BBCode popup tags?

Started by żεχเ๏ภ, June 02, 2011, 12:41:05 AM

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Version: SMF 1.1.xx
Type: Free.

I need a custom BBCode tag that has [popup][/popup] tags. It doesn't have to come with a button. Basically this would be the HTML behind it:

Code (HTML) Select
<a href="{option1}" onclick="popup(this.href, {option2}, {option3}, ''); return false;" title="{option1}"><strong>{option4}</strong></a>

And the corresponding BBCode would be:

Code (BBCode) Select

And the usage would be *to the user*:

Code (Usage) Select

Thanks for your time and any responses, advice, or questions are welcome.


Would >>>THIS<<< mod help, with that?

and/or >>>THIS<<< one?


Quote from: K@ on June 02, 2011, 06:53:55 AM
Would >>>THIS<<< mod help, with that?

and/or >>>THIS<<< one?

First Mod: That seems to only create pages?

Second Mod: That seems to only help create BBCode tags without attributes, I'm guessing this means no "option1", "option2", as in "height" and "width"?  :(

Thanks for your response..



The first one, and I quote...

"This mod will add an unlimited number of custom actions, configurable in Features and Options. There are 3 types, HTML, BBC, and PHP."


Quote from: K@ on June 03, 2011, 05:23:59 AM
The first one, and I quote...

"This mod will add an unlimited number of custom actions, configurable in Features and Options. There are 3 types, HTML, BBC, and PHP."

"...They can be accesed by going to name."

I want a BBC tag that will work in posts.



Quote from: K@ on June 03, 2011, 04:52:07 PM
I give up. :(

Well I really appreciate your efforts.  :-[


What I really need is that mod. It would work perfectly. Only problem is it only supports one "{option}". Not multiple ones.
