


Hi. Thanks for your work on the theme :)

There is one bug that I'd like to report. On the post view, the "Go Up" and "Go Down" buttons are broken images. It's trying to point to "Themes/sitra-1-1RC2/images/color/english/go_up.gif" but that location does not exist (english does not even exist). I tried to search for that file in the archive but I don't see it any other place either.

Thanks in advance.

SMF 1.1 RC2
Latest "Sitra" Theme Zip from Above


Please download the new zip and replace, I missed that one, sorry  :-[
~ there's nothing wrong with me, this is how I'm supposed to be ~


The menu links are in index.template.php, down near the bottom of the file. To add a link, use this code:

echo '
            <a href="link url">link name</a><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/mensep.gif" border="0" />';


Thanks for the quick response. I am just learning this and I appreciate all the help and work you and the others have done here, you guys make this easier for those of us that are just starting out.

Thanks again.


How should I mofify these to make it work in sitra theme? ::)
<add after>

//Add Thnak You Buttons :)
if (isset($context['thank_you']['premission'])) {
if ($context['thank_you']['premission']['post'])
echo '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=thankyoupost;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0">' . $thanks_button . '</a>';
elseif ($context['thank_you']['premission']['add'])
echo '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=thankyouadd;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0">' . $thanks_button . '</a>';
</add after>

<add before>
if (isset($context['thank_you']['premission']))
$mod_buttons += array(
'lock_thank_you' => array('test' => 'thank_you_lock', 'text' => 'd_thank_you_lock'.$context['ThankYouLockStatus'], 'image' => 'thank_you_lock'.$context['ThankYouLockStatus'].'.gif', 'lang' => true, 'custom' => '', 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=thankyoulock;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0'),
'remove_thank_you' => array('test' => 'thank_you_delete', 'text' => 'd_thank_you_remove', 'image' => 'thank_you_delete.gif', 'lang' => true, 'custom' => 'onclick="return confirm(\'' . $txt['d_thank_you_remove_warn'] . '\');"', 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=thankyouremove;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0'),
</add before>

<add after>
', $context['can_Thank_you'] && empty($context['isThank_You']) ? '
<td class="smalltext"><label for="check_thank_you"><input type="checkbox" name="add_thank_you" id="add_thank_you"' . ($context['add_thank_you'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="1" class="check" /> '.$txt['thank_you_after2'].'</label></td>
<td class="smalltext"></td>
</tr>' : '', '
</add after>


I installed the update for RC2, but still have a small problem

I have the options to show a thumbnail turned on, but it still doesn't show the thumbnails!!

any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

another thing I noticed. I installed the "integrated chat" mod. Now I know this isn't the chat place, but it messes up the way the header thing at the top looks. If you go here, you'll see what I mean [nofollow]  . For some reason, the column where the "chat" link is, above the full text menu, is attached to the column where the "news" are. So If I change the news to something long and the "chat" column at the left of the "there's so many ppl in the chat" is narrow, then the "news" column is narrow too and it looks stupid. I fixed this for now by making the "chat" column 50%, but now the word "chat" is in the middle of nowhere. Still looks stupid.

Also, anyone know why "mark all posts as read" doesn't work? I get an authentificatio error, even though I'm logged in.



Can you email me your index.template.php so I could have a look at the chat box problem? Shouldn't be too hard to fix.

The mark as read function works fine for me. Does this also happen in other themes or only with Sitra?
~ there's nothing wrong with me, this is how I'm supposed to be ~


I'm sending you the file

The thumbnails work now. Stupid me forgot to change to Sitra for RC2, I was still using the other one. :P
The mark all read works fine too.

There's just the weird column thing at the top.
see what I mean here [nofollow]

I also noticed that there's a delay in loading pages due to the chat stats. Instead of showing up the stats right away, it shows "there are currently" then it stops for a second or two, then it loads the number of people in the chat and everything else in the page.
Do you have any idea what might cause that?  I'm thinking it's the delay for the chat server to send the response on how many people are in the chat, but maybe not.



I sent you a modified version of your file. I changed the look of the chat stats to fit in better with the theme. Let me know if this works better.

The delay in loading is probably caused by contacting the chat server and waiting for a reply, at least that sounds logical ;)
~ there's nothing wrong with me, this is how I'm supposed to be ~


It works fine now! Looks a lot better :)



If have made some extra colours in sitra.
Now i have made 1 in black/gray.
I have changed almost all fonts to a different colour
But only the fonts in some moderator fucntions (support informatie)  post en topic counts on the boards  and the information next to quick replay these are still black
where can i change them only for this colour

smf version = 1.0.6


Quote from: Jan.S. on February 10, 2006, 11:30:12 AM
If have made some extra colours in sitra.
Now i have made 1 in black/gray.
I have changed almost all fonts to a different colour
But only the fonts in some moderator fucntions (support informatie)  post en topic counts on the boards  and the information next to quick replay these are still black
where can i change them only for this colour

smf version = 1.0.6

I all ready founded

test forum
