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[SMF Converter] IPB 1.3.x

Started by JayBachatero, January 28, 2007, 02:56:33 PM

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You need to specify in the second field there the path to IPB.

It will ask you to set a path to the IPB forum. This should be the path used by the computer and not a url!
Such as /home/cpanelusername/public_html/ipb_forum/ (This is only an example).

We do have a Español (Spanish) board where you can speak Spanish and it may help in the conversion process :)
Jeremy D ~ Site Team / SMF Developer ~ GitHub Profile ~ Join us on IRC @ ~ Support the SMF Support team!


ok thanks, im create a new directory en my ftp with the name: ipb but the message is =
mi versión de foro es SMF 2.0


Call me crazy, but I've volunteered to take over a forum that was using IPB 1.3 final.  Here's the thing, all I have from the old forum is an sql backup.  I stuck it on the new server in the forum directory, but rcvd the same "Unable to find the settings for Invision Power Board 1.3. Please double check the path and try again" error message MaNaRa rcvd.
I understand that it can't find IPB setting, because IPB was never installed. 
Will I have to:
1. Install IPB, restore the database backup, and then convert
2. Get some particular files from the old server that SMF is requiring and then convert
3. kick myself in the teeth for tackling this project
4. other

Please note, although I have some webmastering experience I don't really know jack squat about php, sql, smf, or any other combination of letters I see you gurus slinging about.  BUT - I am willing to learn if that counts for anything  :)


you would need to import the backup into a database.

You would then need to emulate the configuration files for it to complete the conversion.
Jeremy D ~ Site Team / SMF Developer ~ GitHub Profile ~ Join us on IRC @ ~ Support the SMF Support team!


ok, import into a database...  I think I can figure that one out or can find someone who can.

emulate the config files???  Sorry, but I'm not sure I follow you on that one...  I'll search around the forum and google it some more and see what I can find.


in IPB there is a file called "conf_global.php".
THis file contains most of your configuration settings for connecting to the mysql server
You could emulate this file by creating one and putting

['sql_database'] = '';
$INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'] = '';

And then specify the IPB database and its prefix (A common word before all the tables).
Jeremy D ~ Site Team / SMF Developer ~ GitHub Profile ~ Join us on IRC @ ~ Support the SMF Support team!


Thanks SleePy!  I'll try once I get the database imported.  I'm running into trouble now because the sql file exceeds the max size allowed for importing.  I'm going to try to get around that somehow.  If I can't I'm going to try installing sql locally where such restrictions shouldn't be an issue.
Thanks again, now go get some rest.


If the database is large, ask your host to import it.
They can use command line methods to import the file that would get around this :)
Jeremy D ~ Site Team / SMF Developer ~ GitHub Profile ~ Join us on IRC @ ~ Support the SMF Support team!


Quote from: SleePy on June 29, 2008, 12:33:25 AM
If the database is large, ask your host to import it.
They can use command line methods to import the file that would get around this :)

I installed apache, php, mysql, and SMF on my desktop machine.  It had the same size restrictions as a default, but I was able to get around it.  I now have the old forum sql imported into a database.  Yay! The converter is now choking on something.  I did it late last night and didn't save the output.  When I do it again I'll post the sql error if I can't find a local guru.

This is my plan, tell me if I'm missing something.  I want to get the whole enchelada set up locally and then back up the smf database.  Shouldn't I then be able to put that backup on the server and restore it?  Would that have me in business?

thanks for being patient and helping out a noob


The error would help me know what is going wrong :)
Jeremy D ~ Site Team / SMF Developer ~ GitHub Profile ~ Join us on IRC @ ~ Support the SMF Support team!


Here ya go, sleepmeister.  I hope its something simple...

Converting members...
Notice: Undefined index: admin_group in /var/www/convert.php(725) : eval()'d code on line 4
This query:

    id AS ID_MEMBER, SUBSTRING(name, 1, 80) AS memberName,
    joined AS dateRegistered, posts,
    IF(mgroup = , 1, IF(mgroup > 5, mgroup + 3, 0)) AS ID_GROUP,
    last_visit AS lastLogin, SUBSTRING(name, 1, 255) AS realName,
    msg_total AS instantMessages, SUBSTRING(password, 1, 64) AS passwd,
    SUBSTRING(email, 1, 255) AS emailAddress,
    SUBSTRING(website, 1, 255) AS websiteTitle,
    SUBSTRING(website, 1, 255) AS websiteUrl,
    SUBSTRING(location, 1, 255) AS location,
    SUBSTRING(icq_number, 1, 255) AS ICQ, signature,
    IF (bday_year = 0 AND bday_month != 0 AND bday_day != 0, CONCAT('0004-', bday_month, '-', bday_day), CONCAT_WS('-', IF(bday_year <= 4, 1, bday_year), IF(bday_month = 0, 1, bday_month), IF(bday_day = 0, 1, bday_day))) AS birthdate,
    SUBSTRING(aim_name, 1, 16) AS AIM, SUBSTRING(yahoo, 1, 32) AS YIM,
    SUBSTRING(msnname, 1, 255) AS MSN, hide_email AS hideEmail,
    SUBSTRING(IF(avatar = 'noavatar' OR INSTR(avatar, 'upload') > 0, '', avatar), 1, 255) AS avatar,
    email_pm AS pm_email_notify, '' AS lngfile, '' AS buddy_list,
    '' AS pm_ignore_list, '' AS messageLabels, '' AS personalText,
    '' AS timeFormat, '' AS usertitle, '' AS memberIP, '' AS secretQuestion,
    '' AS secretAnswer, '' AS validation_code, '' AS additionalGroups,
    '' AS smileySet, '' AS passwordSalt, '' AS memberIP
    FROM `oldforumdb`.ibf_members
    WHERE id != 0
    LIMIT 0, 500;

Caused the error:

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 1, IF(mgroup > 5, mgroup + 3, 0)) AS ID_GROUP,
    last_visit AS lastLogin, SUBSTR' at line 4


Hmm, ok well you don't have a admin group id defined..

