
Started by MonoTiz, February 01, 2008, 11:05:38 PM

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Quote from: neuikc on August 07, 2009, 01:07:16 AM
I still dont understand how you have a SMF 2.x compatible version only available upon purchase. How come there's not a "crippled" version like with the 1.x version?

Donating in "hopes" that the mod I'm purchasing is compatible with my current forum configuration can't be the only option. But I understand if that's what you desire.
ok ok

I do not understand your meaning of this
intervention. SMFbuy is available for free. When something is free
not too much to expect.

SMFbuyPRO is issued on a donation because it is more evolved and why I
I worked there for so long. Do not you ask $ 100. We ask a donation. You can also donate $ 1 and you have the PRO version.

I do not seem much to ask.

There's my site and test it for a mod to verify compatibility with version 2.0.


I fully accept that you wish to receive a donation for your work.

I know it works with YOUR site and probably the default SMF install. The inability to confirm that it will be compatible with MY site and it's current configuration, before said donation is made, is my issue.

But again, it's at your discretion, since it is your work. Which I again, totally accept.


Quote from: neuikc on August 07, 2009, 11:21:33 AM
The inability to confirm that it will be compatible with MY site and it's current configuration, before said donation is made, is my issue.
There is a TEST MOD in my site. It's free and you test if SMF buy PRO is compatible with your site


We have had this installed(free version) for a really long time and it worked at one time when we tested it but I made a joke post including a buy and whenever someone actually attempts to do the purchase they get the following:

"An Error Has Occurred!" and they can only go back to the topic. I have tested this and the popup asking if you are sure about the purchase and so on but right after you confirm you get the message. This is what shows in the logs:;sa=bid;topic=1679.0
Undefined index: cannot_smfbuy_offer
File: /home/rejectsr/public_html/forum/Sources/Errors.php
Line: 342

line 342 is:   fatal_error($txt[$error], $log);

Has anyone ever encountered his and possibly know how to fix it? I'm running 1.1.10 and version 1.2 of the mod. I have checked permissions for every group and everyone is allowed to both start and bid on items. I know I should update it to the newest version but I'm just dreading all those manual edits since it no longer has an uninstall option.


The actual version of SMF buy (free) is 1.7. Update your MOD and re-try.


I have the pro version , probably the best mod i have ever installed...well done mate ;)


the bit i need to change is the [SMFbuy] bit in the title.....not the links at the top..any ideas?

Bob Perry of Web Presence Consulting

Any plans to incorporate PayPal into this mod for the future?
Best Regards,
Bob Perry

"The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it." Elbert Hubbard


Just when you finally get it idiot proof ...along comes a bigger idiot!

Pinball Nation

Hey Mono Tiz,Are you planning on making a Rss feed for the 1.1.10 version?Thanks


Quote from: MonoTiz on February 15, 2008, 05:30:06 AM
Quote from: chrishicks on February 15, 2008, 05:11:57 AM
I installed this and have no way of using it. there are no options for anything on my board. what is referrenced in the quote above is all I see anywhere on the board(admin panel). any idea of whats going on here?
Sorry, but I did not understand.
Are you talking about SMFbuy (base version)?

After you have installed, you need to set permissions for users and for the board as specified in the description of MOD:


This MOD lets you create an auction system for SMF.

Remember: you must set the board permission!

Please: consider the idea to upgrade to PRO version.

For more information visit this link:

Copyright 2008 MonoTiz. It is strictly forbidden to change the code of this MOD without the permission of the author.;topic=28.0;attach=91;image [nonactive]

I am having the same problem.  I am interested in the Pro Version but want to test the free version to be sure this is exactly what I need.

I can access the "SMFBuy" link in Admin>Configuration> section but do not have the option in version 1.1.10 to change actual board permissions.  I can change the permissions for the Member groups globally just not board specific.

It has been a while since I have deployed SMF; am I missing something?


