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Thumbnail on Topic Listing

Started by Team, April 04, 2008, 01:05:48 PM

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i like this but i prefer not to let my member upload attachments (space and safety issues)
is there any way i can just add a custom field on the post template where they insert a url to an image and it shows on the message index?


That's a possiblitiy but wouldn't be in this mod cause this mod goes off the attachment table.
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City Builder


I don't think this is working correctly:
Quote!Fixed showing an image if there was another attachment of a different type before it.

On my forums many members upload a .schematic file before their images, and so if they did that, then the image doesn't show up in the index.  Also I've seen some threads that have a .zip file attached first and they also don't show the image that is next in the attachment list to display on the index, so I don't think it's a matter of what type of file is first, just if an image is not first then it's not going to show an image in the index list.

Can I find out how to fix this maybe?


SMF 2.0 RC4 default theme


Quote from: City Builder on February 12, 2011, 03:52:33 AM

I don't think this is working correctly:
Quote!Fixed showing an image if there was another attachment of a different type before it.

On my forums many members upload a .schematic file before their images, and so if they did that, then the image doesn't show up in the index.  Also I've seen some threads that have a .zip file attached first and they also don't show the image that is next in the attachment list to display on the index, so I don't think it's a matter of what type of file is first, just if an image is not first then it's not going to show an image in the index list.

Can I find out how to fix this maybe?


SMF 2.0 RC4 default theme

I am in the same boat and would really love a solution to this prob I would really like to use this mod.  I have a theme also Pinst theme

City Builder

Im guessing since I wrote that nearly a month ago, that there is no more support for this mod.


Haven't had time to look at maybe in a couple months only focused on major issues/problems.
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Okay, I figured out how to make this mod board-specific.  Here are my changes:

In Themes/default/MessageIndex.template.php, this:

// Thumbnail Topic Mod
if ($context['show_thumbnails'])
should be changed to:
// Thumbnail Topic Mod
if ($context['show_thumbnails'] && @in_array($context['current_board'], $modSettings['photo_boards']))

// Are there actually any topics to show?
if (!empty($context['topics']))
echo '
<th scope="col" class="first_th" width="8%" colspan="', $context['show_thumbnails'], $modSettings['photo_boards']) ? 3 : 2, '">&nbsp;</th>
shoud be changed to:
// Are there actually any topics to show?
if (!empty($context['topics']))
echo '
<th scope="col" class="first_th" width="8%" colspan="', $context['show_thumbnails'] && @in_array($context['current_board'], $modSettings['photo_boards']) ? 3 : 2, '">&nbsp;</th>

In Sources/ManageSettings.php, look for:

// Mod authors, once again, if you have a whole section to add do it AFTER this line, and keep a comma at the end.
and add the following after it:
array('text', 'photo_boards', '30'),

In Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php, add this to the bottom:

$txt['photo_boards'] = 'Enable Thumbnails to be shown on specific boards';

You should now have a new setting in Administration Center » Modification Settings » Miscellaneous.  Leaving it blank will disable it for all boards.


Hi, exist any way to use this with external urls instead attachments?  if not, exist any way to modify the script for that? 

I mean something like a "external url field" in post template (only for the topic list thumb) that url is saved to the DB, and after that the script take these url from the DB and show in topic list.
I mean something very simple,  basically:

-Add a external image url (thumb) to the database.   (no related with topic contents, simply a image url for show as thumb)
-Display these url/image in topic listing.

Would be a great add, i remember the old CMS PHPNuke days, their download module had something similar in add file template, the user had 2 options, one for attach a file and add to the download list, and other for add a external url and use as download link, this would be similar but with images.

excuse my english.


Thank you for the wonderful mod!  I thought I'd let everybody know that when I updated my forum from 2.0 RC5 to 2.0 Gold, I had to reinstall all my mods.  This mod installed without issues and without emulation.  Hope this info helps someone!

EDIT: Oops... Didn't realize until I viewed the mod download page that this mod was already 2.0 compliant.... and still no way to make it board-specific....  So sad.... :-[


I installed the thumbnail on topic listing through the package installer but it doesnt seem to be working.  My forum is located at  Any ideas how i can get it to work. Thanks :)


Is there any chance that this mod will be modified to become board-specific straight out the box?  I posted some info on how to make this mod board-specific a few posts back.....


Quote from: dougiefresh on June 27, 2011, 08:49:22 AM
Is there any chance that this mod will be modified to become board-specific straight out the box?  I posted some info on how to make this mod board-specific a few posts back.....
Maybe at some point just don't have any time at the moment so I doubt it.
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Would it be okay if I made the modifications to the package and sent it to you?  Or I could write a modification for your modification to add that setting to the admin panel's modification settings page.....

Please let me know because this is a feature that would be very nice to have, but not all over the board....


That's fine with me. Just it will take some time since you would need to create an interface for both versions along with some kind of database setting to store it.
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on June 27, 2011, 11:11:34 AM
That's fine with me. Just it will take some time since you would need to create an interface for both versions along with some kind of database setting to store it.
I'm sorry.... I won't be able to work with the mod as work is picking up significantly...


Thanks a lot for creating this great mod.
Its working perfectly in all my themes. I like this Thumbnail topic mod more than smf gallery.

Good job brother

Wish you all the best.


Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

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This mod is exactly what I need for my board (dedicated to photography), but I did'nt found the way to reduce thumbnail on topic list. Maybe I missed it in this tread, if you would be kind to help me... it wil be great !

Many thanks !
La violence est le dernier refuge de l'incompétence. Isaac Asimov


Quote from: apnart on October 30, 2011, 04:49:10 PM
This mod is exactly what I need for my board (dedicated to photography), but I did'nt found the way to reduce thumbnail on topic list. Maybe I missed it in this tread, if you would be kind to help me... it wil be great !

Many thanks !
In attachments settings, set max width and height of attachments :)
