Portal Management PortaMx v1.54 ecl for SMF 2 (updated)

Started by feline, October 07, 2008, 07:23:31 PM

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Thanks, I am getting a parse error, but maybe I can find some more info on this.


PortaMx is now also available on Mobile devices ... see attached image  :D


New release of PortaMx you can now found and download on Github. Current release is v1.51 ...


minor report for 1.51.

If Handling of block and panel expand / collapse:
No image, use the titlebar
is selected, the "upshrink" image is correctly hidden...   however, clicking on the titlebar of the block takes me to the block manager/settings page in portaMX admin.   

also a minor translation tweak
Membergroups they can promote posts: (and all the other phrases that use the same format)
should read:
Membergroups that can promote posts:

I also think that
Action you do (on the languages admin page)
should probably read:
Action to do

now for a question.....
Any easy way to transfer content from the SMF articles mod into the articles of the portaMX? Or do I have to write a transfer script directly in mySQL?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on October 17, 2012, 09:30:44 AM
If Handling of block and panel expand / collapse:
No image, use the titlebar
is selected, the "upshrink" image is correctly hidden...   however, clicking on the titlebar of the block takes me to the block manager/settings page in portaMX admin.
Do NOT click on the text in the title bar, take a double click outside the text to collapse/expand the block.
The Link to block manager is onyl active for Admins, but you can disable that in the PortaMx Settings Manager (Manage settings) by uncheck Show a quick edit link on the block titlebar.

Quote from: Kindred
also a minor translation tweak
Membergroups they can promote posts: (and all the other phrases that use the same format)
should read:
Membergroups that can promote posts:

I also think that
Action you do (on the languages admin page)
should probably read:
Action to do
We will look at that, but YOU can also make a pull request on https://github.com/PortaMx/PortaMx-1.51-ecl  ;)

Quote from: Kindred
now for a question.....
Any easy way to transfer content from the SMF articles mod into the articles of the portaMX? Or do I have to write a transfer script directly in mySQL?
I don't know SMF articles, but you can simple copy the content (if is bbc or html) if you have less articles.
For a bigger count of articles, you can make that with a php script. In this case create a new article with a content like "test", then you can use this one to create your articles from SMF articles by read and insert the content. Note that the "id" field don't have a auto  increment, so you have have to read the max(id) before insert a new record in the table.


thanks for the explanation. That makes a bit of sense. :)

heh....  I haven't even figured out how to deal with the SMF git. :P

Yeah, that's basically what I ended up doing, although I didn't bother with a php script...
I ended up doing some manual SQL queries to fill the table (I have 65 categories and 1,000 articles)
I added the Category IDs article IDs using an export, then a direct insert.

--add all the category IDs into the new table, then run the following
UPDATE `smf_portamx_categories`, `smf_articles_cat` SET
WHERE `smf_portamx_categories`.`id`=`smf_articles_cat`.`ID_CAT`;
--set the basic access groups guests, regular members, admins and global mods
UPDATE `smf_portamx_categories` SET `smf_portamx_categories`.`acsgrp`='-1=1,0=1,1=1,2=1';
--set the default configuration
--create a test category in the portamx admin first and the use the configuration for that article as a baseline for this query
UPDATE `smf_portamx_categories` SET `smf_portamx_categories`.`config`='a:11:{s:8:"settings";a:11:{s:9:"framemode";s:4:"both";s:8:"showmode";s:7:"sidebar";s:12:"sidebarwidth";s:3:"140";s:8:"sbmalign";s:1:"0";s:10:"addsubcats";s:1:"0";s:5:"pages";s:2:"20";s:9:"pageindex";s:1:"0";s:11:"showsubcats";s:1:"0";s:12:"catsbarwidth";s:3:"140";s:8:"sbpalign";s:1:"0";s:11:"inherit_acs";s:1:"0";}s:5:"title";a:4:{s:7:"english";s:15:"****CAT_NAME****";s:10:}s:11:"title_align";s:4:"left";s:10:"title_icon";s:0:"";s:6:"global";s:1:"0";s:7:"request";s:0:"";s:8:"collapse";s:1:"0";s:8:"overflow";s:0:"";s:8:"innerpad";s:1:"4";s:7:"visuals";a:4:{s:6:"header";s:7:"titlebg";s:5:"frame";s:5:"round";s:4:"body";s:8:"windowbg";s:8:"bodytext";s:0:"";}s:7:"cssfile";s:0:"";}';
--replace the category title placeholder with the real one
UPDATE `smf_portamx_categories`, `smf_articles_cat` SET `smf_portamx_categories`.`config`=REPLACE(`smf_portamx_categories`.`config`,'****CAT_NAME****',`smf_articles_cat`.`title`) WHERE `smf_portamx_categories`.`id`=smf_articles_cat.`ID_CAT`;
--change the spaces to underscores for the URL name
UPDATE `smf_portamx_categories` SET `smf_portamx_categories`.`name`=REPLACE(`smf_portamx_categories`.`name`,' ','_') WHERE 1;
--You may have to adjust additional non URL characters

