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Simple Search error after upgrade to 1.1.3

Started by Jack van Dijk, June 26, 2007, 09:04:54 AM

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Ok, question time. I'd like to install this mod as I'm getting the same search error.
Do I have to manually install it in all other themes apart from the SMF core?
We're currently giving members a choice of six themes.
If it makes any difference they are SMF Core, Enterprise, Helios, Tolkien, Outline and Blue Ace.
Of course these are all the latest TP versions of each theme and we're also running TP.
Mad if you don't.  ;)

Chriss Cohn

I have this error in 1.1.4 aswell...... why hasn't it removed in the 1.1.4 upgrade as it was already reported in 1.1.3 ?

Anyway thank you very much for the fix....

Regards, Christian


Quote from: Aslanbek (husmen73) on December 03, 2007, 05:50:53 AM
Quote from: Oldiesmann on June 26, 2007, 09:11:47 AM

if (!is_array($_REQUEST['brd']) && !empty($_REQUEST['brd']))

if (!empty($_REQUEST['brd']) && !is_array($_REQUEST['brd']))
Anyone changed this codes in Turkish Board, then getting HTTP406 error page 2 of search results.

Web Site:
Username:  deneme
Pass: deneme

Teşekkür ederim yöneticim ;) sorunumla ilgilenmişssin ;) ama hala çözemedim. yarım ingilizcemle biraz derdimi anlatıyım :d

Quote from: Oldiesmann on June 26, 2007, 09:11:47 AM

if (!is_array($_REQUEST['brd']) && !empty($_REQUEST['brd']))

if (!empty($_REQUEST['brd']) && !is_array($_REQUEST['brd']))

search.php folder is below. i  applied  the codes you gave but it gives the error "HTTP 406". you can try by searching "serkan".

i also applied the given modifications about this topic but it keeps giving errors.

i even reupload SMF 1.1.4 and also applied the codes you gave but the error keeps working.  :D

i searched on the web about the error "http 406" there are some info about  .htaccess file for example; <IfModule mod_security.c>
   SecFilterEngine Off
   SecFilterScanPOST Off
we should add this code in to the .htaccess file.  but it didn't work.

the other option is enable "mod_rewrite" feature in the .htaccess file. but it also didn't work.

the last option problem may stem out from the lenght of the linking bar it's too long and this cause problem. i faced this problem in my own website and this is the link which i see.;params=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;start=25

while searching through all categories it gives the error but if i choose some spesific categories it works. the example for the situation is below;params=YWR2YW5jZWR8J3wxfCJ8YnJkfCd8MTQxLDUsNCwyMCw1NHwifHNob3dfY29tcGxldGV8J3x8InxzdWJqZWN0X29ubHl8J3x8Inxzb3J0X2RpcnwnfGRlc2N8Inxzb3J0fCd8cmVsZXZhbmNlfCJ8c2VhcmNofCd8c2Vya2Fu;start=25

sorularımda test olarak siteye baglanmak için ::  kullanıcı adı : deneme  şifre : deneme


I tried too mant different combinations without changing the number of titles and subtitles. it permits to searching to the limit of 70 titles no matter the category but when the number reaches 71 it gives the error.  :D :D :D :D :D
sorularımda test olarak siteye baglanmak için ::  kullanıcı adı : deneme  şifre : deneme


even  the ones who created smf can not find solution this problem. help me please!
sorularımda test olarak siteye baglanmak için ::  kullanıcı adı : deneme  şifre : deneme
