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dodavanje linka u meni

Started by doktorrr, September 29, 2007, 03:00:49 PM

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htio bih da dodam još jedan link koji bi vodio na početnu stranicu moga sajta u meni. Kako bih to mogao uraditi? U kom fajlu se nalaze ostali linkovi?



Quote from: JerryCRO on September 30, 2007, 08:21:49 AM

Quote from: gorgonzolabg on January 08, 2008, 08:52:22 AM
Za to postoji MOD:

Ja instalirah ovaj modul, sada mi treba da promenim nazive nekih menija (WebSIte = Home; Home = CBC forum)

Trazio sam to u index.template.php default teme, ali nevidim gde (veoma sam los sa php-om)


***Teh GodFather***

Bice da je ovo u language fajlovima...


Zasto se ovo nalazi u "vodicu do korisnih tema"? U postovima se ne nalazi odgovor na pitanje iz naslova teme.


Evo ja cu dati odgovor ako se radi o 2.0 RC4 verziji.

U subs.php nadjete (pri kraju):

'home' => array(
'title' => $txt['home'],
'href' => $scripturl,
'show' => true,
'sub_buttons' => array(
'is_last' => $context['right_to_left'],
'help' => array(
'title' => $txt['help'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=help',
'show' => true,
'sub_buttons' => array(
'search' => array(
'title' => $txt['search'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=search',
'show' => $context['allow_search'],
'sub_buttons' => array(
'admin' => array(
'title' => $txt['admin'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin',
'show' => $context['allow_admin'],
'sub_buttons' => array(
'featuresettings' => array(
'title' => $txt['modSettings_title'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=featuresettings',
'show' => allowedTo('admin_forum'),
'packages' => array(
'title' => $txt['package'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages',
'show' => allowedTo('admin_forum'),
'errorlog' => array(
'title' => $txt['errlog'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=logs;sa=errorlog;desc',
'show' => allowedTo('admin_forum') && !empty($modSettings['enableErrorLogging']),
'permissions' => array(
'title' => $txt['edit_permissions'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=permissions',
'show' => allowedTo('manage_permissions'),
'is_last' => true,
'moderate' => array(
'title' => $txt['moderate'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=moderate',
'show' => $context['allow_moderation_center'],
'sub_buttons' => array(
'modlog' => array(
'title' => $txt['modlog_view'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=modlog',
'show' => !empty($modSettings['modlog_enabled']) && !empty($user_info['mod_cache']) && $user_info['mod_cache']['bq'] != '0=1',
'poststopics' => array(
'title' => $txt['mc_unapproved_poststopics'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=postmod;sa=posts',
'show' => $modSettings['postmod_active'] && !empty($user_info['mod_cache']['ap']),
'attachments' => array(
'title' => $txt['mc_unapproved_attachments'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=attachmod;sa=attachments',
'show' => $modSettings['postmod_active'] && !empty($user_info['mod_cache']['ap']),
'reports' => array(
'title' => $txt['mc_reported_posts'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=reports',
'show' => !empty($user_info['mod_cache']) && $user_info['mod_cache']['bq'] != '0=1',
'is_last' => true,
'profile' => array(
'title' => $txt['profile'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile',
'show' => $context['allow_edit_profile'],
'sub_buttons' => array(
'summary' => array(
'title' => $txt['summary'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile',
'show' => true,
'account' => array(
'title' => $txt['account'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;area=account',
'show' => allowedTo(array('profile_identity_any', 'profile_identity_own', 'manage_membergroups')),
'profile' => array(
'title' => $txt['forumprofile'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;area=forumprofile',
'show' => allowedTo(array('profile_extra_any', 'profile_extra_own')),
'is_last' => true,
'pm' => array(
'title' => $txt['pm_short'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=pm',
'show' => $context['allow_pm'],
'sub_buttons' => array(
'pm_read' => array(
'title' => $txt['pm_menu_read'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=pm',
'show' => allowedTo('pm_read'),
'pm_send' => array(
'title' => $txt['pm_menu_send'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=pm;sa=send',
'show' => allowedTo('pm_send'),
'is_last' => true,
'calendar' => array(
'title' => $txt['calendar'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=calendar',
'show' => $context['allow_calendar'],
'sub_buttons' => array(
'view' => array(
'title' => $txt['calendar_menu'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=calendar',
'show' => allowedTo('calendar_post'),
'post' => array(
'title' => $txt['calendar_post_event'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=calendar;sa=post',
'show' => allowedTo('calendar_post'),
'is_last' => true,

I tamo gdje zelite dodate ovaj kod:
         'site' => array(
            'title' => 'Sajt',
            'href' => '',
            'show' => true,
            'sub_buttons' => array(

Ako zelite da ne pise Sajt nego nesto drugo, promijenite title => 'Sajt' u title => 'Nesto'

I to je to.
