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[Theme] xtSMF for SMF (1.0 - 1.0.3)

Started by A.M.A, August 11, 2004, 01:06:14 AM

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Thank you A.M.A.. great great theme, even greater helpfulness, thank you so much!! :)
I use finexe web for
domain registration and hosting.


great theme  :)
but it doesn't  work so well on my server
I don't know why, and English and PHP/HTML/JS are not languages I understand perfectly (sorry, I'm french...)

here is the URL : [nonactive]

please help! :D [nonactive]


please check:

Admin --> Current Theme's Settings
make sure the 'This theme's images URL:' is pointing to the right folder of the theme images.
Really sorry .. real life is demanding my full attention .. will be back soon hopefully :)


Quote from: A.M.A on November 13, 2004, 02:44:02 PM
please check:

Admin --> Current Theme's Settings
make sure the 'This theme's images URL:' is pointing to the right folder of the theme images.

Thanks, but I didn't change the paths, (it was right) but I tested the skin on my own computer (it worked!) and a "copy/paste" later, there was no more problem...
(I've just added somme "alt" in the menu to increase accessibility for the visual deficients ;-) )

-Y- [nonactive]


I really like this theme and currently use it.  Is there any way to change the buttons to be in a standard row to give more room at the top for a logo?


@ -Y-
Glad you solved it.

@ jazz
You need to modify index.template.php .. mainly delete the header's columns and put back the original template menu.
Really sorry .. real life is demanding my full attention .. will be back soon hopefully :)


Great theme!

However, I tried to add my own logo but it doesn't blend in with the background. I'm not that "super" with photoshop so is there a way you could attach the psd of the logo? I'd greatly appreciate it. If you can't, then thanks in advance!




Really sorry .. real life is demanding my full attention .. will be back soon hopefully :)



Thanks alot for that attachment.

I also want to add Google adsense on the forum. The banner is leaderbord size and should be located here:

Thanks in advance


in index.template.php look for:
echo '
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
    <td width="0%"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/xtLEFTa.gif"></td>
    <td width="100%" background="', $settings['images_url'], '/xtTOP.gif"></td>
    <td width="0%"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/xtRIGHTa.gif"></td>
    <td width="0%" background="', $settings['images_url'], '/xtLEFTb.gif"></td>
    <td width="100%">';

add your code below echo '
Really sorry .. real life is demanding my full attention .. will be back soon hopefully :)


Quote from: A.M.A on December 13, 2004, 04:53:46 AM
@ -Y-
Glad you solved it.

@ jazz
You need to modify index.template.php .. mainly delete the header's columns and put back the original template menu.

A.M.A, Thanks for the information!  Could you give me an example of what I need to edit in index.template.php?  I'd like to completely remove the top section and add a button row below the member information.

Edited to add:  If there is anyone else who knows the answer to this, will you please let me know?  I'd really appreciate it!


Please use the attached file .. do not forget to upload the original menu buttons to xtSMF/images/english
Really sorry .. real life is demanding my full attention .. will be back soon hopefully :)


Thanks for your help!  I really do appreciate it.


i see the tar.gz file but i dont see any images??? i uploaded and installed the theme but i have no images to go along with it and hte original thread has no url that point me in the right direction


Admin --> Current Theme's Settings
please make sure the 'This theme's images URL:' is pointing to the right folder of the theme images.
Really sorry .. real life is demanding my full attention .. will be back soon hopefully :)


 Great work!!  I might use this on one of mine too!!!  8) [nonactive]


Excellent work.  :)

I've just installed it and funnily in the index board it does not use the translated words for (Board) Name , Posts and Latest. Everywere else in the board it is using, correctly, the language files for the language chosen (which is not English). Why is it not so in the index?

As for the menu, is there any chance to create an alternative which uses buttons but also allows you to put the board logo above (just like in the xtSMF standard) but instead on the left side replacing the standard xtSMF navigation menu? Thanks.


Sorry those strings were hard coded. To change them
in Boardindex.template.php look for:
<td class="catbg1', $category['new'] ? '2' : '', '">Name</td>
<td align="center" class="catbg1', $category['new'] ? '2' : '', '">Posts</td>     
<td class="catbg1', $category['new'] ? '2' : '', '">Latest</td>      

am afraid replacing the menu with buttons will make the design not good. You may use the right side or simply way at the top.
Really sorry .. real life is demanding my full attention .. will be back soon hopefully :)


Thanks, I will do those changes. :)

As for the template, what we had in mind is more or less this:

[Image removed]

I'm not all too sure about the menu where it is placed, but... the thing is, I'm not very used to messing with templates. Any hints you could offer to do changes like that, would be welcome. :)


Where do you want the logo? top or right side.
Really sorry .. real life is demanding my full attention .. will be back soon hopefully :)