--add all the article IDs into the new table, then run the following
UPDATE `smf_portamx_articles`, `smf_articles` SET
WHERE `smf_portamx_articles`.`id`=`smf_articles`.`ID_ARTICLE`;
--get the content
UPDATE `smf_portamx_articles`, `smf_articles_page` SET `smf_portamx_articles`.`content`=`smf_articles_page`.`pagetext` WHERE `smf_portamx_articles`.`id`=`smf_articles_page`.`ID_ARTICLE`
--set the basic access groups guests, regular members, admins and global mods
UPDATE `smf_portamx_articles` SET `smf_portamx_articles`.`acsgrp`='-1=1,0=1,1=1,2=1';
--set the default configuration
--create a test article in the portamx admin first and the use the configuration for that article as a baseline for this query
UPDATE `smf_portamx_articles` SET `smf_portamx_articles`.`config`='a:11:{s:8:"settings";a:3:{s:6:"teaser";s:1:"0";s:8:"printing";s:1:"0";s:10:"showfooter";s:1:"1";}s:5:"title";a:4:{s:7:"english";s:22:"****TITLE****";}s:11:"title_align";s:4:"left";s:10:"title_icon";s:0:"";s:12:"show_sitemap";s:1:"1";s:12:"can_moderate";s:1:"1";s:8:"collapse";s:1:"0";s:8:"overflow";s:0:"";s:8:"innerpad";s:1:"4";s:7:"visuals";a:4:{s:6:"header";s:7:"titlebg";s:5:"frame";s:5:"round";s:4:"body";s:8:"windowbg";s:8:"bodytext";s:0:"";}s:7:"cssfile";s:0:"";}';
--replace the article title placeholder with the real one
UPDATE `smf_portamx_articles`, `smf_articles` SET `smf_portamx_articles`.`config`=REPLACE(`smf_portamx_articles`.`config`,'****TITLE****',`smf_articles`.`title`) WHERE `smf_portamx_articles`.`id`=`smf_articles`.`ID_ARTICLE`;
--change the spaces to underscores for the URL name
UPDATE `smf_portamx_articles` SET `smf_portamx_articles`.`name`=REPLACE(`smf_portamx_articles`.`name`,' ','_') WHERE 1;
--You may have to adjust additional non URL characters

Mind you, I still had to also run some queries to dump commas and other invalid URL characters from the "name" fields.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Well .. we use the name directly in the url ... better to memory as a simple number  ;)

So your script can create categories and articles from SMF articles mod ?
That was great ...  :)

If you have it done, let me take a look at you site ...


