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Get To Know The Team - Kryzen

Started by Robert., April 19, 2016, 04:48:11 AM

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Name: Robert "Kryzen"
Location: Groningen, Netherlands
Quote: If you're going through hell, keep going
Position: Localizer

  • Do you have pets?
    I have a baddass ginger cat.
  • What is your favourite colour?
    Green. Or blue. Because reasons.
  • What kind of music do you like?
    Anything that doesn't involve screaming. Take it as you will.
  • What do you do on your free time besides spending time on SMF?
    Working, sleeping, and crying myself to sleep. Or maybe just the first two things.
  • What are your goals/dreams in life?
    To improve myself and become a better person.
  • What got you involved in SMF?
    Harry Potter. Long story.
  • Who do you admire? Why?
    People who don't give a sh-t about what other people think, and just live their life.
  • Are you into sports?  If so which ones?
    Not really. Used to be into soccer and baseball, but not anymore.
  • What was your first screenname?
    Robertjeee. Kind of like you're riding a roller coaster.
  • Do you have any piercings?
  • Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous?
    Depends, I use my left hand for my phone, but write with my right hand.
  • Do you have any tattoos?  If not do you wish/plan to get one?
    No, not really.
  • Do you have any siblings?  If so, how many of each?
    One brother and one sister, both younger.
  • What is your favourite website?
    I'm not sure I can post it here.
  • Do you play computer games?  If so, which ones?
    Europa Universalis 4 and Minecraft. And Bejeweld. Because Bejeweld is awesome.
  • Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones?
  • Are you married or planing to get married?
    Not married, just enjoyin' single life. No plans to get married either.
  • If so do you have any kids?
  • How many kids?
  • How many languages do you speak?  If so which ones?
    I'm fluent in Dutch and English, kind-of-fluent in Spanish, and I can speak some Low Saxon, Serbian and Russian.
  • Do you drink?
  • Do you smoke?
    Nope, never have, never will.
  • Did you play hookey from class?
    I might have...
  • Do you have a license?
    I'd like to think I do, but every time I get busted the police reminds me I don't... :'(
  • Do you own a car?
  • Have you ever been stopped for speeding?
    Yeah, one time I was cycling so fast the police was like 'NO HE DIDN'T'.
  • Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily?
    I'd like to make sure I get at least 7 hours of sleep every day, which seems to be enough, so yes.
  • How do you sleep?
    On the streets
  • Have you ever been on an aeroplane?
  • Have you ever broken a bone?
    You mean my own bones, or someone else's? In case of the latter, it's probably better not to go into too much detail. ;)
  • Do you wear jewellery?  If so what jewellery do you wear?
  • How do you dress?
  • How many keys are on your keyring?
  • Your favorite actors?
    Morgan Freeman
  • Your favorite historical time period?
    In Europe, the Early Middle Ages and the WW2 era. I'm also fascinated by 30s'-80s' America, but I'm not sure why.
  • What time do you go to bed?  What time do you wake up?
    Depends, my working times vary.
  • What's the freakiest thing you have done?
    Speaking Dutch-ish German to a Dutch waitress.
  • Do you live alone?
    Do ghosts count?
  • How many hours a day do you spend in front of the computer?
    Way too many.
  • How many hours a day do you spend in SMF?
    Difficult to say, really. Depends on the day.
  • What is your favourite beverage - coffee, tea, soda, beer, other?
    Tea, sweet tea and iced tea. I'm also very fond of Desperados beer.
  • What do you hate?
  • What do you love?
    Music, space, nature, history, southern accents
  • What is your religion?
    I don't really have a religion, just a bunch of ideas about what happens after death
  • What is your hair colour?
  • How tall are you?
    Disturbingly tall. Maybe not really. About 6'3/1.90 meters
  • How much do you weigh?
    No freaking idea.
  • What's the feature on SMF you can't live without?
    • As an administrator?
      Banning people. I just don't know when to stop.
    • As an end user?
      The ability to troll.
Thanks to Relyana for the list of questions, I basically just copied her questions.


The questions are from the template that we've all used ;).

Dutch Lower Saxon is a new one on me.  I had to go and look that up, so reading your profile has taught me something that I didn't know :).  I'm also curious to know why you ended up speaking Dutch like German to a Dutch waitress :D.
Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente


QuoteAnd Bejeweld. Because Bejeweld is awesome.
Let me guess: quality time in the toilet? ;D ;D ;D
Se forem conduzir, não bebam. Se forem beber... CHAMEM-ME!!!! :D

QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


QuoteDutch Lower Saxon is a new one on me.
It's basically a mix of Dutch, German and Danish, and it's a really cool language. Although I grew up hearing the language, I never learned to speak it. A shame, really, I think it sounds so much warmer than Dutch does.

QuoteI'm also curious to know why you ended up speaking Dutch like German to a Dutch waitress
Well, for Dutch people it's not hard to speak (as in not messing up the pronunciation) German since the languages are very similar, and I just wanted to have some fun. ;p

QuoteLet me guess: quality time in the toilet? ;D ;D ;D
Hahaha, something like that. :P


You haven't answered on your dream job question, do you have one?
Also, do you like to read, and if so, what kind of books? :)


QuoteYou haven't answered on your dream job question, do you have one?
Yep: a job in software development, preferably something with embedded systems or desktop applications.

QuoteAlso, do you like to read, and if so, what kind of books? :)
Definitely. :) I usually read historical books; 'Byzantium - The surprising life of a medieval empire' is probably my favorite.
