[SMF Converter] phpBB - 2.0.19+

Started by JayBachatero, January 13, 2007, 02:47:08 AM

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Quote from: tsp_derek on February 22, 2007, 01:04:53 PM
last night i ran the converter using the version available on the download page which i also downloaded last night.  from the look of things, i shouldn't have run that version.

my users are experiencing all the problems i've seen mentioned in this thread:

phpbb added to their ranking
unable to access profiles, make posts, etc
permissions to hidden sections removed

I've not seen anything in the thread about whether or not those problems are resolved by using the new converter.  Can I assume that they have been, or is this an unresolved issue?  If a new converter will fix it, then I can easily remove the old DB and start from scratch.
You need to use the converter form this topic.  Not the one from the download page.

Quote from: Hafdís on February 24, 2007, 04:31:24 AM
I am not sure where to put this files convert.php and phpbb2_to_smf

my phpbb is located here http://www.koddinn.com/spjall
and my smf bord here http://www.koddinn.com/spjallid

and before i install this, i have have to have clean smf board, no posts in it ?
Put those files in the spjallid folder.  The converter will erase ALL posts members and other data prior to the conversion.
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hi friends,
i used this converter to convert from phpbb2 to smf,
and it worked but there is a problem,
my forum is a turkish forum and while converting from phpbb, the converter couldnt convert turkish characters correctly,
my forums db's language set is latin5,

and i added

mysql_query("SET NAMES 'latin5'");
mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET latin5");

these lines into convert.php

but still i couldnt solve problem,
also i tried tu use
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
but i couldnt solve this problem,

in phpbb2 's db, turkish characters stored correctly, but in smf's tables, turkish characters decomposed,
also when i used the turkish language file for smf forum, smf shows all turkish characters wrong, but if use turkish utf8 language pack, smf shows some turkish charecters wrong and shows some of them corectly,

What can i do now?
anyone can help me?


What charset are the SMF tables in?  For phpBB tables?
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my db's charset is latin5, so phpbb tables charset is latin5,
Quote from: JayBachatero on February 28, 2007, 10:00:18 AM
What charset are the SMF tables in?  For phpBB tables?

phpbb s tables charset is latin5, but i noticed that smf tables charset is latin1, so i deleted smf tables and then created with latin5 charset,
then i tried to convert with orijinal convert.php but the same problem still exist,
then i added these lines to convert.php

mysql_query("SET NAMES 'latin5'");
mysql_query("SET character_set_connection = 'latin5'");
mysql_query("SET character_set_client = 'latin5'");
mysql_query("SET character_set_results = 'latin5'");

and then i converted succesfully..

thanx a lot :)

i should add that, i am using turkish utf 8 language pack,
in normal turkish language pack, it doesnt work :)


Thanks that helps a lot.  Maybe I can get something going on for UTF-8 support.
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Is the file in the first post always updated with the latest version?


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any idea about this error message?

Converting members... Unsuccessful!
This query:
INSERT INTO `undergro_smf`.smf_attachments
(ID_MSG, ID_MEMBER, filename, attachmentType)
VALUES (0, 2, SUBSTRING('avatar_2.gif', 1, 255), 0);
Caused the error:

Unknown column 'attachmentType' in 'field list'


it also deleted my admin user.  dont worry about it i will just do a fresh clean smf install and try the convertor again


Are you using the converter in this topic?
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i already try all files you have here to convert  PHPBB to SMF  :'( now he do all ok untill... attachments_desc... he convert every thing ok, except attachments_desc, he dont put the attachements in my new forum  :'(... so i delet phpbb_attachments_desc from sql, run the convert and he gives every thing ok...