Do you know the ID of the admin group on your IPB board?
Jeremy D ~ Site Team / SMF Developer ~ GitHub Profile ~ Join us on IRC @ ~ Support the SMF Support team!


Quote from: SleePy on June 30, 2008, 12:00:23 AM
Hmm, ok well you don't have a admin group id defined..

Do you know the ID of the admin group on your IPB board?

No I didn't, but I found another post that had a more definitive conf_global.php.  I used it and had some success.  Now we're getting somewhere!

Converting members... Successful.
Converting categories... Successful.
Converting boards... Successful.
Converting topics... Successful.
Converting posts (this may take some time)... Successful.
Converting polls... Successful.
Converting poll options... Unsuccessful!
This query:

    INSERT INTO `smf`.smf_poll_choices
    (ID_POLL, ID_CHOICE, label, votes)
    VALUES (1, SUBSTRING('0', 1, 255), 'Avon AV45/46', 1, 255), '7'),
    (1, SUBSTRING('1', 1, 255), 'Meztler Z6', 1, 255), '4'),
    (1, SUBSTRING('2', 1, 255), 'Bridgestone BT-45', 1, 255), '4'),
    (1, SUBSTRING('3', 1, 255), 'Metzler ME33/55A or 330/550', 1, 255), '3'),
    (1, SUBSTRING('4', 1, 255), 'Dunlop D205', 1, 255), '4'),
    (1, SUBSTRING('5', 1, 255), 'Dunlop 491 (rear only)', 1, 255), '2'),
    (1, SUBSTRING('6', 1, 255), 'Bridgestone BT-020', 1, 255), '4'),
    (1, SUBSTRING('7', 1, 255), 'Pirelli Sport Demon', 1, 255), '1'),
    (1, SUBSTRING('8', 1, 255), 'Michellin Macadam M50', 1, 255), '1'),
    (1, SUBSTRING('9', 1, 255), 'Michellin Road Pilot', 1, 255), '0'),
    (2, SUBSTRING('0', 1, 255), 'Black - as stock frame', 1, 255), '2'),
    (2, SUBSTRING('1', 1, 255), 'Red - same colour as tank/bodywork', 1, 255), '1'),
    (2, SUBSTRING('2', 1, 255), 'Grey/silver - bit like a Ducatti monster', 1, 255), '2'),
    (2, SUBSTRING('3', 1, 255), 'Other - suggestions and reasons please', 1, 255), '0'),
    (3, SUBSTRING('0', 1, 255), 'Pirelli Sport Demons', 1, 255), '2'),
    (3, SUBSTRING('1', 1, 255), 'Michelin Pilot Active', 1, 255), '2');

Caused the error:

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''7'),
    (1, SUBSTRING('1', 1, 255), 'Meztler Z6', 1, 255), '4'),
    (' at line 3

I'm not terribly concerned about polls... Is there more converting to do after that or is it just about done?

Now I have another problem.  I wasn't an admin on the old forum so when I log in now to the new smf forum I have no admin rights.
I wanted to try to do a backup and restore on the "real" server.

What's a guy to do now?


ok, I found the table smf_membergroups.  Now if I can find out how to add myself to that group I'll be in the money  ;)

sure wish I knew more about this database stuff!


woo-hoo!  I'm getting further.  I discovered I was not using the most recent invision_to_smf.sql.
here's where I'm at now:

Converting members... Successful.
Converting categories... Successful.
Converting boards... Successful.
Converting topics... Successful.
Converting posts (this may take some time)... Successful.
Converting polls... Successful.
Converting poll options... Successful.
Converting poll logs... Successful.
Converting personal messages (step 1)... Successful.
Converting personal messages (step 2)... Successful.
Converting topic notifications... Successful.
Converting board notifications... Successful.
Converting moderators... Successful.
Converting permissions... Successful.
Converting board permissions... Successful.
Converting smileys... Unsuccessful!
This query:

    ALTER TABLE `smf`.smf_smileys

Caused the error:

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LENGTH(code) DESC' at line 2

gonna keep plugging along...


I made it past the poll problem all the way to "conversion complete", but now permissions seem screwed.  As a guest I can browse all over the board.  When I log in as a user everything is off limits.  Grrrr....  more research to be done!


it works!  locally, at least.  I was able to edit the db to make myself an admin.  I did have to change permissions on each board to allow users to access them.  initially, only guests and regular members were checked. Since everyone is a 'full member' I had to check that too.

Anyhow, thanks to all of the informative posts and help from sleepy it looks like I might be nearly ready to go live!

If I have any trouble with that I'll come crying again  :P 


Which file did you find that was updated?
Jeremy D ~ Site Team / SMF Developer ~ GitHub Profile ~ Join us on IRC @ ~ Support the SMF Support team!


Quote from: SleePy on June 30, 2008, 05:50:30 PM
Which file did you find that was updated?

I'm pretty sure I initially was using an older copy of invision_to_smf.sql

Now if I can just remember what I did when I get a more recent ipb backup to go live with....

thanks for all the help!


hi i am trying to convert my ipb 1.3.1 to smf 1.1.5 but as soon as i started converting this error always displays...

Converting members... Unsuccessful!
This query:

(query here...)

Caused the error:

    Duplicate entry '6777' for key 1

please help me on this... thanks in advance for those who can help me...