Quote from: crustybum on August 12, 2009, 10:13:19 AM
the bit i need to change is the [SMFbuy] bit in the title.....not the links at the top..any ideas?
In a pro version there is a field in admin panel.

In a free version your must change the modifications.your language.php file


Quote from: bperry921 on August 16, 2009, 05:34:11 AM
Any plans to incorporate PayPal into this mod for the future?
no....  :(


Quote from: mulder2007 on October 10, 2009, 11:39:39 AM
I am having the same problem.  I am interested in the Pro Version but want to test the free version to be sure this is exactly what I need.

I can access the "SMFBuy" link in Admin>Configuration> section but do not have the option in version 1.1.10 to change actual board permissions.  I can change the permissions for the Member groups globally just not board specific.

It has been a while since I have deployed SMF; am I missing something?
This isn't a problem of SMFbuy... read the SMF manual:



I know that this is the support thread for the basic version.  I donated $15 US for the Pro version and everything was working fine.  I only just recently noticed last month that the SMF BUY tab was not appearing in the Profile section for people other than the Admin even though the people had all the permissions applied to their membergroups.  (I sent you an email from [email protected] a little over a month ago and from my the email attached to my PayPal account over a week ago, but haven't received a reply.) 

Could you direct me on how I can remedy this problem, please?

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Quote from: C4G-TK on October 10, 2009, 02:19:11 PM

I know that this is the support thread for the basic version.  I donated $15 US for the Pro version and everything was working fine.  I only just recently noticed last month that the SMF BUY tab was not appearing in the Profile section for people other than the Admin even though the people had all the permissions applied to their membergroups.  (I sent you an email from [email protected] a little over a month ago and from my the email attached to my PayPal account over a week ago, but haven't received a reply.) 

Could you direct me on how I can remedy this problem, please?
Ok. Sorry for the email, but I never see that...

Tomorrow, I try to fix the problem...


Thanks, the other email most recently sent was from  [email protected]

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Quote from: C4G-TK on October 10, 2009, 02:19:11 PM

I know that this is the support thread for the basic version.  I donated $15 US for the Pro version and everything was working fine.  I only just recently noticed last month that the SMF BUY tab was not appearing in the Profile section for people other than the Admin even though the people had all the permissions applied to their membergroups.  (I sent you an email from [email protected] a little over a month ago and from my the email attached to my PayPal account over a week ago, but haven't received a reply.) 

Could you direct me on how I can remedy this problem, please?
Follow this topic:


I just found out about this MOD.

For now, I only have one comment to a few of you folks who keep complaining about the price for PRO version.

The SMFClassified is not even listed here and the developer asks for $79 and you don't even get the option of getting refund IF the MOD doesn't work with your site!

UPDATE: I registered, made a small donation and was able to download the MOD. Installation went GREAT on my heavily modified forum with over 59 BEST MODs around! Configured a few options and things seem to be working SUPER! Not even a single error message. Very impressive.

FYI, you need to download and install this great MOD here too as SMFbuy can integrate with it:

RE small donation, I will certainly make more donations as the developer has done a very good job .... NOT to mention he's nice enough to allow people to donate what-ever they can as little as $3.00 (I'm in Canada :D).


Quote from: R.Bourne on October 19, 2009, 11:05:38 PM
I just found out about this MOD.

For now, I only have one comment to a few of you folks who keep complaining about the price for PRO version.

The SMFClassified is not even listed here and the developer asks for $79 and you don't even get the option of getting refund IF the MOD doesn't work with your site!

UPDATE: I registered, made a small donation and was able to download the MOD. Installation went GREAT on my heavily modified forum with over 59 BEST MODs around! Configured a few options and things seem to be working SUPER! Not even a single error message. Very impressive.

FYI, you need to download and install this great MOD here too as SMFbuy can integrate with it:

RE small donation, I will certainly make more donations as the developer has done a very good job .... NOT to mention he's nice enough to allow people to donate what-ever they can as little as $3.00 (I'm in Canada :D).