QuoteConverting posts (this may take some time)... Successful.
Converting polls... Successful.
Converting poll options... Successful.
Converting poll votes... Successful.
Converting personal messages (step 1)... Successful.
Converting personal messages (step 2)... Successful.
Converting topic notifications... Successful.
Converting board access... Successful.
Converting group access... Successful.
Converting moderators... Successful.
Converting avatar gallery images... Successful.
Converting smileys... Successful.
Converting censored words... Successful.
Converting reserved names... Successful.
Converting settings... Successful.
Converting attachment mod (if installed)... Unsuccessful!

in attachment mod he asck for

a.post_id AS ID_MSG, ad.real_filename AS filename, ad.physical_filename AS encrypted,
ad.download_count AS downloads, ad.filesize AS size
FROM (`microluso`.phpbb_attachments AS a, `microluso`.phpbb_attachments_desc AS ad)
WHERE a.post [nofollow]_id != 0
AND ad.attach_id = a.attach_id
LIMIT 0, 100;

In my PHPBB attachment mod i have

QuoteDROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_attachments_desc;
CREATE TABLE phpbb_attachments_desc(
   attach_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
   physical_filename varchar(255) NOT NULL,
   real_filename varchar(255) NOT NULL,
   download_count mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL,
   comment varchar(255),
   extension varchar(100),
   mimetype varchar(100),
   filesize int(20) NOT NULL,
   filetime int(11) NOT NULL,
   thumbnail tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
   MD5hash varchar(32) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (attach_id),
   KEY filetime (filetime),
   KEY physical_filename (physical_filename),
   KEY filesize (filesize)
and many more like this samples
QuoteINSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_desc (attach_id, physical_filename, real_filename, download_count, comment, extension, mimetype, filesize, filetime, thumbnail, MD5hash) VALUES('2', 'dadosoctal_210.rar', 'DadosOctal.rar', '30', '', 'rar', 'application/octet-stream', '18909', '1166515435', '0', '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_desc (attach_id, physical_filename, real_filename, download_count, comment, extension, mimetype, filesize, filetime, thumbnail, MD5hash) VALUES('3', 'gsp_607.rar', 'GSP.rar', '22', '', 'rar', 'application/octet-stream', '554923', '1166515583', '0', '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_attachments_desc (attach_id, physical_filename, real_filename, download_count, comment, extension, mimetype, filesize, filetime, thumbnail, MD5hash) VALUES('4', 'octavariumkadaverium_139.rar', 'OctavariumKadaverium.rar', '28', '', 'rar', 'application/octet-stream', '180418', '1166515716', '0', '');

I put them into my SQL aomost all files i try give
QuoteInternal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

But whit this one






he give me this erro

QuoteConverting attachment mod (if installed)...
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /www/sites/1/M/I/microluso.com/site/Forum/convert.php(682) : eval()'d code on line 63
Error in convert script phpbb2_to_smf.sql on line 961!

Help please


(Sorry for bad english and the long post, i think this was the best way to explain wath is hapening)


How well does this converter work? Does it convert it to a fully functional SMF board, with all the bells and whistles? What about a heavily modded phpBB board, will it convert it with no problems? Can I back up and restore the phpBB board if there are errors with the conversion? I ask because I have ran a phpBB board for years and just recently changed to a SMF board. Some members are having problems registering. I thought if I could convert the phpBB board, I'd give that a try to see how it turns out, but restore it if there are problems.


So far the converter works pretty well.  Your phpBB data will stay in tact so you can go back to phpBB.  I don't see that happening though :P.
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Thanks. Do the convert and sql files go into the root directory of the phpBB forum and ran from there?


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ok, call me stupid - but how the heck do i do this??   


I'm trying to convert from phpbb to SMF.

I've installed SMF and it's running fine.

I put the convert.php file in the SMF forum directory.

1s box: I entered the SMF forum
2nd box: I entered the phpbb forum

I keep getting this error.
Unable to find the settings for Oxygen 1.1. Please double check the path and try again.


Quote from: furagz on March 08, 2007, 04:08:11 AM
ok, call me stupid - but how the heck do i do this??   
Converting to SMF

Quote from: alsunna on March 08, 2007, 11:59:08 AM
I'm trying to convert from phpbb to SMF.

I've installed SMF and it's running fine.

I put the convert.php file in the SMF forum directory.

1s box: I entered the SMF forum
2nd box: I entered the phpbb forum

I keep getting this error.
Unable to find the settings for Oxygen 1.1. Please double check the path and try again.
You seem to have downloaded the wrong files.  Download the phpbb2_to_smf.sql file from this topic.
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