You are correct...   using the name in the url makes more sense (overall) Although some of the longer titles may get a little twitchy. I don't know what vbgamer's mod actually uses the "seotitle" field for, but it seemed like the best choice

yes, the script lines below will convert - however, I did have to manually fill the table (first) with the IDs for the rest to be done via matching id with ID

As for looking at the site...  :)
It's not finished converting yet...   I added the tables separate form the mod installation in order to do it all in the background. Oover the weekend, I am going to uninstall ezportal and smf articles and install portaMX. So the conversion should be complete by Monday. :)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Well .. i will wait for your site  ;)

You are correct...   using the name in the url makes more sense (overall) Although some of the longer titles may get a little twitchy. I don't know what vbgamer's mod actually uses the "seotitle" field for, but it seemed like the best choice
For SEO (PortaMx SEO enabled) we use the "Title" field in the url (dependent on forum language), so the name is only relevant in the normal url ...

BTW: The language tweaks I have updated, so you can replace the language files from our language server ...



I love all the options and features in PortaMX (it is definitely the most powerful and customizable portal mod)

However, with all those options comes major confusion... and I am at the same point I was when I first considered PortaMX a few years ago. I am confused beyond belief. :(
(and my confusion last time, ended up with me using EXportal instead... which is why I am back here again, trying to figure this one out.)

I added blocks to the front page section.
They don't show... only the original HTML block that comes with PortaMX is being displayed.
(I set the visibility to all groups and I set the status to active)

I added articles... I can not see any way to get the users into the articles catgeories...  I can't add a menu item called "articles" which links to the categories list (which is my preferred choice), I can't even seem to display the category block...

I really want to drop vbgamers mods and start using PortaMX on 40Konline...   but there are so many settings that I apparently need an instruction manual to even set up a block let alone use the articles manager)

Can you help?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Normally it's enough to create a block, give the rights who can see the block and enable the block (Status) in the overview screen. As Administrator you can see the block all ways.
One tip I can give: Don't use the Dynamic visibility options if you don't need specially visibility.

Categories / Articles are a little bit more complexed ..
Articles can be ordered into Categories (it's only a logical thing) and the category access CAN inherit to the articles. If this enabled, the article itself need no access rights and can't requested directly.

We have a "Static Category Block" and a "Static Article Block"  to show a Category or Article on the frontpage.

Also you can create a link block (with a php or script block as example) to show the categories on request.
To request a categories use index.php?cat=categoryname, for articles use index.php?art=articlename

You find a lot of informations and helps on our support site.
If you need more specific help, I need admin access to your site ...


Yep, I have some test categories and articles set up and assigned. That is completely logical and straight forward.

my confusion comes when trying to get to them. :)

PM sent with information.

finally...   is there any way to get a page with a list of all categories?
I am replacing the SMF articles mod... So I am looking to duplicate at leats this much functionality. :) (the rest of your articles system is already much better)
recent articles block on the main page: http://www.40konline.com/index.php
categories page: http://www.40konline.com/index.php?action=articles

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I answered to you PM  ;)
For the other both questions .. this can be done with php blocks and if you need help for this, let me known ...

N i g h t m a r e

When I try to install this mod it gives me a all blank white page :l


looking for support in your forums, seems dead ? o.o nobody there
SMF 2.0.2


Iron Bug

This is a little offtop, since it's about PMXBlog. I just don't like to register in to many places.
The PMXBlog has a little bug in it. When publishing posts sometimes "Wrong value type sent to the database. Integer expected. (colval)" error occur (I used the GIT version, downloaded yesterday, SMF 2.0.3).
In error log I found this:
QuoteWrong value type sent to the database. Integer expected. (colval)
Function: PmxBlogManager
File: /var/www/.../Sources/PmxBlogManager.php
String: 153
I added trim($colval) and it looks like the error disappeared.


We will take a look at that problem and push a fix on github....


-How can i add the SA facebook, twitter, google+ login mod to the portamx login in box?
-How can i create pages?


Today we released the version PortaMx 1.54 ecl for SMF 2.0.x

This version fixed a lot of smaller bugs the users have reported and we found.
We update the RSS reader to work with a https protocol and modify some other functions.

You can update a installed version 1.52/1.53 or make a fresh install.
Look at your PortaMx Admin Center to see the Update option.
