Most Popular Topic Today

Started by vbgamer45, September 15, 2007, 01:56:23 PM

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I have recently (a week ago) moved our entire bunch of things from one host to a new one. I had to remove all mods from package manager cause I had all of admin area showing but only the header and navigation links, in any theme, but nothing lower.
I have installed several of the mods but this one gave me this error, any idea what to do. I have the latest version that is offered in the mod area of downloads:

Expression #3 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'dbname.mes.subject' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
File: /server/attic/Sources/BoardIndex.php
Line: 131

EDIT, seems I just now tried it with the default theme and not selecting the theme that I wanted it to show in also and it installed...but now I just get that error message above and no forum.  I have uninstalled it in hopes of it being able to be used.

Since I don't want anyone to post and we lose the stuff in the process I have the forum in Maintenance mode.

smf version: 2.0.17
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal


See if this helps
Open sources/BoardIndex.php

    $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
    SELECT COUNT(mes.id_topic) as t, mes.id_topic, mes.subject, boa.member_groups
    FROM {db_prefix}messages AS mes
    LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}boards as boa ON (mes.id_board = boa.id_board)
    WHERE poster_time <= {int:time}
    AND poster_time >= {int:time2}
    GROUP BY id_topic
    LIMIT 1',
    'time' => time(),
    'time2' => (time()-86400),

Change to

    $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
    SELECT COUNT(mes.id_topic) as t, mes.id_topic, mes.subject, boa.member_groups
    FROM {db_prefix}messages AS mes
    LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}boards as boa ON (mes.id_board = boa.id_board)
    WHERE poster_time <= {int:time}
    AND poster_time >= {int:time2}
    GROUP BY mes.id_topic, mes.id_topic, mes.subject, boa.member_groups
    LIMIT 1',
    'time' => time(),
    'time2' => (time()-86400),
Community Suite for SMF - Grow your forum with SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! - Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
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I will try this later today...I am so upset because I have PHP 7.5 on this server and the old databases were for 5.5 and I have been getting errors right and left. Especially from trying to reinstall our zencart...LOL I will let you know if the forum behaves itself cause I and the members do so like the version we have.
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal

Sir Osis of Liver

2.0.17 does not support php 7.5, I believe 7.4 is as high as you can go.  My forums are running in 7.2.
When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


Quote from: Sir Osis of Liver on December 12, 2020, 03:54:59 PM
2.0.17 does not support php 7.5, I believe 7.4 is as high as you can go.  My forums are running in 7.2.
I am able to reset the PHP for all entities to be from7.3 (why I insist on calling it 7.5 is beyond me, tired I guess). I am going to step away from the computer for a bit before I explode
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal


I tried the code you mentioned and then installed the mod but again I have nothing below the navigation bar on main forum page.

I even tried reinstalling  version 1.2 of TinyPortal and it claims to install *you can see the link to forum) but again nothing below the forum page.

I uninstalled both of them and now get this on the main page for forum:

  An Error Has Occurred!    Function name must be a string

Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal


Not sure where Tinyportal comes into the mix, but I am -pretty sure that TP1.2 is not suited for PHP 7 and up ... if you want to install TP again, use the latest version: 2.0.0
Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at


Well I would love to but it refuses to install either as the first mod, second or middle and end installations..

First I need to get the forum to behave. then the other mods. I have been going thru files and found many duplicate codes in there...removed them and hope that helps.

Once I get my Mac fixed ( have part but sure won't  let me remove the power supply) then I can access my  external that has the themes so that I can have pristine files to upload. after uninstalling mods. My daughters pc will not acknowledge that external either...phooey...LOL
thanks for all your assistance.
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.1.4 with various mods and TinyPortal


This just shows a popular topic. How do I get it to display 5 popular topics?

Doug Heffernan

Quote from: kapt on September 10, 2021, 11:33:16 AMThis just shows a popular topic. How do I get it to display 5 popular topics?

At your BoardIndex.php file change LIMIT 1 to 5 in this bit of code:

//*********************************** Most popular topic today.***************************//
$id_group = $user_info['groups'];

    $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
    SELECT COUNT(mes.id_topic) as t, mes.id_topic, mes.subject, boa.member_groups
    FROM {db_prefix}messages AS mes
    LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}boards as boa ON (mes.id_board = boa.id_board)
    WHERE poster_time <= {int:time}
    AND poster_time >= {int:time2}
    GROUP BY id_topic
    LIMIT 1',
    'time' => time(),
    'time2' => (time()-86400),

Or you can change it in the install.xml file of the mod as well, repack it and re-install it.


Thanks Doug. Might add a setting for it.
Community Suite for SMF - Grow your forum with SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! - Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro


Quote from: Doug Heffernan on September 10, 2021, 12:33:01 PM
Quote from: kapt on September 10, 2021, 11:33:16 AMThis just shows a popular topic. How do I get it to display 5 popular topics?

At your BoardIndex.php file change LIMIT 1 to 5 in this bit of code:

//*********************************** Most popular topic today.***************************//
    $id_group = $user_info['groups'];

    $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
        SELECT COUNT(mes.id_topic) as t, mes.id_topic, mes.subject, boa.member_groups
        FROM {db_prefix}messages AS mes
            LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}boards as boa ON (mes.id_board = boa.id_board)
        WHERE poster_time <= {int:time}
            AND poster_time >= {int:time2}
        GROUP BY id_topic
        ORDER BY t DESC
        LIMIT 1',
            'time' => time(),
            'time2' => (time()-86400),

Or you can change it in the install.xml file of the mod as well, repack it and re-install it.

didnt work


More changes required needs to add a foreach to loop over.
Community Suite for SMF - Grow your forum with SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! - Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro


Quote from: vbgamer45 on September 10, 2021, 03:00:33 PMMore changes required needs to add a foreach to loop over.

So do you have a chance to do this? I'm sure it will work for everyone.


Any chance of this mod been updated to 2.1
SMF Curve 2.0x
