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Started by Fussilet, January 12, 2009, 06:08:36 PM

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Dear Fussilet

I hope you can help us.

We are very happy with your theme intifada. We have given your theme our own banner and added a few things like buttons/links, but the base of your theme is the same! Your theme is good and easy to work with so we are very gratefull. Thanks that we can use your theme.

However the person who installed this theme at the start of our site used the version of intifada compatible With: 1.1.7.

As a result of this we have a lot of errors in admin/error log as we are using SMF version 1.1.11.

Your theme intifada which is installed is not compatible with our SMF version 1.1.11. These errors are not a result of our changes, we've tested that. Those errors are the result of using a not compatible version of your theme. (our mistake..sorry)

We have noticed that in the meantime your intifada theme is made compatible with version 1.1.10. But installing this means, we have to go back to SMF version 1.1.10 and we have to start all over again to give our site the looks which our members are used to. This means a lot of work so we have to close down our forum during a period.

We are a live forum with a lot of members (8700). Closing down is something we hope to prevent. That is why i started this topic hoping you will help us.

We hope you want to help us to make our live SMF forum 1.1.11 compatible with your theme intifada. This without installing yr theme all over again but if possible to make changes in the current live theme itself.

Is that possible please?

If you want to take a look, you are very welcome there:

I hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards

Pls visit for advertisement design.
