[Tut] How to enable moderation for first 1/2/3 etc..

Started by RICH BEAST, September 09, 2015, 03:57:49 PM

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Hello guys, im going to show you how to enable moderation on first 1/2/3... post/s for members.
So im making a full tutorial, its really simple, im going to show you step by step.

First of all you need to enable Post Moderation, you do that by going to Admin> Configuration > Core Features > enable Post Moderation.

Then you need to go to Members > Permissions > Settings > Check the boxes of both Enable the option to deny permissions & Enable permissions for post count based groups.

Then you need to go back to Permissions > General Permissions > Then go to the 0 post count group which is automatically made by the smf forums "Newbie", you'l see modify on the right side, click on it. Go down to Default board profile permissions > Post topics and replies to the board then check the box of "D" which means "Deny".
Then you'l find under it Post topics and replies to the board only after they have been approved, you need to check the box of "A" which means "Allow".

Then you need to back to membergroup on members section > Edit membergorups, then go down to POST COUNT BASED GROUPS, click on [Add group], Then create a group with required posts [1/2/3] as you wish, you also need to set Inherit Permissions: to No- Use Unique Permissions, And create the group. "lets call it starter".

Then go back to permissions go down to the group you created "starter" click on modify > go down to Default board profile permissions, then go to Post topics and replies to the board, Check the box of "A", which means "Allow", then go to Post topics and replies to the board only after they have been approved, check the box of "D" which means "Deny".

Now your done, posts as you have set [first 1/2/3 posts] requires to be approved before being posted.

Note : This is supposed to work for every smf version.
Thank you,


It would also be easier to read if the steps were double-spaced.
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.



Awesome. Much better. And thanks for taking the time to do this. :)
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.



Awesome! Thank you so much for posting this. It helped me figuring out why I was unable to do this. :)


Thank you for the tutorial it was easy to follow....
