Simple Awards System

Started by Windy, November 14, 2006, 09:01:54 PM

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I've completed the update for 1.1.5 and also an update to 2.0 beta 3.1.
There have been a few major internal changes in the process, and for that I've marked it as being a beta.
The latest version only supports 1.1.5 and 2.0 beta 3.1, no other previous versions, in addition the code that was in place to upgrade from the table structure from previous versions has been removed and will now result in an error telling you to remove the table.
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My Mods

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Simple Awards System

Mods are only updated to the latest same major version of smf on request.

I am trying to install the simple awards MOD and I am getting the following error.

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
givenDate int(10) unsign
File: /home/content/x/y/z/miguelcotto/html/smf/Packages/temp/AwardSystemdb.php
Line: 95

Assistance would be appreciated.


After dabbling with some files and undoing the patch from 1.1.4 to 1.1.5 I get this

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
givenDate int(10) unsign
File: /home/content/x/y/z/miguelcotto/html/smf/Packages/temp/AwardSystemdb.php
Line: 80

Note: It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum's files are currently at version SMF 1.1.5, while your database is at version 1.1.4. The above error might possibly go away if you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.

What does that mean?
If and when I can help someone, I will. My information might not be accurate, so if anyone corrects me if I am wrong, I shall not be offended.


what version of mysql are you using?
All unsolicited PM's will be ignored.  Any support requests should go in their topics.

My Mods

Image Zoom Tag
Image Quote Removal
Color Picker
Additional Polls
Simple Awards System

Mods are only updated to the latest same major version of smf on request.


QuoteThe package you are trying to download or install is either corrupt or not compatible with this version of SMF.

on me those page appear, i'm using 1.1.4...what's wrong with this mod ?


On SMF 1.1.4, my error log gets NINE of the following errors each time I browse to a member's awards section:

Brown    Today at 03:44:11 PM;u=7;sa=awards
8: Undefined index: sort
File: /Themes/default/Profile.template.php (eval?)
Line: 2276

Here's the line:
<td><a href="', $scripturl,'?action=profile;u='.$_GET['u'].';sa=awards;sort=givenBy', (!isset($_GET['desc']) && $_GET['sort'] == 'givenBy' ? ';desc' : ''), '">Given By', ($_GET['sort'] == 'givenBy' ? ' <img src="'.$settings['images_url'].'/'.(!isset($_GET['desc']) ? 'sort_down.gif' : 'sort_up.gif').'">' : ''), '</a></td>

Does anyone else get this error?

Quote from: Windy on May 12, 2008, 12:29:46 AM
what version of mysql are you using?

Installations actions for "Simple Award System":
The package you are trying to download or install is either corrupt or not compatible with this version of SMF.

Version Information:
Forum version: SMF 1.1.5
Current SMF version: SMF 1.1.5
PHP version: 4.3.11
MySQL version: 4.0.27-max-log
Server version: Apache
GD version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible)


Here is the whole KICKER!

I installed it about 3 two days ago and when I learned that there were no images/icons/awards/graphics, I went around the net looking for some.
When I went back to the profiles, the AWARDS button was gone :o

I looked everywhere and went thru all the menus and nothing about AWARDS was visible again.

Now I can not get this to work or show.

I even tried doing it manually :(
I also tried removing the patch 1.1.5 and try it that way and nothing :(

I also installed this on another forum and it worked but on the forum I need it on, I can not get it to work.
If and when I can help someone, I will. My information might not be accurate, so if anyone corrects me if I am wrong, I shall not be offended.


I have tried to install this mod a couple of times and it tells me that some of the files are missing or corrupted. It never gives me the option to view the files or install the mod.

Any suggestions?

I think the problem may be the other mods I have installed is there a list of mods that will cause this one to not install right?

Any help would be appreciated!!

PM at your own risk, some I answer, if they are interesting, some I ignore.


