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Off-Topic BBC Tag

Started by Nick Whetstone, October 19, 2008, 04:23:34 AM

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Nick Whetstone

Off-Topic BBC Tag v1.1.2
Orgininally by Nas, now developed by Ha2
(For SMF 1.1.x and SMF 2.0 RC1+)

This adds a new BBC tag, which allow users to use [off-topic][/off-topic], to mark parts of their posts as off-topic.

Tested on fresh installations of 1.1.7 and 2.0 Beta 4.

o English
o Swedish
I welcome new translation. Post them in the mods topic.

Supported themes
o Default
If you want support for other themes, write in the mods topic.
Your theme will only need to be edited if it uses a custom Post.template.php.

If you need support, use the modification thread.

1.1 22 February 2010
o Updated for 2.0 RC2
1.1 17 July 2009
o Edited to make installation work on SMF 2.0 RC1.2. 23rd May
o Edited to make installation work on SMF 2.0 RC1-1.
1.1.1 17th Mars
o Edited to make installation work on SMF 2.0 RC1.
1.1 21st January
o Added support for SMF 2.0 Beta 4. (Charter members: It will work on RC1, just update package-info.xml)
1.0 11th October 2008
o Mod was submitted to the SMF Mod Site.
The artist formerly known as (Ha)²

Former Support Specialist

Please do not solicit support via PM. Here's why!


Thanks for the mod

but... in brazilian...

// Start Off-Topic BBC by Nascar
$txt['off-topic'] = 'Off-Topic:';
$txt['off-topic_desc'] = 'Tag BBC Off-Topic';
// End Off-Topic BBC by Nascar

hehe, congrats for the mod

Hugo "Costa" Fernandes - PT SMF
Todas as MP's a pedir ajuda são sujeitas a radioactividade, microondas, queimadas e atiradas borda fora.

"At least someone appreciates the fact that I am doing and not thinking..."
"Laziness is counter-revolutionary."

Marcus Forsberg

Thank's for the translation, Costa!
It will be added to the package soon.


the funny thing: Don't change to much in the translation ,huahua

Congrats one more time
Hugo "Costa" Fernandes - PT SMF
Todas as MP's a pedir ajuda são sujeitas a radioactividade, microondas, queimadas e atiradas borda fora.

"At least someone appreciates the fact that I am doing and not thinking..."
"Laziness is counter-revolutionary."

The Saviour

This would be even more nice, if you can get it to display just like the Modbreak tag... more thing...

You have to refresh the page after using this BBCode in order for the background highlight to work.

Just a heads up...

Marcus Forsberg

Thanks for the comment.

You should olny have to refresh it the first time you use the BBC, just to notify the broswer about the CSS update.

The Saviour

Burke ♞ Knight

Any chance of a SMF 2.0 Beta 4 version any time soon? :)

Marcus Forsberg

I just have to get back in business whit my new computer :)

Burke ♞ Knight

New computer!!!!

You lucky devil!
I'm stuck with a computer that has an attitude. I think it's trying to shop for a less busy owner...LOL


Thanks .
i think need a little better icon like

Marcus Forsberg

I agree. I just made a simple icon fast.
Did you create that off-smiley? If so, may I use it for the mod? (Creds to you, ofcourse)

Burke ♞ Knight

Nascar, I believe that is a free smiley available just about all over the net.
I've seen it on a lot of forums, including a web host's support forum I'm staff at. :)

The Saviour

The Saviour

Burke ♞ Knight

Personally, I love the first one, Saviour. :)

The Saviour

Thanks...but I can't take credit for the images...only the text...and I believe the font is owned by Microsoft.

Emoticons are courtesy of

Anyone looking for some f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c forum images...should give them a look.

Tell shelley, Saviour sent ya!


Thanks but problem in install with pakage manager
The name is  Off-Topic BBC Tag
and need to make like some

Burke ♞ Knight

What version of SMF are you running?

