General support topic for Aeva Media (Latest release: July 28, 2010)

Started by Nao 尚, October 14, 2007, 04:28:15 PM

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Nao 尚

Uh... No idea, since it does seem to work for me -- I don't see anything before the DOCTYPE on your page...
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


When I click the  Enable Aeva mod (Master Setting), and save it gives me this fatal error.
Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/corntv/public_html/computertv/forum/Sources/ModSettings.php on line 194
Then I got to line 194, and this is how it looks like.

// Default to core (I assume)
$_REQUEST['sa'] = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']]) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : 'basic';

// Actually call the saving function.
So can you please help me.


Sorry Nao problem is my smg language file. Because this file have extra line after ?>.
Again sorry =)
So Long

Nao 尚

@crazy> uninstall everything manually then reinstall.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Quote from: Kindred on August 05, 2009, 08:24:08 PM
tbk and depth...

I would say: Go through the mod uninstall by hand. remove all traces of AEVA and then, once it has been completely removed and is no longer displaying at all, try a re-install.

Showing double really indicates that you have duplicate code somewhere.... and since you can't seem to find the duplicate, you should just uninstall completely by hand, making sure to check again for ANY code that is AEVA related.

I know, I know...

But if you take a look at what I said

Quote from: tbk22 on August 05, 2009, 07:16:15 PM

I remember when I unninstalled my old AEVA it said that the file ModSettings.php failed to unnistal... However I already reinstalled AEVA and deleted any Aeva references from modsettings.php before reinstalling again

And still the same problem happens
Duplicated videos on every post

Any extra file I should check?

Sorry to be repetitive but this problem is really getting on my nerves....

I know something isn't right but can you give me a hint on where to search Aeva duplicated code or something...

Cuz I already did so on modsettings.php and still happens

Thanks in advance


Hi guys, I installed this mod, and it says it was successful.  However I do not see the copyright at the bottom, and when I post a link it does not embed it.  It just show's the link...

When it tested the files I ensured the files were 777 that it was going to modify and then I extracted.  Initially I had an error, but then I created a 'temp' directory within my 'Packages' directory and applied the mod again and it said it was successful.  What am I missing?

Nao 尚

@tbk> what are you other installed mods?
@muldoon> activate it via the admin area...
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Ok, I must be missing it, where do I activate it in the admin area Nao?  Is it the 'embed flash into posts?'


Hey Nao, not sure if should i post this problem here, but ...

I'm having some problems with language, users with English can see the post (with embeded videos) but users with Spanish don't.

It was hard to find where is the error, tried reinstalled your mod, upgrading it to 6.9.100 and upgrading smf to RC1-2, and then i tried changing my language. I use English 'cause it's easier to set mods options but the guest of my forum have spanish language by default.

Here is an example:

Here's the way that guest look at the post: (users with Spanish)

And here's the way that I look at the post: (English)

What can i do to fix this? Turning off AEVA will show the post but not the videos.

Thanks a lot


Quote from: Nao 尚 on August 08, 2009, 04:23:14 AM
@crazy> uninstall everything manually then reinstall.
I did, but it still won't let me click and save it, also all the files are saved to where when installed?

Nao 尚

@ricky> well... Have you tried copying Aeva.english.php to Aeva.spanish.php?

@crazy> click and save? What?
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


tbk...   when I say manually uninstall...   I mean uninstall from EVERY SMF file...    not just modsettings. get rid of every trace of AEVA and then (and only then) try to re-install)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I have just installed this program.  I must have done all the manuals changes ok, because it seems to be working.

My problem is that when I post a link - like Youtube for example - I am getting the video twice. 

What could cause these double displays?

Could I inadvertently, pasted a code change twice?  If that's possible, which one would it be.

I like what I think I'll see when I resolve this.

Thank you.


Quote from: Nao 尚 on August 09, 2009, 04:59:49 AM
@ricky> well... Have you tried copying Aeva.english.php to Aeva.spanish.php?

I just did that and the problem was solved... i don't know what was exactly the problem, cause Aeva.spanish_es was just ok (not broken).

Thanks a lot Nao :D


So im testing out local embeding with a .avi file... my forums are at mysite/forums and my test file is  at mysite/forums/test.avi

It loads the page with the player when i give in the link yet it dosent play the video and says i dont have perms to access it... how should i be doing this? perhaps have a subirectory called videos ? if so what should i chmod it to? please give me the numbers i should try... and 777 isnt allowed with my host.

"The man who smiles when things go wrong has though of someone to blame things on"
I forgot the name
BUY electronic cigarettes with rechargeable batteries as well as flavored refills for cheap prices and only 1-2 dollars of shipping!

Nao 尚

Quote from: taha116 on August 09, 2009, 10:30:20 PM
So im testing out local embeding with a .avi file... my forums are at mysite/forums and my test file is  at mysite/forums/test.avi

It loads the page with the player when i give in the link yet it dosent play the video and says i dont have perms to access it... how should i be doing this? perhaps have a subirectory called videos ? if so what should i chmod it to? please give me the numbers i should try... and 777 isnt allowed with my host.

I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


I tried to make sense of what you said (I didnt have allot to go on) but i googled it and searched like crazy and i came to a very unlikley conclusion, i have to move my videos to werever aeva is to get it all to work. I have no idea though its more of a wild guess and i dont see how its cross domain if its in a folder under the same domain.... (It was in SMF root now im trying /packages)

Anyways please could you say a little more then ask me a one word question this time. Thanks
"The man who smiles when things go wrong has though of someone to blame things on"
I forgot the name
BUY electronic cigarettes with rechargeable batteries as well as flavored refills for cheap prices and only 1-2 dollars of shipping!

Nao 尚

Quote from: taha116 on August 10, 2009, 08:44:09 AM
I tried to make sense of what you said (I didnt have allot to go on) but i googled it and searched like crazy and i came to a very unlikley conclusion, i have to move my videos to werever aeva is to get it all to work. I have no idea though its more of a wild guess and i dont see how its cross domain if its in a folder under the same domain.... (It was in SMF root now im trying /packages)
Either that, or you're adding text before the link, which will make it render as text.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Good Day

I'm trying to add this website via the custom file, but i don't get it to work.

The site is or can be this one

Now i go and see the source code and i get this

<embed height="372" width="470" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" flashvars="displayheight=352&file=" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"/>

So i go to the custom file and i write it like this,

$sites[] = array(
'id' => 'fxs',
'title' => 'FXSTREET.ES',
'website' => '',
'type' => 'video',
'added' => '5.2',
'pattern' => 'http://(?:cdn\.)?fxstreet\.com/2009/07/([0-9a-z]{8})',
'movie' => '',
'size' => array(372, 470),
'show-link' => true,
'lookup-title' => '<title>(.*?)</title>',
'fix-html-pattern' => '<object [^>]*><param name="movie" value="$1">.*?</object>',

I really don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Please help me and thanks in advances.


SMF: v1.1.10
Aeva: v6.9.100

After upgrading to v6.9.100, all videos now seem to be centered in posts, but not centered on the "Recent Posts" page.  I tried enabling it, and then disabling it, but it didn't make a difference.

Latest video posted was:

Not really that big of an issue...just thought I'd letcha know.