Quote from: iQEM on May 12, 2008, 02:08:58 AM
QuoteThe package you are trying to download or install is either corrupt or not compatible with this version of SMF.

on me those page appear, i'm using 1.1.4...what's wrong with this mod ?
what version of the mod are you trying to install?

Quote from: thebrownshow on May 12, 2008, 03:49:54 PM
On SMF 1.1.4, my error log gets NINE of the following errors each time I browse to a member's awards section:

Brown    Today at 03:44:11 PM;u=7;sa=awards
8: Undefined index: sort
File: /Themes/default/Profile.template.php (eval?)
Line: 2276

Here's the line:
<td><a href="', $scripturl,'?action=profile;u='.$_GET['u'].';sa=awards;sort=givenBy', (!isset($_GET['desc']) && $_GET['sort'] == 'givenBy' ? ';desc' : ''), '">Given By', ($_GET['sort'] == 'givenBy' ? ' <img src="'.$settings['images_url'].'/'.(!isset($_GET['desc']) ? 'sort_down.gif' : 'sort_up.gif').'">' : ''), '</a></td>

Does anyone else get this error?
Just about everyone should, it seems I missed something, I was originally working on just upgrading it to smf 2.0, so when 1.1.5 came out I had to port all my bug fixes to the previous version.

Quote from: www.BoxingHumor.Net on May 12, 2008, 11:17:58 PM
Quote from: Windy on May 12, 2008, 12:29:46 AM
what version of mysql are you using?

Installations actions for "Simple Award System":
The package you are trying to download or install is either corrupt or not compatible with this version of SMF.

Version Information:
Forum version: SMF 1.1.5
Current SMF version: SMF 1.1.5
PHP version: 4.3.11
MySQL version: 4.0.27-max-log
Server version: Apache
GD version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible)


Here is the whole KICKER!

I installed it about 3 two days ago and when I learned that there were no images/icons/awards/graphics, I went around the net looking for some.
When I went back to the profiles, the AWARDS button was gone :o

I looked everywhere and went thru all the menus and nothing about AWARDS was visible again.

Now I can not get this to work or show.

I even tried doing it manually :(
I also tried removing the patch 1.1.5 and try it that way and nothing :(

I also installed this on another forum and it worked but on the forum I need it on, I can not get it to work.
I'm getting confused where you're at with this atm.  If it's still with the original issue, try opening AwardSystemDb.php from the package file and removing all parts where I've got "collate latin1_general_ci" and see if that helps.

Quote from: Tyrs_son on May 13, 2008, 02:59:17 AM
I have tried to install this mod a couple of times and it tells me that some of the files are missing or corrupted. It never gives me the option to view the files or install the mod.

Any suggestions?

I think the problem may be the other mods I have installed is there a list of mods that will cause this one to not install right?

Any help would be appreciated!!

Again, version of the mod and smf version.
All unsolicited PM's will be ignored.  Any support requests should go in their topics.

My Mods

Image Zoom Tag
Image Quote Removal
Color Picker
Additional Polls
Simple Awards System

Mods are only updated to the latest same major version of smf on request.


CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see


Add the following to profile.php and it will fix the sort error that is filling the logs.

// Make sure $_GET['sort'] is defined before trying to call it or else we will fill the error log
if (!isset($_GET['sort']))
$_GET['sort'] = null;

I put it right before

// Get all the users "awards"...

$request = db_query("
SELECT a.ID_AWARD, a.title, a.ID_MEMBER, a.memberName as backupName, m.realName, a.ID_AWARDED_MEMBER, a.givenDate, a.fileName
FROM ({$db_prefix}awards AS a, {$db_prefix}members as m)
ORDER BY ".($_GET['sort'] == 'title' ? "a.title" : ($_GET['sort'] == "a.givenDate" ? "a.givenDate" : ($_GET['sort'] == 'givenBy' ? "m.realName" : "a.givenDate")))." ".(isset($_GET['desc']) ? "DESC" : ""), __FILE__, __LINE__);


I tried to install every version that I thought would be compatible with my version of 1.1.5

I also tried the same mod when I was using 1.1.4 and got the same error message.

