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Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve

Started by bloc, February 16, 2009, 03:28:03 PM

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Marcus Forsberg

Tristan Perry

Quote from: yawp on April 24, 2009, 04:24:36 PM
is there any possibility to wrap up this theme in a separate package and make it available for download without waiting for the RC2 release to be ready ?
The theme itself still isn't 100% ready.


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Marcus Forsberg

@akaiphan, as RC1 just got released, you probably have to wait a bit longer.
The devs have bug-fixes to do and CUrve is far from finished.


Quote from: yawp on April 24, 2009, 04:24:36 PM
is there any possibility to wrap up this theme in a separate package and make it available for download without waiting for the RC2 release to be ready ?
No, 'cause RC1 and older aren't compatible with it.. :)
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Its just a theme as any other - if you consider its looks and appearance - but as we are also converting all templates to work with it + improving the markup to be more semantic correct.

In other words, there isn't any major reasons why it can't be ported backwards, but it would never be as complete. The CSS scheme would also need to be changed as it simply doesn't exist or partly exists in older SMF versions. The amount of work involved stops it from happening anytime soon.


Approximately 6 months between each new version. RC1 was released in Feb, So it will be in Aug.
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Actually, no. There is no planned release for RC2. For all we know, it could be December. (again, that's not the release date either, I'm just making a point)
Gary M. Gadsdon
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Blind Bandit

Quote from: Gazmanafc on April 26, 2009, 05:07:04 PM
Actually, no. There is no planned release for RC2. For all we know, it could be December. (again, that's not the release date either, I'm just making a point)

God I hope not.

But at the rate everything is going I wouldn't be surprised.


Wow, this is clean and stylish! I hope we can use it soon!  :)


jeezus, I cannot believe the selfishness of some of the postees in this thread.

FFS, these guys are working their t*ts off to bring you a smart looking new theme - gratis / free / nada / diddlysquat / for nothing but a *thanks* by the few that actually appreciate what SMF stands for.

Yeah - I know I aint a payin member............but I am also not whining for a release date.

Thats my rant over with.

Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

Billy - I agree with you ;)
I can't wait to see 2.0 go gold, and the new theme and everything,
but I know whining about it won't bring it out any faster. :)
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Whining might not, but wining will! Everyone knows that drunk coders (think they) code faster!
Steven Hoffman
Former Team Member, 2009-2012

Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

Also, wining makes the wait seem shorter, and makes it considerably more tolerable :P
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Quote from: Fustrate on April 28, 2009, 03:01:06 PM
Everyone knows that drunk coders (think they) code faster!

Sure, if you want a lot of beer references and puke in the code. :P
Gary M. Gadsdon
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Is really interesting to see how long the SMF team needs to complete  a theme (at least for charter members) ...
The announcement is now 3 months back .. really a great period for a simple theme  8)



Jeez. Some people just don't get it.

We are volunteers, and as such we are not paid to do this, we have personal lives, and other projects of our own to attend to which take priority over SMF.

Further, we are not doing this theme as if it is just another theme, it is a total overhaul of ALL templates, even ones that theme authors don't edit.

And lastly don't forget that there is a limited number of people working on this to update all those templates, there's probably about five or six working on it, one of which is me.

I find it insulting that people keep insist on getting this, that and the other given to them five seconds after we announce that we're working on it. It just doesnt work like that. We are not paid, so why should we put our personal lives (like failing a final exam or getting sacked from a real paid job) on the line just so you can have a new release of a product you get for free.

Sorry to be blunt here, but just shut up and wait until we release the damn thing.
Gary M. Gadsdon
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^ YT is changing monetisation policy, help reach 1000 sub threshold.


Quote from: Gazmanafc on April 28, 2009, 04:52:45 PM
Jeez. Some people just don't get it.

We are volunteers, and as such we are not paid to do this, we have personal lives, and other projects of our own to attend to which take priority over SMF.

Further, we are not doing this theme as if it is just another theme, it is a total overhaul of ALL templates, even ones that theme authors don't edit.

And lastly don't forget that there is a limited number of people working on this to update all those templates, there's probably about five or six working on it, one of which is me.

I find it insulting that people keep insist on getting this, that and the other given to them five seconds after we announce that we're working on it. It just doesnt work like that. We are not paid, so why should we put our personal lives (like failing a final exam or getting sacked from a real paid job) on the line just so you can have a new release of a product you get for free.

Sorry to be blunt here, but just shut up and wait until we release the damn thing.
someone needs to bold this :D

青山 素子

Quote from: feline on April 28, 2009, 04:37:20 PM
Is really interesting to see how long the SMF team needs to complete  a theme (at least for charter members) ...
The announcement is now 3 months back .. really a great period for a simple theme  8)

Well, considering the screenshots were taken of just the board index, and that wasn't even final yet, it's not a big surprise. As gazmanafc said above (with a little less diplomacy), the team is working hard on converting all the templates SMF uses to a more semantic structure and to fit in with the new look.

Sure, we could have just stopped with the pretty visuals, but the goal is to create a strong theme that can be used by our authors for some time. This means we can't go half way and then call it good. There are over 50 template files used by SMF and each one has to be worked on to update it, be validated in all major browsers, fixed if it breaks, and audited to make sure the code is clean. It's a lot of work, even with some advisors we have gathered to assist us in providing assistance in semantic code.

(Oh, and the board index code has changed a few times since the screenshot - it looks the same, but the code is much cleaner and simpler now - of course every rewrite takes a bit of time too)
Director, Simple Machines

Note: Unless otherwise stated, my posts are not representative of any official position or opinion of Simple Machines.


Quote from: Motoko-chan on April 28, 2009, 06:09:25 PM
As gazmanafc said above (with a little less diplomacy)
The tone is dramatic bad. There should be some staff from SMF something to hold back ..


