
Started by live627, June 24, 2008, 01:11:04 PM

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Quote from: jsx on March 06, 2019, 02:51:47 PM

There is a small mistake in the package-info.xml file:


As a result, the modification version 2.2 in package manager is not displayed.

Quote from: live627 on March 06, 2019, 05:06:39 PM
Was that worth 3 PMs?



Quote from: live627 on March 06, 2019, 05:06:39 PM
Was that worth 3 PMs?

Of course. There was not three private message about it. ::)

I think that you should answer for the errors reported. The second I reported in the subject AJAX Recent Topics.

That's it all.


Honestly, any private messages about any of it would be one too many, especially for such a minor thing that honestly doesn't matter to most people.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Hello! A user recently deleted some drafts and received this error. Any info or fix available?



After updating the forum to 2.1.2, will drafts that are started and stored in the smf_drafts table will be imported into SMF 2.1 drafts system?


Hello @live627

On forum 2.0.19 I was using your mod. I updated the forum to 2.1 but I don't want to lose drafts that are saved in user profiles. Do you know how to properly transfer the saved drafts from this mod's table to the SMF 2.1 drafts table?

smf_drafts table in 2.0 where drafts are stored

smf_user_drafts table in 2.1 where drafts are stored


Here is the turkish translation for latest version:

Sorry if posted before.

// for ManagePermissions.php
$txt['permissiongroup_drafts'] = 'Taslaklar';
$txt['permissiongroup_simple_drafts'] = 'Taslaklar';
$txt['permissionname_save_drafts'] = 'Başlıkları ve yanıtları taslak olarak kaydedebilir';

$txt['drafts'] = array(
    0 => 'Bir hata oluştu ve çalışmanız <strong>kaydedilemedi</strong>.',
    1 => 'Çalışmanız taslak olarak kaydedildi.',
    2 => 'Taslakları Görüntüle',
    3 => 'Taslaklarınız',
    4 => 'Size ait taslak mevcut değil.',
    5 => 'Konu',
    6 => 'Bölüm',
    7 => 'Başlık',
    8 => 'Son Kayıt',
    9 => 'Taslağı Düzenle',
    10 => 'Yayınla!',
    11 => 'Taslak Sil',
    12 => 'Seçilen taslakları silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?',
    13 => 'Bu taslağı yayınlamak istediğinize emin misiniz?',
    14 => 'Taslak Olarak Kaydet',
    15 => 'Taslak kaydedildi',
    16 => 'Taslak kaydetmek için izniniz yok.',
    17 => 'Düzenlemek istediğiniz taslağın yazarı siz değilsiniz.',
    18 => 'Yüklemek istediğiniz taslak bulunamadı.',
    19 => 'Yayınlamak istediğiniz taslak bulunamadı.',
    20 => 'Taslak yayınlanırken bilinmeyen bir sorun oluştu.',
    21 => 'Bölüm'


Quote from: jsx on September 04, 2022, 08:43:37 AMHello @live627

On forum 2.0.19 I was using your mod. I updated the forum to 2.1 but I don't want to lose drafts that are saved in user profiles. Do you know how to properly transfer the saved drafts from this mod's table to the SMF 2.1 drafts table?

smf_drafts table in 2.0 where drafts are stored

smf_user_drafts table in 2.1 where drafts are stored

Perhaps this query could help. You'll need to truncate user_drafts first.

INSERT INTO {db_prefix}user_drafts
(id_draft, id_member, id_board, id_topic, body, subject, poster_time, is_sticky, locked, smileys_enabled, icon)
SELECT draft_id, member_id, board_id, topic_id, body, subject, timestamp, is_sticky, locked, smileys_enabled, icon
FROM {db_prefix}drafts


Since id_draft is autoincrement, why not just insert without even that (no need to truncate the current table if you're not porting draft ids over and you don't need to)
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on May 04, 2023, 04:40:24 PMSince id_draft is autoincrement, why not just insert without even that (no need to truncate the current table if you're not porting draft ids over and you don't need to)

Arantor would it be possible for you to reach out to me? I need your help.

Diego Andrés

Quote from: 22wareagle22 on December 06, 2023, 08:29:37 PMArantor would it be possible for you to reach out to me? I need your help.

He will not do it, or at least not anytime soon.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Quote from: 22wareagle22 on December 06, 2023, 08:29:37 PMArantor would it be possible for you to reach out to me? I need your help

Post it publicly, there's a shot someone can help you. I do not do private support except for money and I'm pretty sure my rates will be unaffordable at this point.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on December 22, 2023, 09:02:37 AM
Quote from: 22wareagle22 on December 06, 2023, 08:29:37 PMArantor would it be possible for you to reach out to me? I need your help

Post it publicly, there's a shot someone can help you. I do not do private support except for money and I'm pretty sure my rates will be unaffordable at this point.

It may not be unaffordable. Will you PM me your rates?


My consulting rates vary, starting at $2500/hour, minimum 4 hours, with no guarantee of resolution of issue in that time.

Or you could post whatever it is publicly.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Hello everyone,

Draft was a built-in feature but I wish we had an additional feature for scheduling and publishing the draft.


Since this thread is fir support of the 2.0.x mod and not the 2.1.x feature...

... and 2.0.x is unlikely to get further updates  - that request won't go anywhere.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."