Which version of the mod is for 1.1.5? and can I install it manually?
PM at your own risk, some I answer, if they are interesting, some I ignore.


Quote from: Tyrs_son on May 15, 2008, 01:05:18 AM
I tried to install every version that I thought would be compatible with my version of 1.1.5

I also tried the same mod when I was using 1.1.4 and got the same error message.

Which version of the mod is for 1.1.5? and can I install it manually?

Open the zip file, extract package-info.xml, and add a section for 1.1.5.  Like this:

<install for="1.1.5">
<readme type="file">readme.txt</readme>
<code type="file">AwardSystemdb.php</code>
<modification type="file" format="xml">modification.xml</modification>

Also add a section for uninstall.  You will know where to put it when you see the file.  It is laid out very clearly.


Should I just replace the "install" with "uninstall" and use the same code? I am very new to this...
PM at your own risk, some I answer, if they are interesting, some I ignore.


Hi there,

I am using smf 1.1.5 

I have installed "Simple Award System" mod version 1.3.1 but when I click on Apply MOD it shows following error:

Installations actions for "Simple Award System":
The package you are trying to download or install is either corrupt or not compatible with this version of SMF. 

Thanks in advance for your support.



Install 2.0.0b.  It's compatible with 1.1.5.
Also, I've fixed that issue with the undefined index, since it's just a small issue I've simply overwritten the latest version.

All unsolicited PM's will be ignored.  Any support requests should go in their topics.

My Mods

Image Zoom Tag
Image Quote Removal
Color Picker
Additional Polls
Simple Awards System

Mods are only updated to the latest same major version of smf on request.


2 profile changes needed in Profile.template.php

&nbsp;<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/profile_sm.gif" alt="" align="top" />&nbsp;Awards

<td colspan="8" align="center"><b>', 'You have no awards.', '</b></td>

you are using strings inside template file please replace them with variables and and the strings to a language file

It is not a bug but it is needed for perfection.
I am back. I will try to catch up with some stuff soon.

My sites Constraction :P)

New plans coming soon

Good links for you to visit:


Yeah, I'll do that for the next version as it's not a serious issue.
All unsolicited PM's will be ignored.  Any support requests should go in their topics.

My Mods

Image Zoom Tag
Image Quote Removal
Color Picker
Additional Polls
Simple Awards System

Mods are only updated to the latest same major version of smf on request.


Quote from: raklet on May 14, 2008, 07:21:04 PM
Add the following to profile.php and it will fix the sort error that is filling the logs.

// Make sure $_GET['sort'] is defined before trying to call it or else we will fill the error log
if (!isset($_GET['sort']))
$_GET['sort'] = null;

I put it right before

// Get all the users "awards"...

$request = db_query("
SELECT a.ID_AWARD, a.title, a.ID_MEMBER, a.memberName as backupName, m.realName, a.ID_AWARDED_MEMBER, a.givenDate, a.fileName
FROM ({$db_prefix}awards AS a, {$db_prefix}members as m)
ORDER BY ".($_GET['sort'] == 'title' ? "a.title" : ($_GET['sort'] == "a.givenDate" ? "a.givenDate" : ($_GET['sort'] == 'givenBy' ? "m.realName" : "a.givenDate")))." ".(isset($_GET['desc']) ? "DESC" : ""), __FILE__, __LINE__);

That did the trick, thanks!


Hi... I'm getting this error too.

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
givenDate int(10) unsign
File: /hsphere/local/home/[something]/[goes_here]forums/Packages/temp/AwardSystemdb2.php
Line: 144

My SQL version is: 4.0.26-standard
PHP: 4.4.2
Server: Apache
SMF: 2.0 Beta 3.1

Thanks for any help!


Very nice and easy to use.
