PM to New Members [Added Support for 2.0 RC3]

Started by Nibogo, December 04, 2008, 08:28:42 AM

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I just installed mod successfully in smf 2.0 rc3 but can't find it in admin



I cannot install.
2.0 RC3
I am using a curved life theme.
My installed mods are:
Join Reason   1.3
Bad Behavior mod   1.0.0
Register At Post View v.1.1   1.1
Bad Behavior install   1.0.0
Share This Topic   2.3
Yet Another Global Announcements Mod   2.7.3
Drafts (for SMF 2.0 / SMF 1.1)   2.0.1
TopicStarter Mod   1.5
Effectively Remove SMF Logo   1.1
Default_Membergroup   1.0.1

I received this message.
QuoteError in Package Installation
At least one error was encountered during a test installation of this package. It is strongly recommended that you do not continue with installation unless you know what you are doing, and have made a backup very recently. This error may be caused by a conflict between the package you're trying to install and another package you have already installed, an error in the package, a package which requires another package that you don't have installed yet, or a package designed for another version of SMF. I also received this message.
The failures were here:

Execute Modification  ./Sources/ManageRegistration.php Test failed 
Replace ./Sources/ManageRegistration.php Test failed


The two files require a manual edit.

Use the mods parser for the two files.



Error on RC3 version (ManageRegistration.php)

array('check', 'notify_new_registration'),
array('check', 'send_welcomeEmail'),
array('check', 'pm_register'),
array('int', 'pm_register_id'),
array('text', 'pm_register_username'),
array('text', 'pm_register_subject'),
array('large_text', 'pm_register_body', '25', 'subtext' => $txt['pm_register_body_desc']),



Owner of Mesozoic Haven



That's what I SAID!

Quote from: kcmartz
Waiting for Rc5  or gold release

Did you notice the BOLDED word?

Owner of Mesozoic Haven


try this to install on RC5.


@RvG: I don't think that is 100% legal to post this without permission...

Owner of Mesozoic Haven


Quote from: Kcmartz on June 07, 2011, 02:27:41 PM
@RvG: I don't think that is 100% legal to post this without permission...

I know but it takes few edits only to make it work in RC5.


Owner of Mesozoic Haven


A RC5 release  must be nice, NIBOGO!  ;)

(including if this takes only a few edits, meaning this must be easy to do for you)


Can you tell me where to change the width and height of the PM textbox used to hold the message that's sent? I'd like to reduce its height a bit.


My PM's aren't being sent, or at least that's how it appears.

I register a new member, logout, and then login as the new member, and no PM is in my inbox.

2.0 Gold. Both locally and on the www.  I have filled out the user ID and member-name 'from' fields in the settings area as well. Any ideas?

Mods installed:
1. PM to New Members 1.2 [ Uninstall ]
2. EmailFlash 2.0 [ Uninstall ]
3. SA Chat Beta 3 Rev41 [ Uninstall ]
4. Tidy Child Boards 1.3 [ Uninstall ]
5. Activity in Profile 1.1 [ Uninstall ]
6. PM Attachments 1.6 [ Uninstall ]
7. Member NotePad 1.3.1 [ Uninstall ]
8. Topics list support [Taby] 1.05 [ Uninstall ]
9. Topic Solved 1.1.1 [ Uninstall ]
10. Hide Info Center From Guests 1.0 [ Uninstall ]
11. Look But No Read 1.3 [ Uninstall ]
12. Treasury 2.10 [ Uninstall ]
13. ListCreator 1.3.1 [ Uninstall ]
14. Align text with Smiley 1.2 [ Uninstall ]
15. Sorted Package Manager Listing 1.0.2 [ Uninstall ]
16. CustomBox 1.3 [ Uninstall ]
17. InLine Attachments 1.11 [ Uninstall ]
18. Enhanced Dropdown 1.3 [ Uninstall ]
19. Effectively Remove SMF Logo 1.2 [ Uninstall ]
20. Dynamic_Memberlist 2.0.6 [ Uninstall ]
21. ENotify 2.0.1 [ Uninstall ]
22. Peoplesign 1.6 [ Uninstall ]
23. Aeva Media 1.4w [ Uninstall ]
24. Ultimate Profile 0.9.1 [ Uninstall ]
25. Admin Notepad 2.0.1 [ Uninstall ]
26. NChat 1.2 [ Uninstall ]

Thanks all.

EDIT: I uninstalled eNotify mod, and this one now works correctly.
SMF 2.0.2
