SMF Quiz

Started by Diego Andrés, February 18, 2009, 01:08:19 PM

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i am getting missing db table error looks like mod was unable to make tables.any suggestions?running php 5 and smf 2 rc1
Happy Ramadan

Mai Pen Rai

Any concrete solution to the popup with "max amount of times played"???

Anadolu or S_M_F_Modding... help needed.
Mai Pen Rai - means "No worries" in Thai

Mai Pen


Quote from: Mai Pen Rai on February 22, 2009, 05:09:05 AM
Any concrete solution to the popup with "max amount of times played"???

Anadolu or S_M_F_Modding... help needed.

The best way to see what error is actually being returned is to enter the following address

http://<your board address>/Sources/SMFQuizStart.php?id_quiz=1

This should return XML for the quiz with the id specified. I am guessing there is an error on yours for some reason, going to this page should return some kind of error. Let me know.


Quote from: !Hachi! on February 21, 2009, 10:08:55 PM
i am getting missing db table error looks like mod was unable to make tables.any suggestions?running php 5 and smf 2 rc1

At the moment I don't understand why these tables get created fine in any install I have done and many other people's installations, but on a few they don't. I am going to have a look at this more when I get some free time and try to create a separate script to fix the issue for those that get it.



Quote from: !Hachi! on February 21, 2009, 10:08:55 PM
i am getting missing db table error looks like mod was unable to make tables.any suggestions?running php 5 and smf 2 rc1

I have provided an extra database install script, could you let me know if that fixes your problem please?


Quote from: S_M_F_Modding on February 21, 2009, 01:37:32 PM
Quote from: mrtrc266 on February 21, 2009, 10:13:07 AM
Hello, I get this during the install of the Quiz Mod on a fresh SMF RC1

Table 'xxxxxx_testrc1.monsters_quiz_question_type' doesn't exist
File: /home/xxxxxx/public_html/testrc1/Packages/temp/SMFQuiz 1.0.3/smf2/installScript.php
Line: 159

Thanks in advance for you help.

If you check your database, are there any tables that have the word "quiz" in them? If so, could you list them here please?


I think I got it sorted. Great MOD! My members will love it when I convert to SMF 2  ;)


I don't see Turkish character:

Elveda SMF...


Quote from: <<Anadolu>> on February 22, 2009, 10:08:10 AM
I don't see Turkish character:

Yes, I don't have much experience with other character sets, so I am not sure how to get around that one. Any advice welcome!


People will looking if can be run in 1.1.8



Quote from: qubbah on February 23, 2009, 01:26:28 AM
People will looking if can be run in 1.1.8


As I said before, this is only going to be for SMF2.



great mod.
my members really like it.
thanks for making and releasing.


Quote from: geo on February 23, 2009, 09:41:21 AM
great mod.
my members really like it.
thanks for making and releasing.

You're welcome  :)


just wanted to post you some kudos, S_M_F_Modding... i know *I* sure appreciate all your efforts!

(i'm aka cassie on your site)


QuoteBear in mind this is something I am doing in my spare time. I have a full time job along with a family, so I can't dedicate all my time to it!

WELL SAID - I think you just described about 90% of the people who help out the SMF community.

Congrats on finally getting it released. I noticed I'm on some of the screen shots  8)

Can't wait for your other project to get off the ground. I think people will love it even more than your quiz.
30 years ago I was young and foolish.
Now I'm just young.


Dave's Games


Quote from: casp3r on February 19, 2009, 05:13:51 AM

./Themes/default/languages/ManageScheduledTasks.english.php     File not found

Where do I get this file from?

My main site is running SMF2 Beta 4. (this person may have been using the same)
I got the same error.
The file is included in SMF 2 RC1
I just uploaded the ManageScheduledTasks.english.php file to the languages folder before installation and it works fine.
Also no errors in "Logs".
30 years ago I was young and foolish.
Now I'm just young.


Dave's Games


I have this mod(1.0.3) on an intranet test site, my users are very excited. :D

Now, I just have to figure out how to handle non-english texts in the questions.  ;D


Quote from: Bancherd on February 26, 2009, 04:20:37 AM
I have this mod(1.0.3) on an intranet test site, my users are very excited. :D

Now, I just have to figure out how to handle non-english texts in the questions.  ;D

I know there will be a few issues with getting the mod working with other languages. I am happy to spend time on getting it working with other languages, but will obviously need assistance from people that want this.

At the moment I am not sure whether playing the quiz will work with all language specific characters, plus I am pretty sure there are a few admin functions that have a hard coded dependancy on the POST action being in English. There may also be other issues, but I need you and others to help find these issues.

Hopefully, once we have got over the initial pain the mod can be truely multi-lingual.



Right now it cuts off after the first Thai-letter, which suggests that it might not be that difficult to fix.

Which file should I look into?  I took a peak at $questionText in SMFQuizAdmin.php, but I am not sure if I am on the right track?  ???

(My database is utf8_general_ci...but the board is using plain English)


Quote from: Bancherd on February 26, 2009, 10:35:02 AM
Right now it cuts off after the first Thai-letter, which suggests that it might not be that difficult to fix.

Which file should I look into?  I took a peak at $questionText in SMFQuizAdmin.php, but I am not sure if I am on the right track?  ???

(My database is utf8_general_ci...but the board is using plain English)

Firstly, I would suggest having this discussion on the SMF Modding site, as there have been a few posts relating to other languages on there. Secondly, I would need to know a little more detail. So, at what point is it cutting off after the first letter? What were you trying to do at the time, etc?



Agreed, will go over to the mod's support site for more detailed discussion.  :D
