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Member Awards (2.0 Compatible!)

Started by Spuds, September 18, 2006, 03:14:03 PM

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Sorry but I can't backport it to RC3.  If you want and dont need UTF-8 support you can find where i use $func['htmlspecialchars'] and change it to htmlspecialchars.  Do that for anything that has $func on it.
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I would love to see some screen shots for this.  Can members give awards to other members?  Are the awards albums linked from their profile or do the awards show in their profile?


Members that have the permission to manage awards can give other members awards.  The album is on a separate page on the member's profile.
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Quote from: chinclub on September 19, 2006, 09:02:46 AM
I would love to see some screen shots for this.  Can members give awards to other members?  Are the awards albums linked from their profile or do the awards show in their profile?

Othe members with the permissions can give others awards.  A special "Awards" page is created with can be accessed from the profile or from the icon that is below the avator in posts.

Here are some screenshots... sorry it took me so long. (Keep in mind my "titles" are a little different because mine is a custom version. So anyplace you see "Badge" just replace that with "Award")

Admin Main Panel (the icons u see above each image do the following respectively: Edit Badge, Delete, Assign, View Assign):

The Admin Add Page (where u upload and name your awards):

The Admin Assign page (after you select which membergroup):
You can select individual members or assign the badge to all in the group, as well as select the date

Page in Profile(my colums are set at two, but you can set them for whatever you want in your settings on your admin panel):

What the members see when they click on a badge in their album.  It show the name of all the other members who have earned it:


Quote from: Jay The Code Monkey on September 19, 2006, 08:50:15 AM
Sorry but I can't backport it to RC3.  If you want and dont need UTF-8 support you can find where i use $func['htmlspecialchars'] and change it to htmlspecialchars.  Do that for anything that has $func on it.

Is that all that is needed to make it work properly in rc2 is remove the $func?
Don't tell me to get into shape...I have a shape...It is round!


Quote from: TechnoDragon on September 19, 2006, 09:29:47 AM
Quote from: Jay The Code Monkey on September 19, 2006, 08:50:15 AM
Sorry but I can't backport it to RC3.  If you want and dont need UTF-8 support you can find where i use $func['htmlspecialchars'] and change it to htmlspecialchars.  Do that for anything that has $func on it.

Is that all that is needed to make it work properly in rc2 is remove the $func?
Yea for the most part I think so.  Change from $func['functionname']( to functionname(

Thanks for the screenshots littleone.  I'll add these to the mod later.
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removing that made it work...Thank you!
Don't tell me to get into shape...I have a shape...It is round!


Every time I try to upload a new award pic it changes my root html directory to 777 which closes my site instantly.


Umm that sounds more resonable than you giving a negative review saying that it chmods the whole site to 777.  What does your host allow?  755?

In ManageAwards.php
Code (find) Select

@chmod($boarddir . '/' . $modSettings['awardsDir'], 0777);

Change to

if (!is_writable($boarddir . '/' . $modSettings['awardsDir']))
@chmod($boarddir . '/' . $modSettings['awardsDir'], 0755);
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Dear Jay you said "I'll update the mod later this week" .. So shall we wait for the new updates in mod or set it up now? Isn't there any problem in mod now right?


Umm I'll do an update package tomorrow.
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Oka,I'll be looking for it...


installed and worked fine , thanks

how can i display badges in their post ? maybe below username or signature  :) like smfarcade , can display cups


Actually that would be kinda nice...not neccesarily all of them, but their favorite one they have chosen
Don't tell me to get into shape...I have a shape...It is round!


I'll look into displaying the badge on under the post when I have time.
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Quote from: Jay The Code Monkey on September 19, 2006, 08:01:51 PM
Umm that sounds more resonable than you giving a negative review saying that it chmods the whole site to 777.  What does your host allow?  755?

In ManageAwards.php
Code (find) Select

@chmod($boarddir . '/' . $modSettings['awardsDir'], 0777);

Change to

if (!is_writable($boarddir . '/' . $modSettings['awardsDir']))
@chmod($boarddir . '/' . $modSettings['awardsDir'], 0755);

I had this problem also, and this has fixed it, thanks!



Jay,  what you listed here works much better thank you.  Will it be a part of the future updates of your mod then?

Quote from: Jay The Code Monkey on September 19, 2006, 08:01:51 PM
Umm that sounds more resonable than you giving a negative review saying that it chmods the whole site to 777.  What does your host allow?  755?

In ManageAwards.php
Code (find) Select

@chmod($boarddir . '/' . $modSettings['awardsDir'], 0777);

Change to

if (!is_writable($boarddir . '/' . $modSettings['awardsDir']))
@chmod($boarddir . '/' . $modSettings['awardsDir'], 0755);


Can we just enter the user names we want to assign the award to instead of the checkboxes?  I have a large number of members on my site and that's a painful way of doing it for me.

Also, where do we set the allowed file types for the award or what are they?


Yes I'll make the change above but it will be 777 not 755.  I might add an option for it though.

No there is no way to enter usernames.  It never came to me to search for members since this is a custom mod for Littleone.  I did the mod according to his needs.
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Quote from: Jay The Code Monkey on September 21, 2006, 09:48:00 AM
Yes I'll make the change above but it will be 777 not 755.  I might add an option for it though.

No there is no way to enter usernames.  It never came to me to search for members since this is a custom mod for Littleone.  I did the mod according to his needs.

My suggestion would be to assign the members u are awarding awards to, to a special member group, that way they are easier to find.  I have almost 4200 members and it would be a pain to dig for them, so I had them added to special member group where there are only 60 or so members that regularly get awarded stuff.  I do my "awards" on a weekly bases and have upwards of 140 to 160 awards to award.  Most of them are duplicate awards to the same members so its easier for the check boxes, then it was for a search and add for each individual one ;)
