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Simple Machines, our team, and our recruitment process

Started by Thantos, August 10, 2006, 02:25:40 AM

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From time to time we get inquiries from certain people expressing interest in helping out with the project, and possibly joining the team.  I figured I would share with you how we select team members and what you can do to help out.

First thing is to realize that we are always looking for more people.  Simple Machines has grown rapidly in the last year and as such, our team has expanded also.  Here are some of the things we look for in potential members, there is no particular order to this list:

  • Posts often and regularly.  We need people who are active and able to contribute regularly.
  • Posts accurate information.  Not knowing the answer is fine, however posting a bad solution is worse then no solution.
  • Posts information in an easy to understand manner.  As the project has expanded, we are getting more users who don't have a vast experience with computers.  We need people who can help them out as well as the super geeks like me.
  • Is respectful to the other users, especially when confronted with an opposing view.
  • Ability to work as a part of a team.
  • Has been contributing for a while.  We often get people who surge onto the scene but quickly fizzle out.  We are looking for people who will still be active a year or more from now.
How to get onto the team
While there are some opposing views, the generally consensus of the team is that you should not ask to join the team.  Joining the team is not a goal in of itself.  The best way to get on the team is to not try to get on the team, and instead use that energy to help the project as a whole.
Do what you enjoy doing.  If you aspire to be a mod developer, go read the Mod Requests board and develop some mods.  If you think the design team is the place for you then go create some kick butt themes and submit them to the theme site.
At the same time, try to help those who are learning.  A great theme designer is great, but one that can assist people in creating their themes is even better.
We'll often wait months before inviting someone to join the team.  This allows us to see how regular they are and to make sure they aren't "faking" it.
If you get asked to join the team, there is a good chance it'll be as a Support Specialist.  A good portion of our team starts there as that team as the most amount of work to do.  It also allows us to see how well you perform in the team environment.

The process of getting someone onto the team
The process itself is simple.  A team member will notice that a particular member has been really helpful and shows the above traits.  That team member will post a recommendation to the team board, where the potentional team member is discussed, their previous postings looked at, and mods or themes looked at, etc.  We try to make sure there are no reasons why they shouldn't join the team.  If the team is in agreement the team leader for a particular team will contact the person and invite them to join that team.  If the person accepts the team leader then lets the administrators known who then change their groups and gets them into the team.

Also, note that the teams listed on the team page should not be viewed as a constraint mechanism.  We are always looking for people with unique skills and knowledge, even if it doesn't fit into one of the teams.  So if you have a strength that you think would be beneficial to the project, please share it with the other users.


Thank you for sharing this information

I will try to realize what is expected from me to join the team  :)

I am back. I will try to catch up with some stuff soon.

My sites Constraction :P)

New plans coming soon

Good links for you to visit:


The real hell is your life gone wrong.


I personally would love a position here at SMF... I sort of miss helping out people since my retirement as a Support Specialist at Boardnation... However, I don't think I'm no-where close to being knowledgeable enough. I know about design, not about how Simple Machines works, or at least I don't know how it works like some of you guys do.


The advanced PHP stuff eh Gamer?

But you're right, I tech support on about 15 SMF forums. (Not all at once) but what I do for them is practicly nothing compared. Mostly, telling them on MSN how to fix error x or error y, occationally manually install a mod or two or guide them through.

But what seems like a lot to those 15 people is practically nothing to me or in comparison to what the guys do here.
Gary M. Gadsdon
Do NOT PM me unless I say so
War of the Simpsons
Bongo Comics Fan Forum
Youtube Let's Plays

^ YT is changing monetisation policy, help reach 1000 sub threshold.


I am a PHP zend certified engineer and will be happy to join you.

Best regards,
Ankur Aeran,
s/w Engineer
[email protected]


As Thantos said in the first post, you have to show that you have what it takes.

If you want to join the Support Team head to the Support Boards and start helping people out with their problems. If you want to join the Mod team check out the Mod Requests area and make some mods, etc...

After a while of doing that, a team member might notice and will put your name forward in the Team Area.

Gary M. Gadsdon
Do NOT PM me unless I say so
War of the Simpsons
Bongo Comics Fan Forum
Youtube Let's Plays

^ YT is changing monetisation policy, help reach 1000 sub threshold.

J. Williams

I would think the people post here aren't the only enthusiasts of the team as some can't read this topic (since its en anglais), if I'm right; everyone here at SMF has potential to join and become part of one of the best BBS's :P

Offtopic: I think I'm taking french for GCSE this and next year :D
Joshua Jon Williams
Back in Action.

Leipe Po

There is only one thing more importend to me then coding:
My Girlfriend

Microsoft - "You've got questions.  We've got dancing paperclips."

J. Williams

Be patient, you may or may not have be chosen to become a *sarcasm*god*sarcasm*. Everyone has a chance, including god himself xD

I don't sense anything wrong with you, so your chance could be soon :D
Joshua Jon Williams
Back in Action.


Quote from: Leipe Po on August 25, 2006, 03:55:09 PM
so why am i not on the team then?!?!?!?!  :P

Because you are using too many punctuation marks !!?!!!??!??@@~~´?!?!)/'^)(/^(') :P

* HarzeM bets someone will split this topic.

J. Williams

But doesn't the world revolve around punctuation, cause I think it does.

Yeah, split it into two: Applications and Comments etc... XD
Joshua Jon Williams
Back in Action.

Leipe Po

nah i will get my chance sooner oor later, and i also have to care about, and develop kickass apps on there with the allmighty power of SSI.php...
There is only one thing more importend to me then coding:
My Girlfriend

Microsoft - "You've got questions.  We've got dancing paperclips."


I'd like to say congratulations to AwwLilMaggie on becoming a Doc Writer. Well deserved position.

If I know AwwLilMaggie, you guys will have a Doc site 75% larger by morning. ;)


Thanks Gamer.

75% thats pushing it a bit, I'm only human. :P Maybe 74% ;)


Gary M. Gadsdon
Do NOT PM me unless I say so
War of the Simpsons
Bongo Comics Fan Forum
Youtube Let's Plays

^ YT is changing monetisation policy, help reach 1000 sub threshold.

J. Williams

Mainly everyone here is human  :-\, or maybe not :P

Quoteour recruitment process

Sounds like you're recruiting an army :D
Joshua Jon Williams
Back in Action.


I don't think Unknown is human... I mean look at his post count. And Douglas is a bear in overalls, so I dunno.

Leipe Po

well we could start a revolution if we want to, lol
There is only one thing more importend to me then coding:
My Girlfriend

Microsoft - "You've got questions.  We've got dancing paperclips."


And I'm the code monkey.  Not just any regular monkey but a code one ;).
Follow me on Twitter

"HELP!!! I've fallen and I can't get up"
This moment has been brought to you by LifeAlert

J. Williams

Made out of PHP, and all the other languages I guess?
Joshua Jon Williams
Back in Action.
